30 research outputs found

    The gendered impact of the financial crisis:Struggles over social reproduction in Greece

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    The global financial crisis has triggered a dramatic transformation of employment in the weakest Eurozone economies. This is evidenced in deteriorating work conditions, limited employee negotiating power, low pay, zero-hours contracts and, most importantly, periods of prolonged unemployment for most of the working population, especially women. We offer a critical analysis of the boundaries of formal and informal, paid and unpaid, productive and reproductive work, and explore how austerity policies implemented in Greece in the aftermath of the global financial crisis have transformed women’s everyday lives. In contributing to critical discussions of neoliberal capitalism and recent feminist geography studies, our empirical study focuses on how women’s struggles over social reproduction unfold in the public and private spheres. It proposes that women’s temporary retreat to unpaid work at home constitutes a form of resistance to intensifying precarisation, and, at times, contributes to the emergence of new collective forms of reproduction.</p

    About the Impossibility of Absolute State Sovereignty. The Modern Era and the Early Legal Positivist Claim

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    State sovereignty is often thought to be and seen as absolute, unlimited. However, there is no such a thing as absolute state sovereignty. Indeed, absolute or unlimited sovereignty is impossible because all sovereignty is necessarily underpinned by its conditions of possibility. The present chapter consists of two main parts. Firstly, and in order to show more clearly how sovereignty is limited, two kinds of agents are introduced: (a) individuals; and (b) states. The aim is to demonstrate how different sorts of constraints or limitations operate in relation to individuals and states without diminishing their respective sovereignties. Secondly, the chapter identifies specific theorists that take sovereignty to be absolute in the modern era, focusing in particular on two bodies of literature that constitute the roots for current legal positivism—i.e. Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes—and argues that in both cases they introduce conceptual, substantial, and contextual limitations. I argue that the modern era starts with a relative essence of sovereignty that has its origin in the working logic of fragmented regulatory governance. With this early and disjointed background of a national and transnational plurality of sources both Bodin and Hobbes aim to bring together these heterogeneous elements under the contextualisation of the paradox of sovereignty. The implications of understanding state sovereignty as limited rather than absolute are several, both directly and indirectly. A main immediate consequence is that sovereign states can cooperate together, limit their sovereignty and still be considered sovereign

    Developing Criteria for Evaluating a Multi-channel Digitally Enabled Participatory Budgeting Platform

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    No"Enabling Multichannel Participation through ICT Adaptations for Participatory Budgeting ICT-enabled platform” (EMPATIA) is a multi-channel participatory budgeting (PB) platform that represents a significant social innovation process of democratic deliberation and decision-making, involving citizens within complex public-institution structures. EMPATIA was targeted to deliver socio-economic and political benefits, such as enhancing citizen-government engagement, increasing public value through PB process, promoting ‘inclusiveness’ among the marginalized groups of citizens, and impeding political discontent that underpins distrust and skepticism towards the government. The attainment of these benefits will be driven by the EMPATIA's performance. Hence, a performance measurement tools is needed to enable assessment of EMPATIA, empirically. With an aim to propose an integrated performance evaluation metrics, this study presents a set of assessment criteria for multi-channel digitally enabled PB service platforms – especially EMPATIA. Findings from a qualitative, multi-strategies research approach suggest that the metrics should include five key technical and non-technical performance indicators, to be used as basis for the development of future evaluation instruments. Of major signposts, the metrics would inform key performance aspects to be considered during the PB platform development, and evaluated to indicate the PB platform performance

    Associativismo, participação e cultura cĂ­vica: O potencial dos conselhos de saĂșde Associativism, participacion, civic culture and health councils in Brazil

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    No Brasil, a democratização e a descentralização abriram espaço para inĂșmeras experiĂȘncias de participação popular em arenas de decisĂŁo de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas. O setor saĂșde se destaca no paĂ­s e na AmĂ©rica Latina pelo funcionamento de mais de 5.500 conselhos de saĂșde, nos quais a representação da sociedade civil organizada Ă© compartilhada de forma paritĂĄria com autoridades setoriais, prestadores profissionais e institucionais e trabalhadores do setor. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de pesquisa que buscou traçar um perfil sociopolĂ­tico dos representantes dos usuĂĄrios nos conselhos de saĂșde do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A exposição aborda elementos teĂłricos relativos a temas como democracia, associativismo e cultura cĂ­vica, examina a democratização brasileira, a reforma do sistema de saĂșde e os conselhos de saĂșde, e analisa os dados da investigação. Entre as consideraçÔes finais, postula-se que a participação nos conselhos de saĂșde fomenta um cĂ­rculo virtuoso caracterizado pelo envolvimento dos cidadĂŁos em questĂ”es de interesse geral, pela acumulação de capital social e pelo despertar de uma cultura cĂ­vica, contribuindo, em Ășltima instĂąncia, para o fortalecimento da democracia.<br>In Brazil, the political democratization and decentralization processes opened spaces for a number of experiences of popular participation in policy decision arenas. The health sector outstands in the country as well as in Latin America because of the existence of more than 5.500 health councils in which representatives of the civil society organizations share half of the seats with those of health authorities, professional and institutional providers of health care, and of health workers. The purpose of this article is to present the main results of research endured to design a sociopolitical profile of the users' representatives in the health councils. The contents focuses on some theoretical issues concerning democracy, associativism and civic culture; examines aspects of the Brazilian democratization process, the health system reform and the health councils and, analyses the research data. Among other conclusions, it is postulated that participation of representatives of civil society in the health councils fosters a virtuous circle characterized by the involvement of citizens in matters of common good, the accumulation of social capital, and the awakening of civic culture values, thus contributing for the strengthening of democracy