1,185 research outputs found

    Quality and Safety in Population Health

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    Why has the volume to value movement become stuck as organizations struggle with downside risk and unaccomplished goals? How do the traditional models of quality improvement and patient safety work in population health? When you are no longer changing one person’s condition, or fixing one organization’s opportunities for improvement, what do you use? This webinar will describe the translation of concepts, methods, and tools from organizational improvement to population health management and provide ideas for simple approaches to create results. Objectives Review the volume to value movement Discuss traditional models of quality improvement and patient safety in population health Describe the translation of concepts, methods, and tools from organizational improvement to population health management Provide ideas for simple approaches to create results Presentation: 56:5

    Improving Patient Postpartum Show Rates Through Increased Education and Scheduling

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    Maternal health and patient outcomes post-pregnancy have been in the news during COVID-19 as the pandemic has underscored disparities in care and access. But the issues of access to care, and the difficulties faced by patients and providers in organizing care post-partum, have been studied by many over decades. The post-partum period is critical to women and infants not only to follow-up on pregnancy and birthing but also as the window to taking care of women’s health for a lifetime. Join us to hear about ideas for promoting follow-up care in the post-partum period implemented during a study conducted in center city Philadelphia and tested for sustainability during COVID-19. Presentation: 59:4

    Violence Has No Home in Healthcare

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    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, increased stress and anxiety has only further exacerbated the problem of violence in hospitals and other healthcare settings. Through the Safer Hospitals Initiative, Connecticut hospitals have united to develop and implement strategies to create a culture of safety for patients and staff within each of the institutions. This initiative applies the power of high reliability principles to standardize approaches to combatting violence in microsystems and macrosystems throughout an organization. We will share the strategies that may be replicated in your organizations to keep individuals working in healthcare organizations safer by stopping violence before it begins

    Driving Quality Improvement through the Morbidity and Mortality Conference Portal

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    Historically, morbidity and mortality conferences in surgical disciplines have been used for blaming, shaming, and explaining. Transparency was not a feature. The Department of Neurosurgery at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital decided to reconfigure their M&M conferences so that they could be used as an opportunity to focus on reporting and evidence-based medicine, and lead to quality improvement projects in the department and the neuroscience hospital. Join Dr. Ashwini Sharon to hear how that was accomplished

    How to Get Results: The Impact of Operational Excellence in Healthcare

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    Operational Excellence provides a framework to drive meaningful change in any environment. The Webinar uses a real world case study to highlight the impact of Operational Excellence topics such as Lean, project management, and change leadership. This session focuses on strategies and tools to lead transformational efforts and improving healthcare delivery efficiency and effectiveness. Presentation: 59:2

    Reducing ED Overcrowding by Improving Inpatient Flow

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    Crowding in the Emergency Department can lead to long wait times to see a provider, arrive at a diagnosis, and transition to inpatient care or discharge. Better flow in the ED can improve both inpatient length of stay and patient satisfaction. LEAN tools and operational excellence design are two effective methods to reduce ED overcrowding and decrease wait times. Listen to learn how a LEAN approach reduced wait times and improved throughput in an academic emergency department. Presentation: 52:0

    A Late Miocene methane-seep fauna from Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    This item is freely available online and the full text is attached. http://seep.paleo.pan.pl/AHS_5.htm

    Regulated Activation of the PAR Polarity Network Ensures a Timely and Specific Response to Spatial Cues

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    How do cells polarize at the correct time and in response to the correct cues? In the C. elegans zygote, the timing and geometry of polarization rely on a single dominant cue-the sperm centrosome-that matures at the end of meiosis and specifies the nascent posterior. Polarization requires that the conserved PAR proteins, which specify polarity in the zygote, be poised to respond to the centrosome. Yet, how and when PAR proteins achieve this unpolarized, but responsive, state is unknown. We show that oocyte maturation initiates a fertilization-independent PAR activation program. PAR proteins are initially not competent to polarize but gradually acquire this ability following oocyte maturation. Surprisingly, this program allows symmetry breaking even in unfertilized oocytes lacking centrosomes. Thus, if PAR proteins can respond to multiple polarizing cues, how is specificity for the centrosome achieved? Specificity is enforced by Polo-like and Aurora kinases (PLK-1 and AIR-1 in C. elegans), which impose a delay in the activation of the PAR network so that it coincides with maturation of the centrosome cue. This delay suppresses polarization by non-centrosomal cues, which can otherwise trigger premature polarization and multiple or reversed polarity domains. Taken together, these findings identify a regulatory program that enforces proper polarization by synchronizing PAR network activation with cell cycle progression, thereby ensuring that PAR proteins respond specifically to the correct cue. Temporal control of polarity network activity is likely to be a common strategy to ensure robust, dynamic, and specific polarization in response to developmentally deployed cues

    Effectiveness of neonatal pulse oximetry screening for detection of critical congenital heart disease in daily clinical routine—results from a prospective multicenter study

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    Pulse oximetry screening (POS) has been proposed as an effective, noninvasive, inexpensive tool allowing earlier diagnosis of critical congenital heart disease (cCHD). Our aim was to test the hypothesis that POS can reduce the diagnostic gap in cCHD in daily clinical routine in the setting of tertiary, secondary and primary care centres. We conducted a prospective multicenter trial in Saxony, Germany. POS was performed in healthy term and post-term newborns at the age of 24–72 h. If an oxygen saturation (SpO2) of ≤95% was measured on lower extremities and confirmed after 1 h, complete clinical examination and echocardiography were performed. POS was defined as false-negative when a diagnosis of cCHD was made after POS in the participating hospitals/at our centre. From July 2006–June 2008, 42,240 newborns from 34 institutions have been included. Seventy-two children were excluded due to prenatal diagnosis (n = 54) or clinical signs of cCHD (n = 18) before POS. Seven hundred ninety-five newborns did not receive POS, mainly due to early discharge after birth (n = 727; 91%). In 41,445 newborns, POS was performed. POS was true positive in 14, false positive in 40, true negative in 41,384 and false negative in four children (three had been excluded for violation of study protocol). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value were 77.78%, 99.90%, 25.93% and 99.99%, respectively. With POS as an adjunct to prenatal diagnosis, physical examination and clinical observation, the percentage of newborns with late diagnosis of cCHD was 4.4%. POS can substantially reduce the postnatal diagnostic gap in cCHD, and false-positive results leading to unnecessary examinations of healthy newborns are rare. POS should be implemented in routine postnatal care
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