2,929 research outputs found

    On a Convex Set with Nondifferentiable Metric Projection

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    A remarkable example of a nonempty closed convex set in the Euclidean plane for which the directional derivative of the metric projection mapping fails to exist was constructed by A. Shapiro. In this paper, we revisit and modify that construction to obtain a convex set with smooth boundary which possesses the same property

    On the Deformation of a Hyperelastic Tube Due to Steady Viscous Flow Within

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    In this chapter, we analyze the steady-state microscale fluid--structure interaction (FSI) between a generalized Newtonian fluid and a hyperelastic tube. Physiological flows, especially in hemodynamics, serve as primary examples of such FSI phenomena. The small scale of the physical system renders the flow field, under the power-law rheological model, amenable to a closed-form solution using the lubrication approximation. On the other hand, negligible shear stresses on the walls of a long vessel allow the structure to be treated as a pressure vessel. The constitutive equation for the microtube is prescribed via the strain energy functional for an incompressible, isotropic Mooney--Rivlin material. We employ both the thin- and thick-walled formulations of the pressure vessel theory, and derive the static relation between the pressure load and the deformation of the structure. We harness the latter to determine the flow rate--pressure drop relationship for non-Newtonian flow in thin- and thick-walled soft hyperelastic microtubes. Through illustrative examples, we discuss how a hyperelastic tube supports the same pressure load as a linearly elastic tube with smaller deformation, thus requiring a higher pressure drop across itself to maintain a fixed flow rate.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, Springer book class; v2: minor revisions, final form of invited contribution to the Springer volume entitled "Dynamical Processes in Generalized Continua and Structures" (in honour of Academician D.I. Indeitsev), eds. H. Altenbach, A. Belyaev, V. A. Eremeyev, A. Krivtsov and A. V. Porubo

    Sporadic paediatric diarrhoeal illness in urban and rural sites in Nyanza province, Kenya

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    Objective: Investigate differences in the infectious aetiology, health seeking behaviour, and provider practices with regard to diarrhoeal illness among children presenting to urban versus rural clinics in Western Kenya.Design: Laboratory-based, passive surveillance.Setting: The urban portion of the study was conducted at the paediatric outpatient clinic of Nyanza Provincial Hospital in Kisumu. The rural portion of the study was conducted at four outpatient clinics in the Asembo Bay community approximately 20 kilometers west of Kisumu.Subjects: Children aged less than five years presenting to medical facilities for the treatment of diarrhoea from October 2001-October 2003 at the urban site and May 1997-April 2003 for the rural sites.Results: Among the 1303 urban and 1247 rural specimens collected, 24% of specimens yielded a bacterial pathogen (24% urban, 25% rural). Campylobacter was the predominant bacterial pathogen (17% urban, 15% rural), followed by Shigella and nontyphoidal Salmonella (both 4% urban and 5% rural). In both communities, susceptibilities of these pathogens to the most commonly prescribed antibiotics was low

    Single ventricle with persistent truncus arteriosus as two rare entities in an adult patient: a case report

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    Abstract Introduction Single ventricle and truncus arteriosus are both rare congenital cardiac syndromes with limited survival. Their occurrence together is extremely uncommon and prolonged survival is exceptionally rare. We present the case of a patient who had both of these defects with survival to age 45. Case presentation We describe the vase of a 45-year-old man with the unusual occurrence of two very rare congenital cardiac defects. He was found to have both truncus arteriosus and single ventricle with long survival. His history, clinical course, and anatomic findings are discussed along with the factors which may have contributed to his longevity, which is unique in the medical literature. His management reflected the state of medical knowledge at the time when he presented, and although alternate approaches may have been utilized if the patient presented today, this case does indicate the efficacy of the management options available at the time and place of the patient's contacts with the medical care system in Belarus. We discuss the findings, frequency, classification, and management of both of these congenital defects. Conclusion This case demonstrates that patients with very complex congenital cardiac disease may survive to adulthood, presenting challenges in both medical and surgical treatment. As the management of these patients is constantly evolving, and interventional techniques are improving, patients such as this with prolonged survival will be more common, with each case providing insights to future treatment. Challenges in management may include prior care provided in health care systems with limited resources.</p

    "That never would have occurred to me": a qualitative study of medical students' views of a cultural competence curriculum

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    BACKGROUND: The evidence is mixed regarding the efficacy of cultural competence curricula in developing learners' knowledge, attitudes and skills. More research is needed to better understand both the strengths and shortcomings of existing curricula from the perspective of learners in order to improve training. METHODS: We conducted three focus groups with medical students in their first year of clinical training to assess their perceptions of the cultural competence curriculum at a public university school of medicine. RESULTS: Students evaluated the informal curriculum as a more important source of learning about cultural competence than the formal curriculum. In terms of bias in both self and others, the cultural competence curriculum increased awareness, but was less effective in teaching specific interventional skills. Students also noted that the cultural competence curriculum did not always sufficiently help them find a balance between group-specific knowledge and respect for individual differences. Despite some concerns as to whether political correctness characterized the cultural competence curriculum, it was also seen as a way to rehumanize the medical education experience. CONCLUSION: Future research needs to pay attention to issues such as perceived relevance, stereotyping, and political correctness in developing cross-cultural training programs

    Social functioning and behaviour in Mucopolysaccharidosis IH [Hurlers Syndrome]

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    Background: Mucopolysaccharidosis type IH (MPS-IH) [Hurlers Syndrome] is a developmental genetic disorder characterised by severe physical symptoms and cognitive decline. This study aimed to investigate the behavioural phenotype of MPS-IH treated by haematopoietic cell transplantation, focusing on social functioning and sleep. Parental stress was also measured. Methods: Participants were 22 children with MPS-IH (mean age 9 years 1 month), of whom 10 were male (45%). Parents completed the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL), Children’s Sleep Habit Questionnaire and Parent Stress Index, Short Form (PSI-SF). Results: Twenty-three per cent of children with MPS-IH scored in the severe range of the SRS, suggesting significant difficulties in social functioning. Children with MPS-IH were more than 30 times more likely to receive scores in the severe range than typically developing children. Thirty-six per cent scored in the mild-to-moderate range, suggesting milder, but marked, difficulties in social interaction. Although children with MPS-IH did not show significantly higher rates of internalising, externalising or total behaviour problems than the normative sample, they received scores that were significantly higher on social, thought and attention problems and rule-breaking behaviour, and all the competence areas of the CBCL. Parents of children with MPS-IH did not score significantly higher on parental stress than parents in a normative sample. Conclusions: Parents of children with MPS-IH rate their children as having problems with social functioning and various areas of competence more frequently than previously thought, with implications for clinical support

    Hsp90 governs dispersion and drug resistance of fungal biofilms

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    Fungal biofilms are a major cause of human mortality and are recalcitrant to most treatments due to intrinsic drug resistance. These complex communities of multiple cell types form on indwelling medical devices and their eradication often requires surgical removal of infected devices. Here we implicate the molecular chaperone Hsp90 as a key regulator of biofilm dispersion and drug resistance. We previously established that in the leading human fungal pathogen, Candida albicans, Hsp90 enables the emergence and maintenance of drug resistance in planktonic conditions by stabilizing the protein phosphatase calcineurin and MAPK Mkc1. Hsp90 also regulates temperature-dependent C. albicans morphogenesis through repression of cAMP-PKA signalling. Here we demonstrate that genetic depletion of Hsp90 reduced C. albicans biofilm growth and maturation in vitro and impaired dispersal of biofilm cells. Further, compromising Hsp90 function in vitro abrogated resistance of C. albicans biofilms to the most widely deployed class of antifungal drugs, the azoles. Depletion of Hsp90 led to reduction of calcineurin and Mkc1 in planktonic but not biofilm conditions, suggesting that Hsp90 regulates drug resistance through different mechanisms in these distinct cellular states. Reduction of Hsp90 levels led to a marked decrease in matrix glucan levels, providing a compelling mechanism through which Hsp90 might regulate biofilm azole resistance. Impairment of Hsp90 function genetically or pharmacologically transformed fluconazole from ineffectual to highly effective in eradicating biofilms in a rat venous catheter infection model. Finally, inhibition of Hsp90 reduced resistance of biofilms of the most lethal mould, Aspergillus fumigatus, to the newest class of antifungals to reach the clinic, the echinocandins. Thus, we establish a novel mechanism regulating biofilm drug resistance and dispersion and that targeting Hsp90 provides a much-needed strategy for improving clinical outcome in the treatment of biofilm infections

    Degenerate Stars and Gravitational Collapse in AdS/CFT

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    We construct composite CFT operators from a large number of fermionic primary fields corresponding to states that are holographically dual to a zero temperature Fermi gas in AdS space. We identify a large N regime in which the fermions behave as free particles. In the hydrodynamic limit the Fermi gas forms a degenerate star with a radius determined by the Fermi level, and a mass and angular momentum that exactly matches the boundary calculations. Next we consider an interacting regime, and calculate the effect of the gravitational back-reaction on the radius and the mass of the star using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations. Ignoring other interactions, we determine the "Chandrasekhar limit" beyond which the degenerate star (presumably) undergoes gravitational collapse towards a black hole. This is interpreted on the boundary as a high density phase transition from a cold baryonic phase to a hot deconfined phase.Comment: 75 page

    Optimizing Optical Flow Cytometry for Cell Volume-Based Sorting and Analysis

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    Cell size is a defining characteristic central to cell function and ultimately to tissue architecture. The ability to sort cell subpopulations of different sizes would facilitate investigation at genomic and proteomic levels of mechanisms by which cells attain and maintain their size. Currently available cell sorters, however, cannot directly measure cell volume electronically, and it would therefore be desirable to know which of the optical measurements that can be made in such instruments provide the best estimate of volume. We investigated several different light scattering and fluorescence measurements in several different cell lines, sorting cell fractions from the high and low end of distributions, and measuring volume electronically to determine which sorting strategy yielded the best separated volume distributions. Since we found that different optical measurements were optimal for different cell lines, we suggest that following this procedure will enable other investigators to optimize their own cell sorters for volume-based separation of the cell types with which they work

    FAK-inhibition opens the door to checkpoint immunotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Immunotherapy has had remarkable success in the treatment of some cancer types. However, pancreatic cancer has remained largely refractory to immunotherapy, including immune checkpoint inhibitors. Recently, Jiang and colleagues identified a key role for FAK in regulating the composition of the fibrotic and immuno-suppressive pancreatic tumour niche, and showed that FAK inhibitors can be used in combination with immune checkpoint blockade and gemcitabine chemotherapy to significantly delay pancreatic tumour progression. This study further supports the use of FAK inhibitors in combination with immunotherapy