165 research outputs found

    Retention of basic laparoscopic skills after a structured training program

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    The purpose of this study was to test the retention of basic laparoscopic skills on a box trainer 1 year after a short training program. For a prior study, eight medical students without prior experience (novices) underwent baseline testing, followed by five weekly training sessions and a final test. During each of seven sessions, they performed five tasks on an inanimate box trainer. Scores were calculated by adding up the time to completion of the task with penalty points, consequently rewarding speed and precision. The sum score was the sum of the five scores. One year later, seven of them underwent retention testing for the current study. The final test results were compared with retention test results as a measure of durability of acquired skills. Novices’ scores did not worsen significantly for four out of five tasks (i.e., placing a pipe cleaner p = 0.46, placing beads p = 0.24, cutting a circle p = 0.31, and knot tying p = 0.13). However, deterioration was observed in the performance on stretching a rubber band (p < 0.05), as well as in the sum score (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, all retention scores remained better than the baseline results. In conclusion, basic laparoscopic skills acquired during a short training program merely sustain over time. However, ongoing practice is advisable, especially to preserve tissue-handling skills, since these may be the first to deteriorate

    The effect of pyramiding Phytophthora infestans resistance genes RPi-mcd1 and RPi-ber in potato

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    Despite efforts to control late blight in potatoes by introducing Rpi-genes from wild species into cultivated potato, there are still concerns regarding the durability and level of resistance. Pyramiding Rpi-genes can be a solution to increase both durability and level of resistance. In this study, two resistance genes, RPi-mcd1 and RPi-ber, introgressed from the wild tuber-bearing potato species Solanum microdontum and S. berthaultii were combined in a diploid S. tuberosum population. Individual genotypes from this population were classified after four groups, carrying no Rpi-gene, with only RPi-mcd1, with only RPi-ber, and a group with the pyramided RPi-mcd1 and RPi-ber by means of tightly linked molecular markers. The levels of resistance between the groups were compared in a field experiment in 2007. The group with RPi-mcd1 showed a significant delay to reach 50% infection of the leaf area of 3 days. The group with RPi-ber showed a delay of 3 weeks. The resistance level in the pyramid group suggested an additive effect of RPi-mcd1 with RPi-ber. This suggests that potato breeding can benefit from combining individual Rpi-genes, irrespective of the weak effect of RPi-mcd1 or the strong effect of RPi-ber

    The Transcriptome of Compatible and Incompatible Interactions of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) with Phytophthora infestans Revealed by DeepSAGE Analysis

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    Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is the most important disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Understanding the molecular basis of resistance and susceptibility to late blight is therefore highly relevant for developing resistant cultivars, either by marker-assissted selection or by transgenic approaches. Specific P. infestans races having the Avr1 effector gene trigger a hypersensitive resistance response in potato plants carrying the R1 resistance gene (incompatible interaction) and cause disease in plants lacking R1 (compatible interaction). The transcriptomes of the compatible and incompatible interaction were captured by DeepSAGE analysis of 44 biological samples comprising five genotypes, differing only by the presence or absence of the R1 transgene, three infection time points and three biological replicates. 30.859 unique 21 base pair sequence tags were obtained, one third of which did not match any known potato transcript sequence. Two third of the tags were expressed at low frequency (<10 tag counts/million). 20.470 unitags matched to approximately twelve thousand potato transcribed genes. Tag frequencies were compared between compatible and incompatible interactions over the infection time course and between compatible and incompatible genotypes. Transcriptional changes were more numerous in compatible than in incompatible interactions. In contrast to incompatible interactions, transcriptional changes in the compatible interaction were observed predominantly for multigene families encoding defense response genes and genes functional in photosynthesis and CO2 fixation. Numerous transcriptional differences were also observed between near isogenic genotypes prior to infection with P. infestans. Our DeepSAGE transcriptome analysis uncovered novel candidate genes for plant host pathogen interactions, examples of which are discussed with respect to possible function

    The mosaic of KIR haplotypes in rhesus macaques

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    To further refine and improve biomedical research in rhesus macaques, it is necessary to increase our knowledge concerning both the degree of allelic variation (polymorphism) and diversity (gene copy number variation) in the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) gene cluster. Pedigreed animals in particular should be studied, as segregation data will provide clues to the linkage of particular KIR genes/alleles segregating on a haplotype and to its gene content as well. A dual strategy allowed us to screen the presence and absence of genes and the corresponding transcripts, as well as to track differences in transcription levels. On the basis of this approach, 14 diverse KIR haplotypes have been described. These haplotypes consist of multiple inhibitory and activating Mamu-KIR genes, and any gene present on one haplotype may be absent on another. This suggests that the cost of accelerated evolution by recombination may be the loss of certain framework genes on a haplotype

    Beyond humanization and de-immunization: tolerization as a method for reducing the immunogenicity of biologics

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    Immune responses to some monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and biologic proteins interfere with their efficacy due to the development of anti-drug antibodies (ADA). In the case of mAbs, most ADA target ‘foreign’ sequences present in the complementarity determining regions (CDRs). Humanization of the mAb sequence is one approach that has been used to render biologics less foreign to the human immune system. However, fully human mAbs can also drive immunogenicity. De-immunization (removing epitopes) has been used to reduce biologic protein immunogenicity. Here, we discuss a third approach to reducing the immunogenicity of biologics: introduction of Treg epitopes that stimulate Treg function and induce tolerance to the biologic protein. Supplementing humanization (replacing xenosequences with human) and de-immunization (reducing T effector epitopes) with tolerization (introducing Treg epitopes) where feasible, as a means of improving biologics ‘quality by design’, may lead to the development of ever more clinically effective, but less immunogenic, biologics

    Assessing Implicit Odor Localization in Humans Using a Cross-Modal Spatial Cueing Paradigm

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    Navigation based on chemosensory information is one of the most important skills in the animal kingdom. Studies on odor localization suggest that humans have lost this ability. However, the experimental approaches used so far were limited to explicit judgements, which might ignore a residual ability for directional smelling on an implicit level without conscious appraisal.A novel cueing paradigm was developed in order to determine whether an implicit ability for directional smelling exists. Participants performed a visual two-alternative forced choice task in which the target was preceded either by a side-congruent or a side-incongruent olfactory spatial cue. An explicit odor localization task was implemented in a second experiment.No effect of cue congruency on mean reaction times could be found. However, a time by condition interaction emerged, with significantly slower responses to congruently compared to incongruently cued targets at the beginning of the experiment. This cueing effect gradually disappeared throughout the course of the experiment. In addition, participants performed at chance level in the explicit odor localization task, thus confirming the results of previous research.The implicit cueing task suggests the existence of spatial information processing in the olfactory system. Response slowing after a side-congruent olfactory cue is interpreted as a cross-modal attentional interference effect. In addition, habituation might have led to a gradual disappearance of the cueing effect. It is concluded that under immobile conditions with passive monorhinal stimulation, humans are unable to explicitly determine the location of a pure odorant. Implicitly, however, odor localization seems to exert an influence on human behaviour. To our knowledge, these data are the first to show implicit effects of odor localization on overt human behaviour and thus support the hypothesis of residual directional smelling in humans

    Evidence-based approach to thrombophilia testing

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    Thrombophilia can be identified in about half of all patients presenting with VTE. Testing has increased tremendously for various indications, but whether the results of such tests help in the clinical management of patients has not been settled. I use evidence from observational studies to conclude that testing for hereditary thrombophilia generally does not alter the clinical management of patients with VTE, with occasional exceptions for women at fertile age. Because testing for thrombophilia only serves limited purpose this should not be performed on a routine basis
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