42 research outputs found

    An RNA Transport System in Candida albicans Regulates Hyphal Morphology and Invasive Growth

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    Localization of specific mRNAs is an important mechanism through which cells achieve polarity and direct asymmetric growth. Based on a framework established in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we describe a She3-dependent RNA transport system in Candida albicans, a fungal pathogen of humans that grows as both budding (yeast) and filamentous (hyphal and pseudohyphal) forms. We identify a set of 40 mRNAs that are selectively transported to the buds of yeast-form cells and to the tips of hyphae, and we show that many of the genes encoded by these mRNAs contribute to hyphal development, as does the transport system itself. Although the basic system of mRNA transport is conserved between S. cerevisiae and C. albicans, we find that the cargo mRNAs have diverged considerably, implying that specific mRNAs can easily move in and out of transport control over evolutionary timescales. The differences in mRNA cargos likely reflect the distinct selective pressures acting on the two species

    Regulation of Septin Dynamics by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lysine Acetyltransferase NuA4

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    In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the lysine acetyltransferase NuA4 has been linked to a host of cellular processes through the acetylation of histone and non-histone targets. To discover proteins regulated by NuA4-dependent acetylation, we performed genome-wide synthetic dosage lethal screens to identify genes whose overexpression is toxic to non-essential NuA4 deletion mutants. The resulting genetic network identified a novel link between NuA4 and septin proteins, a group of highly conserved GTP-binding proteins that function in cytokinesis. We show that acetyltransferase-deficient NuA4 mutants have defects in septin collar formation resulting in the development of elongated buds through the Swe1-dependent morphogenesis checkpoint. We have discovered multiple sites of acetylation on four of the five yeast mitotic septins, Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc12 and Shs1, and determined that NuA4 can acetylate three of the four in vitro. In vivo we find that acetylation levels of both Shs1 and Cdc10 are reduced in a catalytically inactive esa1 mutant. Finally, we determine that cells expressing a Shs1 protein with decreased acetylation in vivo have defects in septin localization that are similar to those observed in NuA4 mutants. These findings provide the first evidence that yeast septin proteins are acetylated and that NuA4 impacts septin dynamics

    FACT Prevents the Accumulation of Free Histones Evicted from Transcribed Chromatin and a Subsequent Cell Cycle Delay in G1

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    The FACT complex participates in chromatin assembly and disassembly during transcription elongation. The yeast mutants affected in the SPT16 gene, which encodes one of the FACT subunits, alter the expression of G1 cyclins and exhibit defects in the G1/S transition. Here we show that the dysfunction of chromatin reassembly factors, like FACT or Spt6, down-regulates the expression of the gene encoding the cyclin that modulates the G1 length (CLN3) in START by specifically triggering the repression of its promoter. The G1 delay undergone by spt16 mutants is not mediated by the DNA–damage checkpoint, although the mutation of RAD53, which is otherwise involved in histone degradation, enhances the cell-cycle defects of spt16-197. We reveal how FACT dysfunction triggers an accumulation of free histones evicted from transcribed chromatin. This accumulation is enhanced in a rad53 background and leads to a delay in G1. Consistently, we show that the overexpression of histones in wild-type cells down-regulates CLN3 in START and causes a delay in G1. Our work shows that chromatin reassembly factors are essential players in controlling the free histones potentially released from transcribed chromatin and describes a new cell cycle phenomenon that allows cells to respond to excess histones before starting DNA replication

    Chemical warfare

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    Kinetic analysis of yersinia pestis DNA adenine methyltransferase activity using a hemimethylated molecular break light oligonucleotide

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    Background: DNA adenine methylation plays an important role in several critical bacterial processes including mismatchrepair, the timing of DNA replication and the transcriptional control of gene expression. The dependence of bacterial virulenceon DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam) has led to the proposal that selective Dam inhibitors might function as broadspectrum antibiotics. Methodology/Principal Findings: herein we report the expression and purification of Yersinia pestisDam and the development of a continuous fluorescence based assay for DNA adenine methyltransferase activity that issuitable for determining the kinetic parameters of the enzyme and for high throughput screening against potential Daminhibitors. The assay utilised a hemimethylated break light oligonucleotide substrate containing a GATC methylation site.When this substrate was fully methylated by Dam, it became a substrate for the restriction enzyme DpnI, resulting inseparation of fluorophore (fluorescein) and quencher (dabcyl) and therefore an increase in fluorescence. The assays weremonitored in real time using a fluorescence microplate reader in 96 well format and were used for the kinetic characterisationof Yersinia pestis Dam, its substrates and the known Dam inhibitor, S-adenosylhomocysteine. The assay has been validated forhigh throughput screening, giving a Z-factor of 0.7160.07 indicating that it is a sensitive assay for the identification ofinhibitors. Conclusions/Significance: the assay is therefore suitable for high throughput screening for inhibitors of DNAadenine methyltransferases and the kinetic characterisation of the inhibitio