2,461 research outputs found

    The Maximal Invariance Group of Newtons's Equations for a Free Point Particle

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    The maximal invariance group of Newton's equations for a free nonrelativistic point particle is shown to be larger than the Galilei group. It is a semi-direct product of the static (nine-parameter) Galilei group and an SL(2,R)SL(2,R) group containing time-translations, dilations and a one-parameter group of time-dependent scalings called {\it expansions}. This group was first discovered by Niederer in the context of the free Schr\"odinger equation. We also provide a road map from the free nonrelativistic point particle to the equations of fluid mechanics to which the symmetry carries over. The hitherto unnoticed SL(2,R)SL(2, R) part of the symmetry group for fluid mechanics gives a theoretical explanation for an observed similarity between numerical simulations of supernova explosions and numerical simulations of experiments involving laser-induced implosions in inertial confinement plasmas. We also give examples of interacting many body systems of point particles which have this symmetry group.Comment: Plain TeX File: 15 Page

    Pentaquark state in pole-dominated QCD sum rules

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    We propose a new approach in QCD sum rules applied for exotic hadrons with a number of quarks, exemplifying the pentaquark Theta^{+} (I=0,J=1/2) in the Borel sum rule. Our approach enables reliable extraction of the pentaquark properties from the sum rule with good stability in a remarkably wide Borel window. The appearance of its valid window originates from a favorable setup of the correlation functions with the aid of it chirality of the interpolating fields on the analogy of the Weinberg sum rule for the vector currents. Our setup leads to large suppression of the continuum contributions which have spoiled the Borel stability in the previous analyses, and consequently enhances importance of the higher-dimensional contributions of the OPE, which are indispensable for investigating the pentaquark properties. Implementing the OPE analysis up to dimension 15, we find that the sum rules for the chiral-even and odd parts independently give the Theta^{+} mass of 1.68 pm 0.22 GeV with uncertainties of the condensate values. Our sum rule indeed gives rather flat Borel curves almost independent of the continuum thresholds both for the mass and pole residue. Finally, we also discuss possible isolation of the observed states from the KN scattering state on view of chiral symmetry.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Center Vortices, Instantons, and Confinement

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    We study the relation between center vortices and instantons in lattice QCD.Comment: 3 pages, 1 color figure, LaTeX209 using BoxedEPS and esprc2.sty (provided); talk presented by J.W. Negele to be published in Lattice99 (Topology); email to [email protected]

    Comparison of SO(3) and SU(2) lattice gauge theory

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    The Villain form of SO(3) lattice gauge theory is studied and compared to Wilson's SU(2) theory. The topological invariants in SO(3) which correspond to twisted boundary conditions in SU(2) are discussed and lattice observables are introduced for them. An apparent SO(3) phase with negative adjoint Polyakov loop is explained in terms of these observables. The electric twist free energy, an order parameter for the confinement-deconfinement transition, is measured in both theories to calibrate the temperature. The results indicate that lattices with about 700^4 sites or larger will be needed to study the SO(3) confined phase. Alternative actions are discussed and an analytic path connecting SO(3) and SU(2) lattice gauge theory at weak coupling is exhibited. The relevance for confinement of the centre of the gauge group is discussed

    The Path Integral for 1+1-dimensional QCD

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    We derive a path integral expression for the transition amplitude in 1+1-dimensional QCD starting from canonically quantized QCD. Gauge fixing after quantization leads to a formulation in terms of gauge invariant but curvilinear variables. Remainders of the curved space are Jacobians, an effective potential, and sign factors just as for the problem of a particle in a box. Based on this result we derive a Faddeev-Popov like expression for the transition amplitude avoiding standard infinities that are caused by integrations over gauge equivalent configurations.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 3 PostScript figures, uses epsf.st

    Cochlear Implantation, Synaptic Plasticity and Auditory Function

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    The ground state of three quarks

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    We measure the static three-quark potential in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with improved accuracy, by using all available technical refinements, including Luscher-Weisz exponential variance reduction. Together with insight gained from 3-state Potts model simulations, our results allow us to sort out the merits of the Delta- and Y-ansaetze.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at Lattice2002(topology
