108 research outputs found

    Hall-effect evolution across a heavy-fermion quantum critical point

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    A quantum critical point (QCP) develops in a material at absolute zero when a new form of order smoothly emerges in its ground state. QCPs are of great current interest because of their singular ability to influence the finite temperature properties of materials. Recently, heavy-fermion metals have played a key role in the study of antiferromagnetic QCPs. To accommodate the heavy electrons, the Fermi surface of the heavy-fermion paramagnet is larger than that of an antiferromagnet. An important unsolved question concerns whether the Fermi surface transformation at the QCP develops gradually, as expected if the magnetism is of spin density wave (SDW) type, or suddenly as expected if the heavy electrons are abruptly localized by magnetism. Here we report measurements of the low-temperature Hall coefficient (RHR_H) - a measure of the Fermi surface volume - in the heavy-fermion metal YbRh2Si2 upon field-tuning it from an antiferromagnetic to a paramagnetic state. RHR_H undergoes an increasingly rapid change near the QCP as the temperature is lowered, extrapolating to a sudden jump in the zero temperature limit. We interpret these results in terms of a collapse of the large Fermi surface and of the heavy-fermion state itself precisely at the QCP.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Natur

    The break up of heavy electrons at a quantum critical point

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    The point at absolute zero where matter becomes unstable to new forms of order is called a quantum critical point (QCP). The quantum fluctuations between order and disorder that develop at this point induce profound transformations in the finite temperature electronic properties of the material. Magnetic fields are ideal for tuning a material as close as possible to a QCP, where the most intense effects of criticality can be studied. A previous study on theheavy-electron material YbRh2Si2YbRh_2Si_2 found that near a field-induced quantum critical point electrons move ever more slowly and scatter off one-another with ever increasing probability, as indicated by a divergence to infinity of the electron effective mass and cross-section. These studies could not shed light on whether these properties were an artifact of the applied field, or a more general feature of field-free QCPs. Here we report that when Germanium-doped YbRh2Si2YbRh_2Si_2 is tuned away from a chemically induced quantum critical point by magnetic fields there is a universal behavior in the temperature dependence of the specific heat and resistivity: the characteristic kinetic energy of electrons is directly proportional to the strength of the applied field. We infer that all ballistic motion of electrons vanishes at a QCP, forming a new class of conductor in which individual electrons decay into collective current carrying motions of the electron fluid.Comment: Pdf files of article available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/breakup.pdf, pdf file of news and views article available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/nvbreakup.pd

    Field-induced quantum fluctuations in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Ge2

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    Quantum-mechanical fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems cause unconventional phenomena such as non-Fermi liquid behavior, and arguably high temperature superconductivity. Here we report the discovery of a field-tuned quantum critical phenomenon in stoichiometric CeCu2Ge2, a spin density wave ordered heavy fermion metal that exhibits unconventional superconductivity under ~ 10 GPa of applied pressure. Our finding of the associated quantum critical spin fluctuations of the antiferromagnetic spin density wave order, dominating the local fluctuations due to single-site Kondo effect, provide new information about the underlying mechanism that can be important in understanding superconductivity in this novel compound.Comment: Heavy Fermion, Quantum Critical Phenomeno

    To observe or not to observe peers when learning physical examination skills; That is the question

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    Background: Learning physical examination skills is an essential element of medical education. Teaching strategies include practicing the skills either alone or in-group. It is unclear whether students benefit more from training these skills individually or in a group, as the latter allows them to observing their peers. The present study, conducted in a naturalistic setting, investigated the effects of peer observation on mastering psychomotor skills necessary for physical examination. Methods. The study included 185 2§ssup§nd§esup§-year medical students, participating in a regular head-to-toe physical examination learning activity. Students were assigned either to a single-student condition (n = 65), in which participants practiced alone with a patient instructor, or to a multiple-student condition (n = 120), in which participants practiced in triads under patient instructor supervision. The students subsequently carried out a complete examination that was videotaped and subsequently evaluated. Student's performance was used as a measure of learning. Results: Students in the multiple-student condition learned more than those who practiced alone (8

    Subliminal influence on generosity

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    We experimentally subliminally prime subjects prior to charity donation decisions by showing words that have connotations of pro-social values for a very brief time (17ms). Our main fnding is that, compared to a baseline condition, the pro-social prime increases donations by approximately 10-17 percent among subjects with strong pro-social preferences (universalism values). We find a similar effect when interacting the prime with the Big 5 personality characteristic of agreeableness. We furthermore introduce a novel method for testing for priming, "subliminity". This method reveals that some subjects are capable of recognizing prime words, and the overall results are weaker when we control for this capacity

    Goal Priming in Dieters: Recent Insights and Applications

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    What are the psychological mechanisms that make dieting so challenging in our food-rich living environment? Social psychological research on goal priming provides a useful framework for answering this question, as well as implications for how to enhance dieting success. This review presents and discusses recent research which shows that attractive food cues prime the hedonic eating goal in dieters, and thus facilitate overeating. However, external cues priming the goal of weight control can be used to offset these effects and thus to facilitate dieting success, as is demonstrated in both field and laboratory experiments. In addition, recent strategies to prevent hedonic effects of attractive food, such as mindful attention, can facilitate self-regulation. These recent advances in our understanding of dieting behavior have theoretical and practical implications for how successful dieting can be facilitated, both by means of individual strategies, as well as by environmental changes

    Quantum Criticality in Heavy Fermion Metals

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    Quantum criticality describes the collective fluctuations of matter undergoing a second-order phase transition at zero temperature. Heavy fermion metals have in recent years emerged as prototypical systems to study quantum critical points. There have been considerable efforts, both experimental and theoretical, which use these magnetic systems to address problems that are central to the broad understanding of strongly correlated quantum matter. Here, we summarize some of the basic issues, including i) the extent to which the quantum criticality in heavy fermion metals goes beyond the standard theory of order-parameter fluctuations, ii) the nature of the Kondo effect in the quantum critical regime, iii) the non-Fermi liquid phenomena that accompany quantum criticality, and iv) the interplay between quantum criticality and unconventional superconductivity.Comment: (v2) 39 pages, 8 figures; shortened per the editorial mandate; to appear in Nature Physics. (v1) 43 pages, 8 figures; Non-technical review article, intended for general readers; the discussion part contains more specialized topic

    Construction of 3D models of the CYP11B family as a tool to predict ligand binding characteristics

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    Aldosterone is synthesised by aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2). CYP11B2 has a highly homologous isoform, steroid 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1), which is responsible for the biosynthesis of aldosterone precursors and glucocorticoids. To investigate aldosterone biosynthesis and facilitate the search for selective CYP11B2 inhibitors, we constructed three-dimensional models for CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 for both human and rat. The models were constructed based on the crystal structure of Pseudomonas Putida CYP101 and Oryctolagus Cuniculus CYP2C5. Small steric active site differences between the isoforms were found to be the most important determinants for the regioselective steroid synthesis. A possible explanation for these steric differences for the selective synthesis of aldosterone by CYP11B2 is presented. The activities of the known CYP11B inhibitors metyrapone, R-etomidate, R-fadrazole and S-fadrazole were determined using assays of V79MZ cells that express human CYP11B1 and CYP11B2, respectively. By investigating the inhibitors in the human CYP11B models using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations we were able to predict a similar trend in potency for the inhibitors as found in the in vitro assays. Importantly, based on the docking and dynamics simulations it is possible to understand the enantioselectivity of the human enzymes for the inhibitor fadrazole, the R-enantiomer being selective for CYP11B2 and the S-enantiomer being selective for CYP11B1

    Novel metallic implantation technique for osteochondral defects of the medial talar dome: A cadaver study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A metallic inlay implant (HemiCAP) with 15 offset sizes has been developed for the treatment of localized osteochondral defects of the medial talar dome. The aim of this study was to test the following hypotheses: (1) a matching offset size is available for each talus, (2) the prosthetic device can be reproducibly implanted slightly recessed in relation to the talar cartilage level, and (3) with this implantation level, excessive contact pressures on the opposite tibial cartilage are avoided. METHODS: The prosthetic device was implanted in 11 intact fresh-frozen human cadaver ankles, aiming its surface 0.5 mm below cartilage level. The implantation level was measured at 4 margins of each implant. Intraarticular contact pressures were measured before and after implantation, with compressive forces of 1,000-2,000 N and the ankle joint in plantigrade position, 10 dorsiflexion, and 14 plantar flexion. RESULTS: There was a matching offset size available for each specimen. The mean implantation level was 0.45 (SD 0.18) mm below the cartilage surface. The defect area accounted for a median of 3% (0.02-18) of the total ankle contact pressure before implantation. This was reduced to 0.1% (0.02-13) after prosthetic implantation. INTERPRETATION: These results suggest that the implant can be applied clinically in a safe way, with appropriate offset sizes for various talar domes and without excessive pressure on the opposite cartilag
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