1,793 research outputs found

    Smooth muscle archvillin: a novel regulator of signaling and contractility in vascular smooth muscle

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    The mechanisms by which protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) govern smooth-muscle contractility remain unclear. Calponin (CaP), an actin-binding protein and PKC substrate, mediates signaling through ERK1/2. We report here that CaP sequences containing the CaP homology (CH) domain bind to the C-terminal 251 amino acids of smooth-muscle archvillin (SmAV), a new splice variant of supervillin, which is a known actin- and myosin-II-binding protein. The CaP-SmAV interaction is demonstrated by reciprocal yeast two-hybrid and blot-overlay assays and by colocalization in COS-7 cells. In differentiated smooth muscle, endogenous SmAV and CaP co-fractionate and co-translocate to the cell cortex after stimulation by agonist. Antisense knockdown of SmAV in tissue inhibits both the activation of ERK1/2 and contractions stimulated by either agonist or PKC activation. This ERK1/2 signaling and contractile defect is similar to that observed in CaP knockdown experiments. In A7r5 smooth-muscle cells, PKC activation by phorbol esters induces the reorganization of endogenous, membrane-localized SmAV and microfilament-associated CaP into podosome-like structures that also contain F-actin, nonmuscle myosin IIB and ERK1/2. These results indicate that SmAV contributes to the regulation of contractility through a CaP-mediated signaling pathway, involving PKC activation and phosphorylation of ERK1/2

    Selenium uptake, translocation and speciation in wheat supplied with selenate or selenite

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    Selenite can be a dominant form of selenium (Se) in aerobic soils; however, unlike selenate, the mechanism of selenite uptake by plants remains unclear. Uptake, translocation and Se speciation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) supplied with selenate or selenite, or both, were investigated in hydroponic experiments. The kinetics of selenite influx was determined in short-term (30 min) experiments. Selenium speciation in the water-extractable fraction of roots and shoots was determined by HPLC-ICPMS. Plants absorbed similar amounts of Se within 1 d when supplied with selenite or selenate. Selenate and selenite uptake were enhanced in sulphur-starved and phosphorus-starved plants, respectively. Phosphate markedly increased K-m of the selenite influx. Selenate and selenite uptake were both metabolically dependent. Selenite was rapidly converted to organic forms in roots, with limited translocation to shoots. Selenomethionine, selenomethionine Se-oxide, Se-methyl-selenocysteine and several other unidentified Se species were detected in the root extracts and xylem sap from selenite-treated plants. Selenate was highly mobile in xylem transport, but little was assimilated to organic forms in 1 d. The presence of selenite decreased selenate uptake and xylem transport. Selenite uptake is an active process likely mediated, at least partly, by phosphate transporters. Selenite and selenate differ greatly in the ease of assimilation and xylem transport

    ‘New Medicine Service’: supporting adherence in people starting a new medication for a long-term condition: 26-week follow-up of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the community pharmacy New Medicine Service (NMS) at 26 weeks. METHODS: Pragmatic patient-level parallel randomised controlled trial in 46 English community pharmacies. 504 participants aged ≥14, identified in the pharmacy when presenting a prescription for a new medicine for predefined long-term conditions, randomised to receive NMS (n=251) or normal practice (n=253) (NMS intervention: 2 consultations 1 and 2 weeks after prescription presentation). Adherence assessed through patient self-report at 26-week follow-up. Intention-to-treat analysis employed. National Health Service (NHS) costs calculated. Disease-specific Markov models estimating impact of non-adherence combined with clinical trial data to calculate costs per extra quality-adjusted life-year (QALY; NHS England perspective). RESULTS: Unadjusted analysis: of 327 patients still taking the initial medicine, 97/170 (57.1%) and 103/157 (65.6%) (p=0.113) patients were adherent in normal practice and NMS arms, respectively. Adjusted intention-to-treat analysis: adherence OR 1.50 (95% CI 0.93 to 2.44, p=0.095), in favour of NMS. There was a non-significant reduction in 26-week NHS costs for NMS: -£104 (95% CI -£37 to £257, p=0.168) per patient. NMS generated a mean of 0.04 (95% CI -0.01 to 0.13) more QALYs per patient, with mean reduction in lifetime cost of -£113.9 (-1159.4, 683.7). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was -£2758/QALY (2.5% and 97.5%: -38 739.5, 34 024.2. NMS has an 89% probability of cost-effectiveness at a willingness to pay of £20 000 per QALY. CONCLUSIONS: At 26-week follow-up, NMS was unable to demonstrate a statistically significant increase in adherence or reduction in NHS costs, which may be attributable to patient attrition from the study. Long-term economic evaluation suggested NMS may deliver better patient outcomes and reduced overall healthcare costs than normal practice, but uncertainty around this finding is high. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01635361, ISRCTN23560818, ISRCTN23560818, UKCRN12494

    Which quality of life score is best for glaucoma patients and why?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The glaucomas are generally asymptomatic diseases until they are very advanced. They affect 2% of the population over 40 years of age and therefore represent a significant public health issue. There have been a number of attempts to develop quality of life scales for the disease. This review discusses the pros and cons of these scales and suggests the best of the current ones for use in a clinical setting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Medline, Embase and Google Scholar were searched for relevant articles. No time period was defined and all types of article were included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>11 Quality of Life scores were identified that have been used with glaucoma patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is no generally accepted 'best' Quality of Life instrument for use in glaucoma. Many of the scales are biased towards physical symptoms and do little to address the personal or social factors of the disease. Further work is needed to produce scales that address all these areas as well as being simple to administer in a clinical setting.</p
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