38 research outputs found


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    The structure of Fe(C2-Cap)(CO)(1-Melm) has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. It consists of the packing of two crystallographically independent porphyrin molecules and solvate molecules. Both porphyrin molecules display the expected connectivity in which the benzene caps are slanted with respect to the mean porphyrin planes (dihedral angles of 15.5 and 11.5-degrees for molecules 1 and 2, respectively). The centroids of the cap atoms are 5.57 and 5.68 angstrom from the mean porphyrin planes. Since this distance is 3.96 angstrom in H-2(C2-Cap), the cap moves 1.6-1.7 angstrom further away from the porphyrin upon binding a CO ligand inside the cavity. The coordinated CO ligand is slightly but detectably distorted from linearity, being both bent and tilted off the axis normal to the porphyrin. The Fe-C-O bond angle and the off-axis displacements for the C and O atoms of CO are 173.1 (9)degrees, 0.17 angstrom, and 0.41 angstrom, respectively, for molecule 1, and 175.8 (8)degrees and 0.12 and 0.28 angstrom, respectively, for molecule 2. Crystallographic data: triclinic P1BAR, Z = 4, a = 18.022 (2) angstrom, b = 20.017 (1) angstrom, c = 20.691 (2) angstrom, alpha = 70.507 (7)degrees, beta = 76.232 (10)degrees, gamma = 82.549 (7)degrees at -150-degrees-C, 18 468 observations, 1740 variables, R(F) = 0.096 (F0(2) > 3-sigma(F0(2))).X1166sciescopu


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    Two sterically protected ruthenium porphyrin compounds of the type Ru(Por)(H2O)in(CO)out have been prepared, and their structures have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Both compounds, Ru(beta-PocPivP)(H2O)in(CC)out (1), a ''pocket'' porphyrin, and Ru(OCCOPor)(H2O)in(CO)out (2), a ''capped'' porphyrin, pack as discrete porphyrin units with solvate molecules. In both compounds, the H2O ligand is inside the sterically protected region while the CO ligand is trans to the H2O molecule and is on the outside of the protected region. In Ru(beta-PocPivP)(H2O)in(CO)out, the H2O ligand is hydrogen-bonded to an amide oxygen atom, the O(H2O)-O(amide) distance being 2.688(4) angstrom; in Ru(OCCOPor)(H2O)in(CO)out, the H2O ligand, though not involved in traditional hydrogen bonding, may interact with the aromatic pi system of the benzene cap, the O(H2O)-cap centroid distance being 2.98 angstrom. The carbonyl groups have their normal, linear arrangement, with the Ru-C-O angles being 178.7(3) and 178.1(4)degrees in 1 and 2, respectively. In each structure, the porphyrin plane is slightly ruffled, with the Ru atom lying 0.20 and 0.26 angstrom below the porphyrin plane toward the carbonyl group in 1 and 2, respectively. In each structure, the cap is off-center and tilted. Each cap centroid lies 4.25 (1) and 4.79 A (2) above the porphyrin plane. These structures provide some useful insights info steric constraints in these encumbered porphyrins. Crystallographic data for Ru(beta-PocPivP)(H2O)in(CO)out.2CHCl3 (1): triclinic, C(i)l-P1BAR, Z = 2, a = 13.261(3) angstrom, b = 14.450(3) angstrom, c = 15.716(3) angstrom, alpha = 91.63(3)degrees, beta = 94.94(3)degrees, gamma = 94.40(3)degrees, 1 = -167-degrees-C, 11 611 unique reflections, 805 variables, R(F( (F(o))2 > 2sigma(F(o)2)) = 0.045, R(w)(F2) = 0.101. Crystallographic data for Ru(OCCOPor)-(H2O)in(CO)out-2CHCl3-1/2n-C6H12 (2): triclinic C(i)l-P1BAR, Z = 2, a = 9.651(2) A, b = 11.936(2) angstrom, c = 25.964(5) angstrom, alpha = 92.14(3)degrees, beta = 91.58(3)degrees, gamma = 104.99(3)degrees, t = -167-degrees-C, 15 970 unique reflections, 760 variables, R(F) (F(o)2 > 2sigma(F(o)2)) = 0.086, R(w)(F2) = 0.183.X1116sciescopu


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    Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm) and Ru(alpha-PocPivP)(CO)(1-MeIm) (TPP = tetraphenylporphyrinato; PocPivP = 'pocket' porphyrin dianion) were prepared by metalation of the free-base porphyrins with Ru-3(CO)(12), followed by reaction with 1-MeIm. The structures of Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm) and Ru(alpha-PocPivP)(CO)(1-MeIm) have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The compound Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm) packs as one crystallographically independent porphyrin molecule with toluene solvate, whereas Ru(alpha-PocPivP)(CO)(1-MeIm) crystallizes as two crystallographically independent porphyrin molecules, molecule A and molecule B, with disordered solvate, modeled as water. In Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm) the Ru atom lies 0.032 Angstrom out of the 24-atom porphyrin plane toward the CO ligand. The Ru-C-O bond angle is 179.3(2)degrees and the Ru-C(CO) and C-O bond distances are 1.828(2) Angstrom and 1.147(3) Angstrom, respectively. The Ru-N-ax(1-MeIm) distance is 2.187(2) Angstrom, compared with an average Ru-N-eq(porphine) distance of 2.058(3) Angstrom. The molecular structure of Ru(alpha-PocPivP)(CO)(1-MeIm), a sterically protected 'pocket' porphyrin, is more distorted than that of Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm). In molecule A the Ru atom lies 0.03 Angstrom out of the 24-atom porphyrin plane toward the 1-MeIm ligand whereas in molecule B the Ru atom lies 0.01 Angstrom out of the porphyrin plane toward the CO ligand. For molecule A the Ru-C(CO) and C-O bond distances are 1.82(3) Angstrom and 1.18(3) Angstrom, respectively, and the Ru-C-O bond angle is 168(3)degrees. Respective values for molecule B are 1.82(2) Angstrom, 1.16(3) Angstrom, and 159(3)degrees. The M-N-ax distances are 2.20(2) Angstrom and 2.16(2) Angstrom, respectively, for molecules A and B. The average M-N-eq distances are 2.03(3) Angstrom and 2.03(5) Angstrom. The CO stretching frequencies are 1939 cm(-1) for Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm) and 1933 cm(-1) for Ru(alpha-PocPivP)(CO)(1-MeIm). Crystallographic data for Ru(TPP)(CO)(1-MeIm): triclinic, C-i(1)-P (1) over bar, Z = 2, a = 9.796(2) Angstrom, b = 13.320(1) Angstrom, c = 17.618(2) Angstrom, alpha = 74.88(1)degrees, beta = 87.97(1)degrees, gamma = 83.23(1)degrees, T = 153 K, 9049 unique reflections, 579 variables, R(F) (F-o(2) > 2 sigma(F-o(2))) = 0.034, R(w)(F-2) = 0.094. Crystallographic data for Ru(alpha-PocPivP)(CO)(1-MeIm): orthorhombic, C-2v(9)-Pn2(1)a, Z = 8, a = 26.672(5) Angstrom, b = 32.243(6) Angstrom, c = 14.124(3) Angstrom, T = 150 K, 8006 unique reflections, 699 variables, R(F) (F-o(2) > 2 sigma(F-o(2))) = 0.113, R(w)(F-2) = 0.246.X1112sciescopu

    Carbide-derived nanoporous carbon and novel core-shell nanowires

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    Carbide-derived carbon (CDC) nanowires (NWs) have been synthesized by the high-temperature treatment of small-diameter beta-SiC whiskers with Cl-2/H-2. A variety of physical measurements indicate that Si was extracted by exposure to Cl, and that the C in the carbon nanowires is primarily sp(2)-bonded. From BET measurements, the specific surface area of these carbon nanowires is 1.3 x 10(3) m(2)/g and they contain a network of nanopores. Nanoindentation measurements indicate that the SiC-derived C is not a stiff material, the elastic modulus being 5.0 +/- 1.2 GPa. High-temperature treatment of the CDC nanowires under an inert gas significantly increases the degree of graphitization. In addition, partial extraction was used to obtain core-shell structures having a thin and also very high surface area CDC shell; further treatment at high temperature was used to produce graphitized carbon shell-crystalline SiC core NWs