800 research outputs found

    Ionizing Radiation and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    The U.S. government recently implemented rules for awarding compensation to individuals with cancer who were exposed to ionizing radiation while working in the nuclear weapons complex. Under these rules, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is considered to be a nonradiogenic form of cancer. In other words, workers who develop CLL automatically have their compensation claim rejected because the compensation rules hold that the risk of radiation-induced CLL is zero. In this article we review molecular, clinical, and epidemiologic evidence regarding the radiogenicity of CLL. We note that current understanding of radiation-induced tumorigenesis and the etiology of lymphatic neoplasia provides a strong mechanistic basis for expecting that ionizing radiation exposure increases CLL risk. The clinical characteristics of CLL, including prolonged latency and morbidity periods and a low case fatality rate, make it relatively difficult to evaluate associations between ionizing radiation and CLL risk via epidemiologic methods. The epidemiologic evidence of association between external exposure to ionizing radiation and CLL is weak. However, epidemiologic findings are consistent with a hypothesis of elevated CLL mortality risk after a latency and morbidity period that spans several decades. Our findings in this review suggest that there is not a persuasive basis for the conclusion that CLL is a nonradiogenic form of cancer

    Evaluation of a text supported weight maintenance programme β€˜Lighten Up Plus’ following a weight reduction programme: randomised controlled trial

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    Background Many overweight people find it difficult to maintain weight loss after attending a weight reduction programme. Self-weighing and telephone support are known to be useful methods for self-monitoring for weight loss. We examined the effectiveness of an SMS-text messaging based weight maintenance programme to encourage regular self-weighing in adults who had completed a 12 week commercial weight loss programme. Methods Randomised controlled trial of 380 obese or overweight men and women. The intervention group (n=190) received a single maintenance support phone call and SMS-text based weight maintenance messages over 12 weeks to encourage regular self-weighing after completing their weight loss programme. The primary outcome was change in weight at nine months follow up. Results Our sample (N=380) had a mean age of 47.4 years (SD 13.4), mean baseline weight and BMI of 93.1kg (16.1) and 34.4 kg/m2 (5.0) respectively, as well as majority female (87.3%) and White British (80.0%). Using intention to treat analysis both groups regained weight at nine months follow up; the intervention group regained an average of 1.36 kg while the control group regained 1.81 kg. Adjusting for covariates resulted in a mean difference of 0.45 kg (95% CI -0.78, 1.67) favouring the intervention group at nine month follow up. Conclusions We found no evidence that an SMS based weight maintenance intervention encouraging adults to weigh themselves weekly prevented weight regain at three or nine months after completing a commercial weight loss programme. <br/

    A case study evaluation of competitors undertaking an antarctic ultra-endurance event: nutrition, hydration and body composition variables

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    Background: The nutritional demands of ultra-endurance racing are well documented. However, the relationship between nutritional consumption and performance measures are less obvious for athletes competing in Polar conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate dietary intake, hydration status, body composition and performance times throughout an 800-km Antarctic race. Methods: The event organisers declared that 17 competitors would participate in the South Pole race. Of the 17 competitors, pre-race data were collected from 13 participants (12 males and 1 female (MΒ±SD): age: 40.1Β±8.9 years; weight 83.9Β±10.3kg; and body fat percentage: 21.9Β±3.8%). Dietary recall, body composition and urinary osmolarity were assessed pre-race, midway checkpoint and end race. Data were compared on the basis of fast finishers (the Norwegian team (n=3) who won in a record of 14 day) and slower finishers (the remaining teams (n=10) reaching the South Pole between 22 and 28 days). Results: The percentage contribution of macronutrients to daily energy intake for all participants was as follows: carbohydrate (CHO) - 23.7% (221Β±82 g.day-1), fat = 60.6% (251Β±127g.day-1) and protein = 15.7% (117Β±52g.day-1). Energy demands were closer met by faster finishers compared to slower finishers (5,332Β±469 vs. 3,048Β±1,140kcal.day-1, p=0.02). Average reduction in body mass throughout the race was 8.3Β±5.5kg, with an average loss of lean mass of 2.0Β±4.1kg. There as a significant negative correlation between changes in lean mass and protein intake (p=0.03), and lean mass and energy intake (p=0.03). End-race urinary osmolarity was significantly elevated for faster finishers compared to slower finishers and control volunteers (faster finishers: 933Β±157mOsmol.L-1; slower finishers: 543Β±92mOsmol.L-1; control: 515Β±165mOsmol.L-1, p+0.04). Conclusions: Throughout the race, both groups were subjected to a negative change in energy balance which partly explained reduced body mass. Carbohydrate availability was limited inferring a greater reliance on fat and protein metabolism. Consequently, loss in fat-free mass was more prevalent with insufficient protein and caloric intake, which may relate to performance

    Back to thiazide-diuretics for hypertension: reflections after a decade of irrational prescribing

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    BACKGROUND: Whether newer antihypertensive drugs, such as calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and Ξ± blockers are more effective than thiazides and Ξ² blockers in preventing coronary disease, has been debated for years. DISCUSSION: Recently several trials addressing this issue have been finalised, and they provide a convincing answer: the newer drugs are no better than the older ones. In the largest trial to date (ALLHAT), thiazide-type diuretic was found to offer advantages over newer drugs. The medical community should now be capable of reaching consensus, and recommend thiazides as the first line therapy for the treatment of hypertension. Prescribing physicians, cardiologists, drug companies and health authorities are all partly responsible for the years of irrational prescribing that we have witnessed. SUMMARY: All stakeholders should now contribute in order to achieve what is clearly in the public's interest: implementing the use of thiazides in clinical practice

    The Stroke Outcomes Study 2 (SOS2): a prospective, analytic cohort study of depressive symptoms after stroke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mood disorder is recognised as an important and common problem after stroke but little is known about the longer term effects of mood on functional outcomes. This protocol paper describes the Stroke Outcomes Study 2 (SOS2), a research study conducted in two large acute NHS Trusts in the North of England, which was designed to investigate the impact of early depressive symptoms on outcomes after an acute stroke.</p> <p>Methods and design</p> <p>SOS2 was a prospective cohort study that aimed to recruit patients in the first few weeks after a stroke, and to follow them up at regular intervals for one year thereafter in order to describe the trajectory of psychological symptoms and study their impact on physical functional recovery. Measures of mood and function were completed at baseline (approximately 3 weeks) and at four follow-up time-points: approximately 9, 13, 26 and 52 weeks after the index stroke.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Recruiting patients to research studies soon after an acute stroke is difficult. Mortality following stroke is approximately 30% and in the region of half the patients that survive the initial event are significantly disabled. Together these factors reduced the number of patients available to participate in SOS2 but once recruited to the study the drop-out rate was relatively low. During the recruitment period over 6000 admissions for stroke or query stroke were screened for eligibility. A cohort of 592 study participants was finally achieved.</p

    Computer-aided DSM-IV-diagnostics – acceptance, use and perceived usefulness in relation to users' learning styles

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    BACKGROUND: CDSS (computerized decision support system) for medical diagnostics have been studied for long. This study was undertaken to investigate how different preferences of Learning Styles (LS) of psychiatrists might affect acceptance, use and perceived usefulness of a CDSS for diagnostics in psychiatry. METHODS: 49 psychiatrists (specialists and non-specialists) from 3 different clinics volunteered to participate in this study and to use the CDSS to diagnose a paper-based case (based on a real patient). LS, attitudes to CDSS and complementary data were obtained via questionnaires and interviews. To facilitate the study, a special version of the CDSS was created, which automatically could log interaction details. RESULTS: The LS preferences (according to Kolb) of the 49 physicians turned out as follows: 37% were Assimilating, 31% Converging, 27% Accommodating and 6% Diverging. The CDSS under study seemed to favor psychiatrists with abstract conceptualization information perceiving mode (Assimilating and Converging learning styles). A correlation between learning styles preferences and computer skill was found. Positive attitude to computer-aided diagnostics and learning styles preferences was also found to correlate. Using the CDSS, the specialists produced only 1 correct diagnosis and the non-specialists 2 correct diagnoses (median values) as compared to the three predetermined correct diagnoses of the actual case. Only 10% had all three diagnoses correct, 41 % two correct, 47 % one correct and 2 % had no correct diagnose at all. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the use of CDSS does not guarantee correct diagnosis and that LS might influence the results. Future research should focus on the possibility to create systems open to individuals with different LS preferences and possibility to create CDSS adapted to the level of expertise of the user

    Increased Genetic Diversity of HIV-1 Circulating in Hong Kong

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    HIV-1 group M strains are characterized into 9 pure subtypes and 48 circulating recombinant forms (CRFs). Recent studies have identified the presence of new HIV-1 recombinants in Hong Kong and their complexity continues to increase. This study aims to characterize the HIV-1 genetic diversity in Hong Kong. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by using HIV-1 pol sequences including protease and partial reverse transcriptase isolated from 1045 local patients in Hong Kong from 2003 to 2008. For the pol sequences with unassigned genotype, the evidence of recombination was determined by using sliding-window based bootscan plots and their env C2V3 region were also sequenced. Epidemiological background of these patients was further collected. The pol phylogenetic analyses highlighted the extent of HIV-1 genetic diversity in Hong Kong. Subtype B (450/1045; 43.1%) and CRF01_AE (469/1045; 44.9%) variants were clearly predominant. Other genotypes (126/1045; 12.1%) including 3 defined subtypes, 10 CRFs, 1 unassigned subtype and 33 recombinants with 11 different mosaic patterns were observed. Recombinants of subtype B and CRF01_AE were mainly found among local Chinese MSM throughout 2004 to 2008, while the CRF02_AG and subtype G recombinants were circulating among non-Chinese Asian population in Hong Kong through heterosexual transmission starting from 2008. Our study demonstrated the complex recombination of HIV-1 in Hong Kong and the need in developing surveillance system for tracking the distribution of new HIV-1 genetic variants
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