1,802 research outputs found

    A cost function for similarity-based hierarchical clustering

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    The development of algorithms for hierarchical clustering has been hampered by a shortage of precise objective functions. To help address this situation, we introduce a simple cost function on hierarchies over a set of points, given pairwise similarities between those points. We show that this criterion behaves sensibly in canonical instances and that it admits a top-down construction procedure with a provably good approximation ratio

    Time-scales of close-in exoplanet radio emission variability

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    We investigate the variability of exoplanetary radio emission using stellar magnetic maps and 3D field extrapolation techniques. We use a sample of hot Jupiter hosting stars, focusing on the HD 179949, HD 189733 and tau Boo systems. Our results indicate two time-scales over which radio emission variability may occur at magnetised hot Jupiters. The first is the synodic period of the star-planet system. The origin of variability on this time-scale is the relative motion between the planet and the interplanetary plasma that is co-rotating with the host star. The second time-scale is the length of the magnetic cycle. Variability on this time-scale is caused by evolution of the stellar field. At these systems, the magnitude of planetary radio emission is anticorrelated with the angular separation between the subplanetary point and the nearest magnetic pole. For the special case of tau Boo b, whose orbital period is tidally locked to the rotation period of its host star, variability only occurs on the time-scale of the magnetic cycle. The lack of radio variability on the synodic period at tau Boo b is not predicted by previous radio emission models, which do not account for the co-rotation of the interplanetary plasma at small distances from the star.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted in MNRA

    On the environment surrounding close-in exoplanets

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    Exoplanets in extremely close-in orbits are immersed in a local interplanetary medium (i.e., the stellar wind) much denser than the local conditions encountered around the solar system planets. The environment surrounding these exoplanets also differs in terms of dynamics (slower stellar winds, but higher Keplerian velocities) and ambient magnetic fields (likely higher for host stars more active than the Sun). Here, we quantitatively investigate the nature of the interplanetary media surrounding the hot Jupiters HD46375b, HD73256b, HD102195b, HD130322b, HD179949b. We simulate the three-dimensional winds of their host stars, in which we directly incorporate their observed surface magnetic fields. With that, we derive mass-loss rates (1.9 to 8.0 ×1013M\times 10^{-13} M_{\odot}/yr) and the wind properties at the position of the hot-Jupiters' orbits (temperature, velocity, magnetic field intensity and pressure). We show that these exoplanets' orbits are super-magnetosonic, indicating that bow shocks are formed surrounding these planets. Assuming planetary magnetic fields similar to Jupiter's, we estimate planetary magnetospheric sizes of 4.1 to 5.6 planetary radii. We also derive the exoplanetary radio emission released in the dissipation of the stellar wind energy. We find radio fluxes ranging from 0.02 to 0.13 mJy, which are challenging to be observed with present-day technology, but could be detectable with future higher sensitivity arrays (e.g., SKA). Radio emission from systems having closer hot-Jupiters, such as from tau Boo b or HD189733b, or from nearby planetary systems orbiting young stars, are likely to have higher radio fluxes, presenting better prospects for detecting exoplanetary radio emission.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Exoplanet Transit Variability: Bow Shocks and Winds Around HD 189733b

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    By analogy with the solar system, it is believed that stellar winds will form bow shocks around exoplanets. For hot Jupiters the bow shock will not form directly between the planet and the star, causing an asymmetric distribution of mass around the exoplanet and hence an asymmetric transit. As the planet orbits thorough varying wind conditions, the strength and geometry of its bow shock will change, thus producing transits of varying shape. We model this process using magnetic maps of HD 189733 taken one year apart, coupled with a 3D stellar wind model, to determine the local stellar wind conditions throughout the orbital path of the planet. We predict the time-varying geometry and density of the bow shock that forms around the magnetosphere of the planet and simulate transit light curves. Depending on the nature of the stellar magnetic field, and hence its wind, we find that both the transit duration and ingress time can vary when compared to optical light curves. We conclude that consecutive near-UV transit light curves may vary significantly and can therefore provide an insight into the structure and evolution of the stellar wind.Comment: 9 Pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Societ

    Considerações Sobre o Bioetanol Lignocelulósico para Subsidiar a Elaboração de Conteúdo da Árvore do Conhecimento Agroenergia.

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    De acordo com a previsão da Agência Internacional de Energia (AIE) até o ano de 2030, os biocombustíveis representarão cerca de 7% do combustível utilizado no transporte, sendo a União Européia, os Estados Unidos e o Brasil os principais produtores e consumidores. Esse crescimento no mercado internacional é esperado devido ao aumento do preço do petróleo e, também porque os países desenvolvidos que assinaram o Protocolo de Kyoto se comprometeram a reduzir suas emissões de gases poluentes (BRASIL, 2005). Os constantes conflitos envolvendo os países do Oriente Médio, que estão nas regiões das reservas de petróleo, causam instabilidade ao suprimento e oscilações nos preços dos combustíveis fósseis, forçando vários países a buscarem alternativas que possibilitem reduzir a dependência em relação às importações desse produto. Todos esses fatores, cuja importância varia de país para país, vêm criando oportunidades para a viabilização econômica de novas fontes de energia de biomassa. O uso do etanol, biodiesel, carvão vegetal, biogás e energia obtida a partir de resíduos do agronegócio desperta interesse crescente em muitos países, não restando dúvidas de que ocupará posição de destaque na economia mundial no futuro próximo. O bioetanol pode ser obtido de diferentes matérias-primas, cada qual com um custo de produção e um valor de venda.bitstream/item/17345/1/doc95.pd

    Considerações sobre biodiesel como biocombustível alternativo ao diesel.

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    Biodiesel é definido como o produto da reação de gordura animal ou vegetal com álcool (ou transesterificação). Tecnicamente podemos dizer que dos triglicerídeos presentes nessas matérias graxas (óleos vegetais ou animais), ésteres monoalquílicos (como os ésteres de etila e de metila) são produzidos pela reação com um álcool primário (etanol ou metanol) em meio preferencialmente alcalino. Esses ésteres também podem ser obtidos a partir de ácidos graxos livres, mas, nesse caso, a reação é de esterificação, e sua condução deve ser em meio preferencialmente ácido. As principais matérias-primas para a produção nacional do biodiesel são: soja, milho, girassol, amendoim, algodão, canola, mamona, babaçu, palma (dendê) e macaúba, entre outras oleaginosas existentes no país. O combustível também pode ser obtido a partir de óleos residuais e de gorduras animais. Além de ser uma tecnologia limpa, o emprego do biodiesel no óleo diesel de petróleo polui menos o meio ambiente, pode reduzir a dependência brasileira das importações de petróleo e trazer vantagens econômicas, pois sua produção e o cultivo das matérias-primas podem criar milhares de novos empregos, inclusive na agricultura familiar, principalmente nas regiões mais pobres do Brasil.bitstream/item/17275/1/doc93-1.pd

    Indicações de aspecto tecnológico sobre o bioetanol de matéria-prima amilácea.

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    A matriz energética mundial ainda é fortemente inclinada para as fontes de carbono fóssil, com participação total de 80%, sendo 36% de petróleo, 23% de carvão mineral e 21% de gás natural. São muitos os estudos que apontam o esgotamento das fontes de energia fóssil para as próximas quatro a cinco décadas, destacando a necessidade de buscar outras fontes alternativas de energia.bitstream/item/17276/1/doc94-1.pd

    Bearing Capacity and Load-Displacement Behavior of Rigid Pads on Soft, Sensitive, Clay

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    The paper describes tests on rigid square pads at the UK national soft clay research site at Bothkennar, Scotland. The work was performed as a low cost adjunct to the instrumented pile research described by Lehane and Jardine (1992). Its aims were to investigate (i} bearing capacity, (ii) load-displacement response to short and long term loading, (iii) the applicability of relevant theories and (iv) relationships between soil properties determined in-situ and those measured in high quality laboratory tests

    Excision for simplicial sheaves on the Stein site and Gromov's Oka principle

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    A complex manifold XX satisfies the Oka-Grauert property if the inclusion \Cal O(S,X) \hookrightarrow \Cal C(S,X) is a weak equivalence for every Stein manifold SS, where the spaces of holomorphic and continuous maps from SS to XX are given the compact-open topology. Gromov's Oka principle states that if XX has a spray, then it has the Oka-Grauert property. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the Oka-Grauert property using homotopical algebra. We embed the category of complex manifolds into the model category of simplicial sheaves on the site of Stein manifolds. Our main result is that the Oka-Grauert property is equivalent to XX representing a finite homotopy sheaf on the Stein site. This expresses the Oka-Grauert property in purely holomorphic terms, without reference to continuous maps.Comment: Version 3 contains a few very minor improvement