2,015 research outputs found

    Optically controlled spin-glasses in multi-qubit cavity systems

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    Recent advances in nanostructure fabrication and optical control, suggest that it will soon be possible to prepare collections of interacting two-level systems (i.e. qubits) within an optical cavity. Here we show theoretically that such systems could exhibit novel phase transition phenomena involving spin-glass phases. By contrast with traditional realizations using magnetic solids, these phase transition phenomena are associated with both matter and radiation subsystems. Moreover the various phase transitions should be tunable simply by varying the matter-radiation coupling strength.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Relaxed Bell inequalities and Kochen-Specker theorems

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    The combination of various physically plausible properties, such as no signaling, determinism, and experimental free will, is known to be incompatible with quantum correlations. Hence, these properties must be individually or jointly relaxed in any model of such correlations. The necessary degrees of relaxation are quantified here, via natural distance and information-theoretic measures. This allows quantitative comparisons between different models in terms of the resources, such as the number of bits, of randomness, communication, and/or correlation, that they require. For example, measurement dependence is a relatively strong resource for modeling singlet state correlations, with only 1/15 of one bit of correlation required between measurement settings and the underlying variable. It is shown how various 'relaxed' Bell inequalities may be obtained, which precisely specify the complementary degrees of relaxation required to model any given violation of a standard Bell inequality. The robustness of a class of Kochen-Specker theorems, to relaxation of measurement independence, is also investigated. It is shown that a theorem of Mermin remains valid unless measurement independence is relaxed by 1/3. The Conway-Kochen 'free will' theorem and a result of Hardy are less robust, failing if measurement independence is relaxed by only 6.5% and 4.5%, respectively. An appendix shows the existence of an outcome independent model is equivalent to the existence of a deterministic model.Comment: 19 pages (including 3 appendices); v3: minor clarifications, to appear in PR

    Radio galaxies and their magnetic fields out to z <= 3

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    We present polarisation properties at 1.41.4\,GHz of two separate extragalactic source populations: passive quiescent galaxies and luminous quasar-like galaxies. We use data from the {\it Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer} data to determine the host galaxy population of the polarised extragalactic radio sources. The quiescent galaxies have higher percentage polarisation, smaller radio linear size, and 1.41.4\,GHz luminosity of 6×1021<L1.4<7×10256\times10^{21}<L_{\rm 1.4}<7\times10^{25}\,W Hz1^{-1}, while the quasar-like galaxies have smaller percentage polarisation, larger radio linear size at radio wavelengths, and a 1.41.4\,GHz luminosity of 9×1023<L1.4<7×10289\times10^{23}<L_{\rm 1.4}<7\times10^{28}\,W Hz1^{-1}, suggesting that the environment of the quasar-like galaxies is responsible for the lower percentage polarisation. Our results confirm previous studies that found an inverse correlation between percentage polarisation and total flux density at 1.41.4\,GHz. We suggest that the population change between the polarised extragalactic radio sources is the origin of this inverse correlation and suggest a cosmic evolution of the space density of quiescent galaxies. Finally, we find that the extragalactic contributions to the rotation measures (RMs) of the nearby passive galaxies and the distant quasar-like galaxies are different. After accounting for the RM contributions by cosmological large-scale structure and intervening Mg\,{II} absorbers we show that the distribution of intrinsic RMs of the distant quasar-like sources is at most four times as wide as the RM distribution of the nearby quiescent galaxies, if the distribution of intrinsic RMs of the WISE-Star sources itself is at least several rad m2^{-2} wide.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication into MNRA

    Infrared-Faint Radio Sources: A New Population of High-redshift Radio Galaxies

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    We present a sample of 1317 Infrared-Faint Radio Sources (IFRSs) that, for the first time, are reliably detected in the infrared, generated by cross-correlating the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) all-sky survey with major radio surveys. Our IFRSs are brighter in both radio and infrared than the first generation IFRSs that were undetected in the infrared by the Spitzer Space Telescope. We present the first spectroscopic redshifts of IFRSs, and find that all but one of the IFRSs with spectroscopy has z > 2. We also report the first X-ray counterparts of IFRSs, and present an analysis of radio spectra and polarization, and show that they include Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum, Compact Steep Spectrum, and Ultra-Steep Spectrum sources. These results, together with their WISE infrared colours and radio morphologies, imply that our sample of IFRSs represents a population of radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei at z > 2. We conclude that our sample consists of lower-redshift counterparts of the extreme first generation IFRSs, suggesting that the fainter IFRSs are at even higher redshift.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Infrared luminosities of galaxies in the Local Volume

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    Near-infrared properties of 451 galaxies with distances D \leq 10 Mpc are considered basing on the all-sky two micron survey (2MASS). A luminosity function of the galaxies in the K-band is derived within [-25,-11] mag. The local (D < 8 Mpc) luminosity density is estimated to be 6.8*10^8 L_sun/Mpc^3 that exceeds (1.5+-0.1) times the global cosmic density in the K-band. Virial mass-to-K-luminosity ratios are determined for nearby groups and clusters. In the luminosity range of (5*10^{10} - 2*10^{13})L_sun, the groups and clusters follow the relation \lg(M/L_K) propto (0.27+-0.03) lg(L_K) with a scatter of \~0.1 comparable to errors of the observables. The mean ratio ~= (20-25) M_sun/L_sun for the galaxy systems turns out to be significantly lower than the global ratio, (80-90)M_sun/L_sun, expected in the standard cosmological model with the matter density of Omega_m =0.27. This discrepancy can be resolved if most of dark matter in the universe is not associated with galaxies and their systems.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. Astronomy Letters, submitte

    Towards a Full Census of the Obscure(d) Vela Supercluster using MeerKAT

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    Recent spectroscopic observations of a few thousand partially obscured galaxies in the Vela constellation revealed a massive overdensity on supercluster scales straddling the Galactic Equator (l \sim 272.5deg) at cz18000cz \sim 18000km/s. It remained unrecognised because it is located just beyond the boundaries and volumes of systematic whole-sky redshift and peculiar velocity surveys - and is obscured by the Milky Way. The structure lies close to the apex where residual bulkflows suggest considerable mass excess. The uncovered Vela Supercluster (VSCL) conforms of a confluence of merging walls, but its core remains uncharted. At the thickest foreground dust column densities (|b| < 6 deg) galaxies are not visible and optical spectroscopy is not effective. This precludes a reliable estimate of the mass of VSCL, hence its effect on the cosmic flow field and the peculiar velocity of the Local Group. Only systematic HI-surveys can bridge that gap. We have run simulations and will present early-science observing scenarios with MeerKAT 32 (M32) to complete the census of this dynamically and cosmologically relevant supercluster. M32 has been put forward because this pilot project will also serve as precursor project for HI MeerKAT Large Survey Projects, like Fornax and Laduma. Our calculations have shown that a survey area of the fully obscured part of the supercluster, where the two walls cross and the potential core of the supercluster resides, can be achieved on reasonable time-scales (200 hrs) with M32.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication, Proceedings of Science, workshop on "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA", held in Stellenbosch 25-27 May 201

    Detection of Powerful Mid-IR H_2 Emission in the Bridge between the Taffy Galaxies

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    We report the detection of strong, resolved emission from warm H_2 in the Taffy galaxies and bridge. Relative to the continuum and faint polyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, the H_2 emission is the strongest in the connecting bridge, approaching L(H_2)/L(PAH 8 μm) = 0.1 between the two galaxies, where the purely rotational lines of H_2 dominate the mid-infrared spectrum in a way very reminiscent of the group-wide shock in the interacting group Stephan's Quintet (SQ). The surface brightness in the 0-0 S(0) and S(1) H_2 lines in the bridge is more than twice that observed at the center of the SQ shock. We observe a warm H2 mass of 4.2 × 10^8 M_☉ in the bridge, but taking into account the unobserved bridge area, the total warm mass is likely to be twice this value. We use excitation diagrams to characterize the warm molecular gas, finding an average surface mass of ~5 × 10^6 M_☉ kpc^(–2) and typical excitation temperatures of 150-175 K. H_2 emission is also seen in the galaxy disks, although there the emission is more consistent with normal star-forming galaxies. We investigate several possible heating mechanisms for the bridge gas but favor the conversion of kinetic energy from the head-on collision via turbulence and shocks as the main heating source. Since the cooling time for the warm H_2 is short (~5000 yr), shocks must be permeating the molecular gas in the bridge region in order to continue heating the H_2

    The First Supernova Explosions: Energetics, Feedback, and Chemical Enrichment

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    We perform three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations in a realistic cosmological setting to investigate the expansion, feedback, and chemical enrichment properties of a 200 M_sun pair-instability supernova in the high-redshift universe. We find that the SN remnant propagates for a Hubble time at z = 20 to a final mass-weighted mean shock radius of 2.5 kpc (proper), roughly half the size of the HII region, and in this process sweeps up a total gas mass of 2.5*10^5 M_sun. The morphology of the shock becomes highly anisotropic once it leaves the host halo and encounters filaments and neighboring minihalos, while the bulk of the shock propagates into the voids of the intergalactic medium. The SN entirely disrupts the host halo and terminates further star formation for at least 200 Myr, while in our specific case it exerts positive mechanical feedback on neighboring minihalos by shock-compressing their cores. In contrast, we do not observe secondary star formation in the dense shell via gravitational fragmentation, due to the previous photoheating by the progenitor star. We find that cooling by metal lines is unimportant for the entire evolution of the SN remnant, while the metal-enriched, interior bubble expands adiabatically into the cavities created by the shock, and ultimately into the voids with a maximum extent similar to the final mass-weighted mean shock radius. Finally, we conclude that dark matter halos of at least M_vir > 10^8 M_sun must be assembled to recollect all components of the swept-up gas.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, published in Ap

    Preliminary Results from NEOWISE: An Enhancement to the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer for Solar System Science

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    The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has surveyed the entire sky at four infrared wavelengths with greatly improved sensitivity and spatial resolution compared to its predecessors, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite and the Cosmic Background Explorer. NASA's Planetary Science Division has funded an enhancement to the WISE data processing system called "NEOWISE" that allows detection and archiving of moving objects found in the WISE data. NEOWISE has mined the WISE images for a wide array of small bodies in our solar system, including near-Earth objects (NEOs), Main Belt asteroids, comets, Trojans, and Centaurs. By the end of survey operations in 2011 February, NEOWISE identified over 157,000 asteroids, including more than 500 NEOs and ~120 comets. The NEOWISE data set will enable a panoply of new scientific investigations