1,916 research outputs found

    Dispersive dam-break and lock-exchange flows in a two-layer fluid

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    Dam-break and lock-exchange flows are considered in a Boussinesq two-layer fluid system in a uniform two-dimensional channel. The focus is on inviscid 'weak' dam breaks or lock exchanges, for which waves generated from the initial conditions do not break, but instead disperse in a so-called undular bore. The evolution of such flows can be described by the Miyata-Camassa-Choi (MCC) equations. Insight into solutions of the MCC equations is provided by the canonical form of their long wave limit, the two-layer shallow water equations, which can be related to their single-layer counterpart via a surjective map. The nature of this surjective map illustrates that whilst some Riemann-type initial-value problems (dam breaks) are analogous to those in the single-layer problem, others (lock exchanges) are not. Previous descriptions of MCC waves of permanent form (cnoidal and solitary waves) are generalised, including a description of the effects of a regularising surface tension. The wave solutions allow the application of a technique due to El's approach, based on Whitham's modulation theory, which is used to determine key features of the expanding undular bore as a function of the initial conditions. A typical dam-break flow consists of a leftwards-propagating simple rarefaction wave and a rightward-propagating simple undular bore. The leading and trailing edge speeds, leading edge solitary wave amplitude and trailing edge linear wavelength are determined for the undular bore. Lock-exchange flows, for which the initial interface shape crosses the mid-depth of the channel, by contrast, are found to be more complex, and depending on the value of the surface tension parameter may include 'solibores' or fronts connecting two distinct regimes of long-wave behaviour. All of the results presented are informed and verified by numerical solutions of the MCC equations

    How Is Australia Adapting to Climate Change Based on a Systematic Review?

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    We develop and apply a systematic literature review methodology to identify and characterize the ways in which the peer-reviewed literature depicts how climate change adaptation is occurring in Australia. We reviewed the peer-reviewed, English-language literature between January 2005 and January 2018 for examples of documented human adaptation initiatives in Australia. Our results challenge previous assumptions that adaptation actions are not happening in Australia and describes adaptation processes that are underway. For the most part, actions can be described as preliminary or groundwork, with a particular focus on documenting stakeholder perspectives on climate change and attitudes towards adaptation, and modelling or scenario planning in the coastal zone, agriculture, and health sectors. Where concrete adaptations are reported, they are usually in the agricultural sector and are most common in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia’s food basket. The findings of the review advance our understanding of adaptation to climate change as a process and the need to consider different stages in the process when tracking adaptation

    Adenosine-mono-phosphate-activated protein kinase-independent effects of metformin in T cells

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    The anti-diabetic drug metformin regulates T-cell responses to immune activation and is proposed to function by regulating the energy-stress-sensing adenosine-monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). However, the molecular details of how metformin controls T cell immune responses have not been studied nor is there any direct evidence that metformin acts on T cells via AMPK. Here, we report that metformin regulates cell growth and proliferation of antigen-activated T cells by modulating the metabolic reprogramming that is required for effector T cell differentiation. Metformin thus inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin complex I signalling pathway and prevents the expression of the transcription factors c-Myc and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha. However, the inhibitory effects of metformin on T cells did not depend on the expression of AMPK in T cells. Accordingly, experiments with metformin inform about the importance of metabolic reprogramming for T cell immune responses but do not inform about the importance of AMPK

    Surface modification of hydrophobic polymers for improvement of endothelial cell-surface interactions

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    The aim of this study is to improve the interaction of endothelial cells with polymers used in vascular prostheses. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE; Teflon) films were treated by means of nitrogen and oxygen plasmas. Depending on the plasma exposure time, modified PTFE surfaces showed water-contact angles of 15¿58° versus 96° for unmodified PTFE. Electron spectroscopy in chemical analysis (ESCA) measurements revealed incorporation of both nitrogenand oxygen-containing groups into the PTFE surfaces, dependent on the plasma composition and exposure time. In-vitro biological evaluation of unmodified and modified PTFE surfaces showed that human endothelial cells, seeded from 20% human serum-containing culture medium, adhered well on to modified PTFE surfaces, but not on to unmodified films. Adhesion of endothelial cells on to expanded PTFE graft material (Gore-Tex) was also stimulated by plasma treatment of this substrate. On plasma-treated expanded PTFE, the adhering endothelial cells formed a monolayer, which covered the textured surface. The latter observation is important in view of the hemocompatibility of vascular grafts seeded with endothelial cells before implantation

    Progress in climate change adaptation in the Arctic

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    Climate adaptation is a priority for Arctic regions which are witnessing some of the most rapid warming globally. Studies have documented examples of adaptation responses in the Arctic, but assessments evaluating if and how progress is being made over time remain scarce. We identify and examine adaptation progress in the Arctic using a systematic tracking methodology to compare adaptations documented during 2014–19 to those documented for the period 2004–2013 in a benchmark study by Ford et al (2014). Utilising the peer reviewed literature as out data source, we find no noticeable increase in reported adaptations across the two time periods, with the profile of adaptations undertaken remaining largely the same. The majority of documented adaptations continue to be reported in North America, are being undertaken most often in the subsistence-based hunting and fishing sector, are primarily developed in response to a combination of climatic and non-climatic stimuli, are reactive and behavioural in nature, and are mainly carried out at the individual/community scale. Climate change is observed, however, to have a more prominent role in motivating adaptation between 2014–19, consistent with intensifying climate-related exposures in the Arctic. There is limited evidence in the reported adaptations analysed that potential opportunities and benefits from the impacts of climate change are being targeted. The paper provides a general characterisation of adaptation across the Arctic and how it is evolving, and needs to be complimented in follow-up work by studies using alternative data sources on adaptation and research at national to regional scales

    The Resilience of Indigenous Peoples to Environmental Change

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    Indigenous peoples globally have high exposure to environmental change and are often considered an “at-risk” population, although there is growing evidence of their resilience. In this Perspective, we examine the common factors affecting this resilience by illustrating how the interconnected roles of place, agency, institutions, collective action, Indigenous knowledge, and learning help Indigenous peoples to cope and adapt to environmental change. Relationships with place are particularly important in that they provide a foundation for belief systems, identity, knowledge, and livelihood practices that underlie mechanisms through which environmental change is experienced, understood, resisted, and responded to. Many Indigenous peoples also face significant vulnerabilities, whereby place dislocation due to land dispossession, resettlement, and landscape fragmentation has challenged the persistence of Indigenous knowledge systems and undermined Indigenous institutions, compounded by the speed of environmental change. These vulnerabilities are closely linked to colonization, globalization, and development patterns, underlying the importance of tackling these pervasive structural challenges

    Bilateral undisplaced insufficiency neck of femur fractures associated with short-term steroid use: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>We present an interesting and unusual case of a 61-year-old woman with bilateral, undisplaced, stress neck of femur fractures associated with short-term steroid use. Insufficiency fractures of the neck of femur without preceding trauma have been described in the literature, although bilateral involvement is infrequent. These fractures have been associated with strenuous exercise, seizures, renal osteodystrophy, fluoride treatment, long-term corticosteroid use, amenorrhoea, abnormal anatomy and osteomalacia due to nutritional and/or hormonal factors.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>The case we present differs from other published reports, in that the patient's symptoms developed acutely after only a short course of steroids and with no associated trauma or strenuous exercise. It is also the only case described where no operative intervention was required.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our case reiterates the importance of considering insufficiency or stress fractures in high-risk patients who present with musculoskeletal pain. Institution of bone protection should also be considered in these patients. Morbidity related to delayed treatment has been well documented, so a high level of clinical suspicion is imperative.</p

    Wood Dust in Joineries and Furniture Manufacturing: An Exposure Determinant and Intervention Study.

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    : To assess wood dust exposures and determinants in joineries and furniture manufacturing and to evaluate the efficacy of specific interventions on dust emissions under laboratory conditions. Also, in a subsequent follow-up study in a small sample of joinery workshops, we aimed to develop, implement, and evaluate a cost-effective and practicable intervention to reduce dust exposures. : Personal inhalable dust (n = 201) was measured in 99 workers from 10 joineries and 3 furniture-making factories. To assess exposure determinants, full-shift video exposure monitoring (VEM) was conducted in 19 workers and task-based VEM in 32 workers (in 7 joineries and 3 furniture factories). We assessed the efficacy of vacuum extraction on hand tools and the use of vacuum cleaners instead of sweeping and dry wiping under laboratory conditions. These measures were subsequently implemented in three joinery workshops with 'high' (&gt;4 mg m-3) and one with 'low' (&lt;2 mg m-3) baseline exposures. We also included two control workshops (one 'low' and one 'high' exposure workshop) in which no interventions were implemented. Exposures were measured 4 months prior and 4 months following the intervention. : Average (geometric means) exposures in joinery and furniture making were 2.5 mg m-3 [geometric standard deviations (GSD) 2.5] and 0.6 mg m-3 (GSD 2.3), respectively. In joinery workers cleaning was associated with a 3.0-fold higher (P &lt; 0.001) dust concentration compared to low exposure tasks (e.g. gluing), while the use of hand tools showed 3.0- to 11.0-fold higher (P &lt; 0.001) exposures. In furniture makers, we found a 5.4-fold higher exposure (P &lt; 0.001) with using a table/circular saw. Laboratory efficiency experiments showed a 10-fold decrease in exposure (P &lt; 0.001) when using a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum extraction on hand tools combined with a downdraft table reduced exposures by 42.5% for routing (P &lt; 0.1) and 85.5% for orbital sanding (P &lt; 0.001). Following intervention measures in joineries, a borderline statistically significant (P &lt; 0.10) reduction in exposure of 30% was found in workshops with 'high' baseline exposures, but no reduction was shown in the workshop with 'low' baseline exposures. : Wood dust exposure is high in joinery workers and (to a lesser extent) furniture makers with frequent use of hand tools and cleaning being key drivers of exposure. Vacuum extraction on hand tools and alternative cleaning methods reduced workplace exposures substantially, but may be insufficient to achieve compliance with current occupational exposure limits.<br/

    Monitoring the dynamic vulnerability of an Arctic subsistence food system to climate change: The case of Ulukhaktok, NT

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    Vulnerability to climate change is highly dynamic, varying between and within communities over different timescales. This paper draws upon complex adaptive systems thinking to develop an approach for capturing, understanding, and monitoring climate vulnerability in a case study from northern Canada, focusing on Inuit food systems. In the community of Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, we followed 10 hunters over a 2-year period, asking them to document their harvesting activities and discuss their lived experience of harvesting under changing environmental and societal conditions. GPS monitoring and participatory mapping sessions were used to document 23,996km of trails (n = 409), with conversational bi-weekly semi-structured interviews and secondary instrumental weather data used to contextualise climate change within a nexus of other socioeconomic, cultural, and political stressors that also affect harvesting. Our results demonstrate that climate change has considerable potential to affect harvesting activities, particularly when its impacts manifest as anomalous/extreme events. However, climate change impacts are not necessarily the most salient issues affecting harvesting on a day-to-day basis. Instead, factors relating to economics (particularly financial capital and the wage-based economy), social networks, and institutions are found to have a greater influence, either as standalone factors with cascading effects or when acting synchronously to augment the impacts of environmental change