122 research outputs found

    Translational Cancer Research: Balancing Prevention and Treatment to Combat Cancer Globally

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    Cancer research is drawing on the human genome project to develop new molecular-targeted treatments. This is an exciting but insufficient response to the growing, global burden of cancer, particularly as the projected increase in new cases in the coming decades is increasingly falling on developing countries. The world is not able to treat its way out of the cancer problem. However, the mechanistic insights from basic science can be harnessed to better understand cancer causes and prevention, thus underpinning a complementary public health approach to cancer control. This manuscript focuses on how new knowledge about the molecular and cellular basis of cancer, and the associated high-throughput laboratory technologies for studying those pathways, can be applied to population-based epidemiological studies, particularly in the context of large prospective cohorts with associated biobanks to provide an evidence base for cancer prevention. This integrated approach should allow a more rapid and informed translation of the research into educational and policy interventions aimed at risk reduction across a population

    Aflatoxin-Induced TP53 R249S Mutation in HepatoCellular Carcinoma in Thailand: Association with Tumors Developing in the Absence of Liver Cirrhosis

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    Primary Liver Cancer (PLC) is the leading cause of death by cancer among males in Thailand and the 3rd among females. Most cases are hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) but cholangiocarcinomas represent between 4 and 80% of liver cancers depending upon geographic area. Most HCC are associated with chronic infection by Hepatitis B Virus while a G→T mutation at codon 249 of the TP53 gene, R249S, specific for exposure to aflatoxin, is detected in tumors for up to 30% of cases. We have used Short Oligonucleotide Mass Analysis (SOMA) to quantify free circulating R249S-mutated DNA in plasma using blood specimens collected in a hospital case:control study. Plasma R249S-mutated DNA was detectable at low concentrations (≥67 copies/mL) in 53 to 64% of patients with primary liver cancer or chronic liver disease and in 19% of controls. 44% of patients with HCC and no evidence of cirrhosis had plasma concentrations of R249S-mutated DNA ≥150 copies/mL, compared to 21% in patients with both HCC and cirrhosis, 22% in patients with cholangiocarcinoma, 12% in patients with non-cancer chronic liver disease and 3% of subjects in the reference group. Thus, plasma concentrations of R249S-mutated DNA ≥150 copies/mL tended to be more common in patients with HCC developing without pre-existing cirrhosis (p = 0.027). Overall, these results support the preferential occurrence of R249S-mutated DNA in HCC developing in the absence of cirrhosis in a context of HBV chronic infection

    Determinants of formation of aflatoxin-albumin adducts: a seven-township study in Taiwan

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    Dietary exposure to aflatoxins is one of the major risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma. Individual susceptibility to aflatoxin-induced hepatocarcinogenesis may be modulated by both genetic and environmental factors affecting metabolism. A cross-sectional study was performed to evaluate determinants of the formation of aflatoxin covalently bound to albumin (AFB1-albumin adducts). A total of 474 subjects who were free of liver cancer and cirrhosis and were initially selected as controls for previous case–control studies of aflatoxin-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in Taiwan, were employed in this study. Aflatoxin-albumin adducts were determined by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, hepatitis B surface antigen and antibodies to hepatitis C virus by enzyme immunoassay, as well as genotypes of glutathione S-transferase M1-1 and T1-1 by polymerase chain reaction. The detection rate of AFB1-albumin adducts was significantly higher in males (42.5%) than in females (21.6%) (multivariate-adjusted odds ratio=2.6, 95% confidence interval=1.4–5.0). The formation of detectable albumin adducts was moderately higher in hepatitis B surface antigen carriers (42.8%) than in non-carriers (36.6%) (multivariate-adjusted odds ratio=1.4, 95% confidence interval=1.0–2.1). In addition, the detection rate of AFB1-albumin adducts tended to increase with the increasing number of null genotypes of glutathione S-transferase M1-1 and glutathione S-transferase T1-1. In conclusion, this cross-sectional study has assessed the relative contributions of environmental exposure and host susceptibility factors in the formation of AFB1-albumin adducts in a well characterised Chinese adult population. This study further emphasises the necessity to reduce aflatoxin exposure in people living in an area endemic for chronic hepatitis B virus infection

    Intervention trial with calcium montmorillonite clay in a south Texas population exposed to aflatoxin

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    South Texas currently has the highest incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the United States, a disease that disproportionately affects Latino populations in the region. Aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) is a potent liver carcinogen that has been shown to be present in a variety of foods in the U.S., including corn and corn products. Importantly, it is a dietary risk factor contributing to a higher incidence of HCC in populations frequently consuming AFB(1)-contaminated diets. In a randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial, we evaluated the effects of a three-month administration of ACCS100 (refined calcium montmorillonite clay) on serum AFB(1)-lysine adduct level and serum biochemistry in 234 healthy men and women residing in Bexar and Medina Counties, Texas. Participants recruited from 2012–2014 received either a Placebo, 1.5 g, or 3 g ACCS100 each day for three months, and no treatment during the 4(th) month. Adverse event rates were similar across treatment groups and no significant differences were observed for serum biochemistry and hematology parameters. Differences in levels of AFB(1)-lysine adduct at 1, 3, and 4 months were compared between Placebo and active treatment groups. Although serum AFB(1)-lysine adduct levels were decreased by month 3 for both treatment groups, the Low dose was the only treatment that was significant (p=0.0005). In conclusion, the observed effect in the Low dose treatment group suggests that the use of ACCS100 may be a viable strategy to reduce dietary AFB(1) bioavailability during aflatoxin outbreaks and potentially in populations chronically exposed to this carcinogen