817 research outputs found

    Constrained Dynamics of an Anomalous (g/neq2)(g/neq 2) Relativistic Spinning Particle in Electromagnetic Background

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    In this paper we have considered the dynamics of an anomalous (g2g\neq 2) charged relativistic spinning particle in the presence of an external electromagnetic field. The constraint analysis is done and the complete set of Dirac brackets are provided that generate the canonical Lorentz algebra and dynamics through Hamiltonian equations of motion. The spin-induced effective curvature of spacetime and its possible connection with Analogue Gravity models are commented upon.Comment: 10 pages Latex, minor corrections and changes in ref., slightly enlarged version, to appear in EPJ

    Early stage scaling in phase ordering kinetics

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    A global analysis of the scaling behaviour of a system with a scalar order parameter quenched to zero temperature is obtained by numerical simulation of the Ginzburg-Landau equation with conserved and non conserved order parameter. A rich structure emerges, characterized by early and asymptotic scaling regimes, separated by a crossover. The interplay among different dynamical behaviours is investigated by varying the parameters of the quench and can be interpreted as due to the competition of different dynamical fixed points.Comment: 21 pages, latex, 7 figures available upon request from [email protected]

    The Matter and the Pseudoscalar Densities in Lattice QCD

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    The matter and the pseudoscalar densities inside a hadron are calculated via gauge-invariant equal-time correlation functions. A comparison is made between the charge charge and the matter density distributions for the pion, the rho, the nucleon and the Δ+\Delta^+ within the quenched theory, and with two flavours of dynamical quarks.Comment: Typos corrected; 13 pages, 16 figure

    Magnetic ordering in electronically phase-separated La2-xSrxCuO4+y: Neutron diffraction experiments

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    We present results of magnetic neutron diffraction experiments on the codoped superoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4+y (LSCO+O) system with x=0.09. We find that the magnetic phase is long-range ordered incommensurate antiferromagnetic with a Neacuteel temperature T-N coinciding with the superconducting ordering temperature T-c=40 K. The incommensurability value is consistent with a hole doping of n(h)approximate to 1>8 but in contrast to nonsuperoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4 with hole doping close to n(h)approximate to 18 the magnetic-order parameter is not field dependent. We attribute this to the magnetic order being fully developed in LSCO+O as in the spin and charge ordered "stripe" compounds La1.48Nd0.40Sr0.12CuO4 and La7/8Ba1/8CuO4

    Water wave propagation and scattering over topographical bottoms

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    Here I present a general formulation of water wave propagation and scattering over topographical bottoms. A simple equation is found and is compared with existing theories. As an application, the theory is extended to the case of water waves in a column with many cylindrical steps

    Estimating the inelasticity with the information theory approach

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    Using the information theory approach, in both its extensive and nonextensive versions, we estimate the inelasticity parameter KK of hadronic reactions together with its distribution and energy dependence from ppˉp\bar{p} and pppp data. We find that the inelasticity remains essentially constant in energy except for a variation around K0.5K\sim 0.5, as was originally expected.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Misprints correcte

    Dirichlet sigma models and mean curvature flow

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    The mean curvature flow describes the parabolic deformation of embedded branes in Riemannian geometry driven by their extrinsic mean curvature vector, which is typically associated to surface tension forces. It is the gradient flow of the area functional, and, as such, it is naturally identified with the boundary renormalization group equation of Dirichlet sigma models away from conformality, to lowest order in perturbation theory. D-branes appear as fixed points of this flow having conformally invariant boundary conditions. Simple running solutions include the paper-clip and the hair-pin (or grim-reaper) models on the plane, as well as scaling solutions associated to rational (p, q) closed curves and the decay of two intersecting lines. Stability analysis is performed in several cases while searching for transitions among different brane configurations. The combination of Ricci with the mean curvature flow is examined in detail together with several explicit examples of deforming curves on curved backgrounds. Some general aspects of the mean curvature flow in higher dimensional ambient spaces are also discussed and obtain consistent truncations to lower dimensional systems. Selected physical applications are mentioned in the text, including tachyon condensation in open string theory and the resistive diffusion of force-free fields in magneto-hydrodynamics.Comment: 77 pages, 21 figure

    Linear Response, Validity of Semi-Classical Gravity, and the Stability of Flat Space

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    A quantitative test for the validity of the semi-classical approximation in gravity is given. The criterion proposed is that solutions to the semi-classical Einstein equations should be stable to linearized perturbations, in the sense that no gauge invariant perturbation should become unbounded in time. A self-consistent linear response analysis of these perturbations, based upon an invariant effective action principle, necessarily involves metric fluctuations about the mean semi-classical geometry, and brings in the two-point correlation function of the quantum energy-momentum tensor in a natural way. This linear response equation contains no state dependent divergences and requires no new renormalization counterterms beyond those required in the leading order semi-classical approximation. The general linear response criterion is applied to the specific example of a scalar field with arbitrary mass and curvature coupling in the vacuum state of Minkowski spacetime. The spectral representation of the vacuum polarization function is computed in n dimensional Minkowski spacetime, and used to show that the flat space solution to the semi-classical Einstein equations for n=4 is stable to all perturbations on distance scales much larger than the Planck length.Comment: 22 pages: This is a significantly expanded version of gr-qc/0204083, with two additional sections and two new appendices giving a complete, explicit example of the semi-classical stability criterion proposed in the previous pape

    Entangled-Photon Generation from Parametric Down-Conversion in Media with Inhomogeneous Nonlinearity

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    We develop and experimentally verify a theory of Type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in media with inhomogeneous distributions of second-order nonlinearity. As a special case, we explore interference effects from SPDC generated in a cascade of two bulk crystals separated by an air gap. The polarization quantum-interference pattern is found to vary strongly with the spacing between the two crystals. This is found to be a cooperative effect due to two mechanisms: the chromatic dispersion of the medium separating the crystals and spatiotemporal effects which arise from the inclusion of transverse wave vectors. These effects provide two concomitant avenues for controlling the quantum state generated in SPDC. We expect these results to be of interest for the development of quantum technologies and the generation of SPDC in periodically varying nonlinear materials.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Hidden Order in the Cuprates

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    We propose that the enigmatic pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors is characterized by a hidden broken symmetry of d(x^2-y^2)-type. The transition to this state is rounded by disorder, but in the limit that the disorder is made sufficiently small, the pseudogap crossover should reveal itself to be such a transition. The ordered state breaks time-reversal, translational, and rotational symmetries, but it is invariant under the combination of any two. We discuss these ideas in the context of ten specific experimental properties of the cuprates, and make several predictions, including the existence of an as-yet undetected metal-metal transition under the superconducting dome.Comment: 12 pages of RevTeX, 9 eps figure