421 research outputs found

    Diffusion and Home Range Parameters for Rodents: Peromyscus maniculatus in New Mexico

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    We analyze data from a long term field project in New Mexico, consisting of repeated sessions of mark-recaptures of Peromyscus maniculatus (Rodentia: Muridae), the host and reservoir of Sin Nombre Virus (Bunyaviridae: Hantavirus). The displacements of the recaptured animals provide a means to study their movement from a statistical point of view. We extract two parameters from the data with the help of a simple model: the diffusion constant of the rodents, and the size of their home range. The short time behavior shows the motion to be approximately diffusive and the diffusion constant to be 470+/-50m^2/day. The long time behavior provides an estimation of the diameter of the rodent home ranges, with an average value of 100+/-25m. As in previous investigations directed at Zygodontomys brevicauda observations in Panama, we use a box model for home range estimation. We also use a harmonic model in the present investigation to study the sensitivity of the conclusions to the model used and find that both models lead to similar estimates.Comment: The published paper in Ecol. Complexity has an old version of Figure 6. Here we have put the correct version of Figure

    Direct seeding of chenopod shrubs for saltland and rangeland environments

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    There are currently two ways of establishing chenopod shrubs: sowing from seed using a niche seeder, or planting nursery-raised seedlings with a tree planter. Planting seedlings is the more reliable method, but is relatively expensive (in excess of 450perhectare).Ontheotherhand,directseedingusingthespecialisednicheseederismuchlessexpensive(450 per hectare). On the other hand, direct seeding using the specialised “niche seeder” is much less expensive (100-150 per hectare), but is also less reliable. This project aimed to investigate alternative methods of direct seeding chenopod shrubs for saltland and rangeland areas by developing a greater understanding of their seed biology and agronomic requirements. Our aspiration was that shrubs should be established using more conventional farm machinery. This bulletin reports on a combination of seed biology and agronomic research to develop reliable, low-cost direct seeding options for chenopod shrubs. Experiments into the impact of changing environmental conditions on seeds were studied in the laboratory, and field experiments were conducted to test the applicability of these insights in the field using conventional modified farm seeding machinery. As a result of this work, a successful direct seeding package using farm seeding equipment (modified for wide row spacings and depth control) was developed for Atriplex nummularia (old man saltbush), the most widely planted saltbush species across southern Australia. The nine key elements of the package are: 1. Select suitable paddocks for introduction of new shrubs 2. Prepare a weed-free seedbed using two knockdown herbicide applications (4-6 weeks and 1-2 weeks before seeding) and commence control of rabbits and kangaroos 3. Sow the best seed, by ensuring: a. Large fruits, with a high proportion of viable seeds, have been selected b. Seed is of subspecies nummularia (not subsp. spathulata) c. Fruits have been harvested within the previous six months and stored in a cool, dry environment d. Bracts are retained around the seeds 4. Sow into moisture in late winter - early spring (depending on district) a. If the area to be sown is waterlogged, defer sowing until later in spring b. If insufficient soil moisture, defer sowing until the following year 5. Use a sowing rate of ~10 fruits/m (if germination rate is 15%) to provide at least one plant for every 2 m of row; use higher rates for seed of lower germination 6. Set the seeder up to sow into furrows with trailing press wheels 7. Sow to a depth of 5-10 mm (very critical) 8. Control weeds and pests (insects, mites, kangaroos and rabbits) 9. Defer grazing until seedlings are well established This establishment method has also been shown to work for Rhagodia preissii (mallee saltbush). This project was not able to develop reliable direct seeding packages for other Atriplex species, including A. amnicola and A. undulata. Further work is needed to understand the triggers for their germination, before these species can be direct-seeded with conventional machinery. Direct sowing of M. brevifolia and M. pyramidata appears to be problematic in much of southern Australia, due to their requirement for temperatures >30°C for germination, which do not occur within the normal winter growing season. An exception to this would be areas with more reliable summer rainfall, such as northern New South Wales, where sowing could be deferred until late spring-early summer. An alternative strategy for establishing M. brevifolia, is to encourage natural recruitment of seedlings from seed produced on surrounding bushes (if it is already present in the area), or to transplant a low density of nursery-raised seedlings, which could then act as a seed source for natural recruitment (if it is not already present)

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Focus on Novel Therapeutic Strategies

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease with variable clinical outcomes. Cytogenetic analysis reveals which patients may have favorable risk disease, but 5-year survival in this category is only approximately 60%, with intermediate and poor risk groups faring far worse. Advances in our understanding of the biology of leukemia pathogenesis and prognosis have not been matched with clinical improvements. Unsatisfactory outcomes persist for the majority of patients with AML, particularly the elderly. Novel agents and treatment approaches are needed in the induction, post-remission and relapsed settings. The additions of clofarabine for relapsed or refractory disease and the hypomethylating agents represent recent advances. Clinical trials of FLT3 inhibitors have yielded disappointing results to date, with ongoing collaborations attempting to identify the optimal role for these agents. Potential leukemia stem cell targeted therapies and treatments in the setting of minimal residual disease are also under investigation. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in AML treatment and novel therapeutic strategies

    Extended Superscaling of Electron Scattering from Nuclei

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    An extended study of scaling of the first and second kinds for inclusive electron scattering from nuclei is presented. Emphasis is placed on the transverse response in the kinematic region lying above the quasielastic peak. In particular, for the region in which electroproduction of resonances is expected to be important, approximate scaling of the second kind is observed and the modest breaking of it is shown probably to be due to the role played by an inelastic version of the usual scaling variable.Comment: LaTeX, 36 pages including 5 color postscript figures and 4 postscript figure

    Superscaling of Inclusive Electron Scattering from Nuclei

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    We investigate the degree to which the concept of superscaling, initially developed within the framework of the relativistic Fermi gas model, applies to inclusive electron scattering from nuclei. We find that data obtained from the low energy loss side of the quasielastic peak exhibit the superscaling property, i.e., the scaling functions f(\psi') are not only independent of momentum transfer (the usual type of scaling: scaling of the first kind), but coincide for A \geq 4 when plotted versus a dimensionless scaling variable \psi' (scaling of the second kind). We use this behavior to study as yet poorly understood properties of the inclusive response at large electron energy loss.Comment: 33 pages, 12 color EPS figures, LaTeX2e using BoxedEPSF macros; email to [email protected]

    Experimental Study of the Shortest Reset Word of Random Automata

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    In this paper we describe an approach to finding the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton by using a SAT solver. We use this approach to perform an experimental study of the length of the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton. The largest automata we considered had 100 states. The results of the experiments allow us to formulate a hypothesis that the length of the shortest reset word of a random finite automaton with nn states and 2 input letters with high probability is sublinear with respect to nn and can be estimated as $1.95 n^{0.55}.

    Two-proton correlations from 158 AGeV Pb+Pb central collisions

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    The two-proton correlation function at midrapidity from Pb+Pb central collisions at 158 AGeV has been measured by the NA49 experiment. The results are compared to model predictions from static thermal Gaussian proton source distributions and transport models RQMD and VENUS. An effective proton source size is determined by minimizing CHI-square/ndf between the correlation functions of the data and those calculated for the Gaussian sources, yielding 3.85 +-0.15(stat.) +0.60-0.25(syst.) fm. Both the RQMD and the VENUS model are consistent with the data within the error in the correlation peak region.Comment: RevTeX style, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. More discussion are added about the structure on the tail of the correlation function. The systematic error is revised. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Event-by-event fluctuations of average transverse momentum in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    We present first data on event-by-event fluctuations in the average transverse momentum of charged particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS. This measurement provides previously unavailable information allowing sensitive tests of microscopic and thermodynamic collision models and to search for fluctuations expected to occur in the vicinity of the predicted QCD phase transition. We find that the observed variance of the event-by-event average transverse momentum is consistent with independent particle production modified by the known two-particle correlations due to quantum statistics and final state interactions and folded with the resolution of the NA49 apparatus. For two specific models of non-statistical fluctuations in transverse momentum limits are derived in terms of fluctuation amplitude. We show that a significant part of the parameter space for a model of isospin fluctuations predicted as a consequence of chiral symmetry restoration in a non-equilibrium scenario is excluded by our measurement.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.