11 research outputs found

    Pressure-driven relaxation processes in nanocomposite ionic glass LiFe0.75_{0.75}V0.10_{0.10}PO4_{4}

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    This paper presents results for systems formed in a solid glassy state after nanocrystallization process above the glass temperature. We analyze electric conductivity and relaxation processes after such treatment under high temperature (HT) and high pressure (HP-HT) as well. The latter leads to ca. 8% increase of density, two decades (100) increase of electric conductivity as well as qualitative changes in relaxation processes. The previtreous-type changes of the relaxation time on cooling is analyzed by the use of critical-like and the 'critical-activated' description. Presented results correspond well with obtained for this material and shown in ref. [8]. The evidence for pressure evolution of the glass and crystallization temperatures, indicating the unique possibility of maxima and crossovers is also reported

    Studies on δ-Bi2O3 Based Nanocrystalline Glass-Ceramics Stabilized at Room Temperature by Novel Methods

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    This study demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to prepare nanocrystalline δ-Bi2O3 that is stable at room temperature by twin-rollers and free cooling methods, using a ceramic crucible. The phase composition of prepared samples and upper limit of the thermal stability of nanograins confined in an amorphous matrix were determined by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. The average size of crystallites and the microstructure of studied samples was determined by SEM and XRD methods. The average grain size varied from 38 to 85 nm, depending on the preparation technique; however, it was also observed that agglomerations consisted of smaller crystallites ca. 10–30 nm. Using the EDX method, it was found that a crucial role in the preparation of nanocrystalline δ-Bi2O3 glass-ceramics was played by Si and Al impurities and their glass forming oxides from ceramic crucible. By impedance spectroscopy (IS), the temperature dependencies of electric conductivity (via oxygen ions) were studied and the activation energies of conductivity were determined

    Novel High-Pressure Nanocomposites for Cathode Materials in Sodium Batteries

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    A new nanocomposite material was prepared by high pressure processing of starting glass of nominal composition NaFePO4. Thermal, structural, electrical and dielectric properties of the prepared samples were studied by differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS). It was demonstrated that high-pressure–high-temperature treatment (HPHT) led to an increase in the electrical conductivity of the initial glasses by two orders of magnitude. It was also shown that the observed effect was stronger than for the lithium analogue of this material studied by us earlier. The observed enhancement of conductivity was explained by Mott’s theory of electron hopping, which is more frequent in samples after pressure treatment. The final composite consisted of nanocrystalline NASICON (sodium (Na) Super Ionic CONductor) and alluaudite phases, which are electrochemically active in potential cathode materials for Na batteries. Average dimensions of crystallites estimated from XRD studies were between 40 and 90 nm, depending on the phase. Some new aspects of local dielectric relaxations in studied materials were also discussed. It was shown that a combination of high pressures and BDS method is a powerful method to study relaxation processes and molecular movements in solids. It was also pointed out that high-pressure cathode materials may exhibit higher volumetric capacities compared with commercially used cathodes with carbon additions

    Electrochemical Properties of Pristine and Vanadium Doped LiFePO4 Nanocrystallized Glasses

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    In our recent papers, it was shown that the thermal nanocrystallization of glassy analogs of selected cathode materials led to a substantial increase in electrical conductivity. The advantage of this technique is the lack of carbon additive during synthesis. In this paper, the electrochemical performance of nanocrystalline LiFePO4 (LFP) and LiFe0.88V0.08PO4 (LFVP) cathode materials was studied and compared with commercially purchased high-performance LiFePO4 (C-LFP). The structure of the nanocrystalline materials was confirmed using X-ray diffractometry. The laboratory cells were tested at a wide variety of loads ranging from 0.1 to 3 C-rate. Their performance is discussed with reference to their microstructure and electrical conductivity. LFP exhibited a modest electrochemical performance, while the gravimetric capacity of LFVP reached ca. 100 mAh/g. This value is lower than the theoretical capacity, probably due to the residual glassy matrix in which the nanocrystallites are embedded, and thus does not play a significant role in the electrochemistry of the material. The relative capacity fade at high loads was, however, comparable to that of the commercially purchased high-performance LFP. Further optimization of the crystallites-to-matrix ratio could possibly result in further improvement of the electrochemical performance of nanocrystallized LFVP glasses

    Electrochemical Properties of Pristine and Vanadium Doped LiFePO<sub>4</sub> Nanocrystallized Glasses

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    In our recent papers, it was shown that the thermal nanocrystallization of glassy analogs of selected cathode materials led to a substantial increase in electrical conductivity. The advantage of this technique is the lack of carbon additive during synthesis. In this paper, the electrochemical performance of nanocrystalline LiFePO4 (LFP) and LiFe0.88V0.08PO4 (LFVP) cathode materials was studied and compared with commercially purchased high-performance LiFePO4 (C-LFP). The structure of the nanocrystalline materials was confirmed using X-ray diffractometry. The laboratory cells were tested at a wide variety of loads ranging from 0.1 to 3 C-rate. Their performance is discussed with reference to their microstructure and electrical conductivity. LFP exhibited a modest electrochemical performance, while the gravimetric capacity of LFVP reached ca. 100 mAh/g. This value is lower than the theoretical capacity, probably due to the residual glassy matrix in which the nanocrystallites are embedded, and thus does not play a significant role in the electrochemistry of the material. The relative capacity fade at high loads was, however, comparable to that of the commercially purchased high-performance LFP. Further optimization of the crystallites-to-matrix ratio could possibly result in further improvement of the electrochemical performance of nanocrystallized LFVP glasses

    Nanocrystallization of Bi2_2O3_3 based system from the glassy state under high compression

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    This report presents the pressure-temperature (p-T) plane of Bi2_2O3_3-Al2_2O3_3-SiO2_2 ternary system in the context of nanocrystallite formation from its amorphous state. The diagram was constructed through differential thermal analysis (DTA) performed in situ under high-pressure-high-temperature (HP-HT) conditions, with nitrogen serving as the pressurizing medium. Above the glass transition temperature Tg_g, a wide ultraviscous, supercooled liquid state spanning approximately 150 K is observed. Later heating transforms this state into nanocrystallites embedded within an amorphous matrix, thereby keeping distinctive structural characteristics even after the decompression process. The p-T plane serves as a fundamental prerequisite for the design of nanocrystallites within a glass matrix, a well-established technique known as glass-ceramics. Various paths within the p-T plane, followed by annealing just below Tg_g, can be explored, potentially leading to the development of Bi2_2O3_3-based materials with enhanced electrical, dielectric, photonic, and mechanical properties, predicated on nanocrystallites formed by high-pressure treatment