168 research outputs found

    Testing models with non-minimal Higgs sector through the decay t->q+WZ

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    We study the contribution of charged Higgs boson to the rare decay of the top quark t->q+WZ (q=d,s,b) in models with Higgs sector that includes doublets and triplets. Higgs doublets are needed to couple charged Higgs with quarks, whereas the Higgs triplets are required to generate the non-standard vertex HWZ at tree-level. It is found that within a model that respect the custodial SU(2) symmetry and avoids flavour changing neutral currents by imposing discrete symmetries, the decay mode t->b+WZ, can reach a branching ratio of order 0.0178, whereas the decay modes t->(d,s)+WZ, can reach a similar branching ratio in models where flavour changing neutral currents are suppressed by flavour symmetries.Comment: Typeset using REVTEX and EPSF, 5 pag, 2 figure

    Creativity and commerce: Michael Klinger and new film history

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    The crisis in film studies and history concerning their legitimacy and objectives has provoked a reinvigoration of scholarly energy in historical enquiry. 'New film history' attempts to address the concerns of historians and film scholars by working self-reflexively with an expanded range of sources and a wider conception of 'film' as a dynamic set of processes rather than a series of texts. The practice of new film history is here exemplified through a detailed case study of the independent British producer Michael Klinger (active 1961-87) with a specific focus on his unsuccessful attempt to produce a war film, Green Beach, based on a memoir of the Dieppe raid (August 1942). This case study demonstrates the importance of analysing the producer's role in understanding the complexities of film-making, the continual struggle to balance the competing demands of creativity and commerce. In addition, its subject matter - an undercover raid and a Jewish hero - disturbed the dominant myths concerning the Second World War, creating what turned out to be intractable ideological as well as financial problems. The paper concludes that the concerns of film historians need to engage with broader cultural and social histories. © 2010 Taylor & Francis

    Non-local rheology in dense granular flows -- Revisiting the concept of fluidity

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    Granular materials belong to the class of amorphous athermal systems, like foams, emulsion or suspension they can resist shear like a solid, but flow like a liquid under a sufficiently large applied shear stress. They exhibit a dynamical phase transition between static and flowing states, as for phase transitions of thermodynamic systems, this rigidity transition exhibits a diverging length scales quantifying the degree of cooperatively. Several experiments have shown that the rheology of granular materials and emulsion is non-local, namely that the stress at a given location does not depend only on the shear rate at this location but also on the degree of mobility in the surrounding region. Several constitutive relations have recently been proposed and tested successfully against numerical and experimental results. Here we use discrete elements simulation of 2D shear flows to shed light on the dynamical mechanism underlying non-locality in dense granular flows