166 research outputs found

    Chlorination Disinfection By-products and Pancreatic Cancer Risk

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    Chlorination disinfection by-products (CDBPs) are produced during the treatment of water with chlorine to remove bacterial contamination. CDBPs have been associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer. There is also some evidence that they may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. We report results from a population-based case–control study of 486 incident cases of pancreatic cancer and 3,596 age- and sex-matched controls. Exposure to chlorination by-products was estimated by linking lifetime residential histories to two different databases containing information on CDBP levels in municipal water supplies. Logistic regression analysis found no evidence of increased pancreatic cancer risk at higher CDBP concentrations (all odds ratios < 1.3). Null findings were also obtained assuming a latency period for pancreatic cancer induction of 3, 8, or 13 years

    Endocrine therapy in epithelial ovarian cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: The estrogen receptor (ER) is expressed at high levels in many epithelial ovarian cancers (EOC) and represents a potential target for endocrine therapy. Both anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors have been evaluated in phase II clinical trials. Areas covered: We present an overview of the phase II and phase III trials of anti-estrogens (tamoxifen and fulvestrant) and aromatase inhibitors (letrozole, anastrazole and exemestane) undertaken in epithelial ovarian cancer identified through a Pubmed search. We describe predictive biomarkers that are being investigated to identify responsive cancers. Expert commentary: The efficacy of endocrine therapy in epithelial ovarian cancer is likely to be confined to histological subtypes with the highest ER expression while low grade serous ovarian cancer appears to be one subgroup with good sensitivity to these agents. The low toxicity profile of these agents is favourable although their use is unlicensed and the optimal setting undefined. Prospective clinical trials of endocrine agents in the early relapse and maintenance settings are urgently required to establish their definitive role in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer

    Intensive weekly chemotherapy is not effective in advanced pancreatic cancer patients: a report from the Italian Group for the Study of Digestive Tract Cancer (GISCAD)

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    Twenty-two patients, with locally advanced unresectable and/or metastatic pancreatic carcinoma, received weekly administration of cisplatin 40 mg m−2, 5-fluorouracil 500 mg m−2, epidoxorubicin 35 mg m−2, 6S stereoisomer of leucovorin 250 mg m−2 and glutathione 1.5 mg m−2, supported by a daily administration of lenograstim at a dose of 5 μg kg−1. Nineteen patients were men and three were women. Median age was 63 years (range 47–70). At study entry, pain was present in 15 out of 22 patients (68%) with a mean value of Scott–Huskisson scale of 27.6 ± 23.8, whereas a weight loss >10% was present in 15 patients. After eight weekly treatments, three partial responses were achieved for a response rate of 13% (95% CI 0–26%), five patients had stable disease and 14 progressed on therapy. Pain was present in 9 out of 22 patients (40%) with a mean value of Scott–Huskisson scale of 12.3 ± 18.4. Eight patients (36%) (three partial response and five stable disease) had a positive weight change. Toxicity was mild: WHO grade III or IV toxicity was recorded in terms of anaemia in 7 out of 188 cycles (3.7%), of neutropenia in 9 out of 188 cycles (4.7%) and of thrombocytopenia in 3 out of 188 cycles (1.5%). Median survival of all patients was 6 months. The outcome of this intensive chemotherapy regimen does not support its use in pancreatic cancer. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    A phase II irinotecan–cisplatin combination in advanced pancreatic cancer

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    We report a cisplatin and irinotecan combination in patients with biopsy-proven advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Patients were selected from a specialist centre and required good performance status (KPS&gt;70%), measurable disease on CT scan, and biochemical and haematological parameters within normal limits. Based on a two-stage phase II design, we aimed to treat 22 patients initially. The study was stopped because of the death of the 19th patient during the first treatment cycle, with neutropenic sepsis and multiorgan failure. A total of 89 treatments were administered to 17 patients. Serious grade 3/4 toxicities were haematological (neutropenia) 6%, diarrhoea 6%, nausea 7% and vomiting 6%. Using the clinical benefit response (CBR) criteria, no patients had an overall CBR. For responses confirmed by CT examination, there was one partial response (5%), three stable diseases lasting greater than 6 weeks (16%), with an overall 22% with disease control (PR+SD). The median progression-free and overall survival was 3.1 months (95% CI: 1.3-3.7) and 5.0 (95% CI: 3.9-10.1) months, respectively. Although this synergistic combination has improved the response rates and survival of other solid tumours, we recommend caution when using this combination in the palliation of advanced pancreatic cancer, because of unexpected toxicity

    A combination of gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil in advanced pancreatic cancer, a report from the Italian Group for the Study of Digestive Tract Cancer (GISCAD)

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    In a randomized clinical trial, gemcitabine (GEM) was more effective than 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in advanced pancreatic cancer patients. GEM and 5-FU have different mechanisms of action and their combination, from a theoretical point of view, could result in a higher activity. To test activity and feasibility of such a combination, a multi-institutional phase II study was initiated in November 1996 by the Italian Group for the study of Digestive Tract Cancer (GISCAD). Primary objectives of this study were to determine the activity in terms of response rate and clinical benefit, while the secondary objective was toxicity. According to the optimal two-stage phase II design, 54 patients were enrolled. Schedule was: GEM 1000 mg m(-2) intravenous (i.v.), and 5-FU 600 mg m(-2) bolus i.v. weekly for 3 weeks out of every 4. All the 54 patients were symptomatic (pain, weight loss, dyspepsia). A clinical benefit was obtained in 28 patients (51\%) (95\% confidence interval (CI) 38-64\%). Two patients achieved a partial response and 34 a stable disease. Median survival for all the patients was 7 months. Side-effects were mild: no gastrointestinal or haematological grade 3-4 toxicity (WHO) were recorded. We observed only six episodes of grade 2 (WHO) leukopenia and seven episodes of thrombocytopenia. Although the non-randomized design of this study suggests caution in the interpretation of these data, in consideration of the low incidence of toxicity and the favourable results obtained in terms of clinical benefit, it may be worthwhile to test more active schedules of 5-FU (continuous infusion) in combination with gemcitabine

    Defining and analysing symptom palliation in cancer clinical trials: a deceptively difficult exercise

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    The assessment of symptom palliation is an essential component of many treatment comparisons in clinical trials, yet an extensive literature search revealed no consensus as to its precise definition, which could embrace relief of symptoms, time to their onset, duration, degree, as well as symptom control and prevention. In an attempt to assess the importance of these aspects and to compare different methods of analysis, we used one symptom (cough) from a patient self-assessment questionnaire (the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist) in a large (>300 patient) multicentre randomized clinical trial (conducted by the Medical Research Council Lung Cancer Working Party) of palliative chemotherapy in small-cell lung cancer. The regimens compared were a two-drug regimen (2D) and a four-drug regimen (4D). No differences were seen between the regimens in time of onset of palliation or its duration. The degree of palliation was strongly related to the initial severity: 90% of the patients with moderate or severe cough at baseline reported improvement, compared with only 53% of those with mild cough. Analyses using different landmark time points gave conflicting results: the 4D regimen was superior at 1 month and at 3 months, whereas at 2 months the 2D regimen appeared superior. When improvement at any time up to 3 months was considered, the 4D regimen showed a significant benefit (4D 79%, 2D 60%, P = 0.02). These findings emphasize the need for caution in interpreting results, and the importance of working towards a standard definition of symptom palliation. The current lack of specified criteria makes analysis and interpretation of trial results difficult, and comparison across trials impossible. A standard definition of palliation for use in the analysis of clinical trials data is proposed, which takes into account aspects of onset, duration and degree of palliation, and symptom improvement, control and prevention. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Evaluation of the function and quality of life of patients submitted to girdlestone's resection arthroplasty

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate function and quality of life of patients submitted to Girdlestone's arthroplasty, and to compare outcomes between unilateral Girdlestone's group with the group with contralateral total hip prosthesis. METHODS: Cross-sectional study where 9 patients were evaluated with unilateral Girdlestone's and 3 with Girdlestone's in one hip and contralateral total hip prosthesis. The evaluation consisted in filling in a generic questionnaire on quality of life SF-36 and a specific questionnaire for hip function Harris Hip Score (HHS). The comparison between groups was made by using the Student's t-test and the Fisher's test. RESULTS: The patients of the unilateral Girdlestone's group presented a higher number of SF-36 domains classified as high, although 77.8% of these showed poor results on the HHS. All patients had a leg-length discrepancy and positive Trendelenburg's test, which led to limping gait in 11 of 12 patients evaluated. Of these, only 6 underwent physiotherapy after surgery. CONCLUSION: Girdlestone's postoperative quality of life and function in a Brazilian population still requires further studies, because these outcomes are indicative of study variables' behavior and cannot be regarded as definite.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a função e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes pós-artroplastia de Girdlestone e comparar os resultados entre os grupos Girdlestone unilateral e o grupo com prótese total de quadril contralateral. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no qual foram avaliados 9 pacientes com Girdlestone unilateral e 3 com Girdlestone em um quadril e prótese total no quadril contralateral. A avaliação constitui-se em aplicar o questionário genérico de qualidade de vida SF-36 e um questionário funcional específico para o quadril, Harris Hip Score (HHS). A comparação dos grupos foi realizada usando-se o teste t- Student e o teste de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes do grupo Girdlestone unilateral apresentaram maior quantidade de domínios do SF-36 classificados como elevados, embora 77,8% destes tenham obtido resultados ruins no HHS. Todos os pacientes apresentaram o teste de Trendelenburg positivo e discrepância de membros, o que levou à marcha claudicante em 11 dos 12 pacientes avaliados. Destes, apenas 6 submeteram-se a fisioterapia pós-operatória. CONCLUSÃO: A qualidade de vida e a função pós-operatória de Girdlestone, na população brasileira, ainda necessita ser mais pesquisada, pois estes resultados são indicações do comportamento das variáveis de estudo e não podem ser consideradas encerradas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP-EPM DOTUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, EPM DOTSciEL

    Phase II trial of tamoxifen and goserelin in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer

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    Endocrine therapy is a recognised option in the treatment of chemo-resistant ovarian cancer. We conducted a nonrandomised phase II evaluation of combination endocrine therapy with tamoxifen and goserelin in patients with advanced ovarian cancer that had recurred following chemotherapy. In total, 26 patients entered the study, of which 17 had platinum-resistant disease. The median age was 63 years and enrolled patients had received a median of three chemotherapy regimens prior to trial entry. Patients were given oral tamoxifen 20 mg twice daily on a continuous basis and subcutaneous goserelin 3.6 mg once a month until disease progression. Using the definition of endocrine response that included patients with stable disease (SD) of 6 months or greater, the overall response rate (clinical benefit rate) was 50%. This included one complete response (CR) (3.8%), two partial responses (PR) (7.7%) and 10 patients with SD (38.5%). The median progression-free interval (PFI) was 4 months (95% CI 2.4–9.6) while the median overall survival (OS) was 13.6 months (95% CI 5.5–30.6). Four patients received treatment for more than 2 years (range 1–31) and one of them is still on treatment. In none of the four patients was there any evidence of recurrent or cumulative treatment related toxicity. Treatment-limiting toxicity was not seen in any of the study population. Endocrine data demonstrated a marked suppression of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to less than 4% of baseline values. No consistent correlation could be established between LH/FSH suppression and tumour response. Likewise no relationship was observed between Inhibin A/B and pro-alpha C levels and tumour response. Inhibin is unlikely to be a useful surrogate marker for response in locally advanced or metastatic ovarian cancer. Combination endocrine therapy with tamoxifen and goserelin is an active regimen in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer patients. Hormonal therapy is advantageous in its relative lack of toxicity, ease of administration and tolerability, thus making it suitable for patients with heavily pretreated disease, compromised bone marrow function and other comorbid conditions that contraindicate cytotoxic therapy as well as in patients with indolent disease
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