1,423 research outputs found

    Effect of impact ionization in the InGaAs absorber on excess noise of avalanche photodiodes

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    The effects of impact ionization in the InGaAs absorption layer on the multiplication, excess noise and breakdown voltage are modeled for avalanche photodiodes (APDs), both with InP and with InAlAs multiplication regions. The calculations allow for dead space effects and for the low field electron ionization observed in InGaAs. The results confirm that impact ionization in the InGaAs absorption layer increases the excess noise in InP APDs and that the effect imposes tight constraints on the doping of the charge control layer if avalanche noise is to be minimized. However, the excess noise of InAlAs APDs is predicted to be reduced by impact ionization in the InGaAs layer. Furthermore the breakdown voltage of InAlAs APDs is less sensitive to ionization in the InGaAs layer and these results increase tolerance to doping variations in the field control layer

    A theoretical comparison of the breakdown behavior of In0.52Al0.48As and InP near-infrared single-photon avalanche photodiodes

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    We study the breakdown characteristics and timing statistics of InP and In0.52Al0.48As single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) with avalanche widths ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 mu m at room temperature using a random ionization path-length model. Our results show that, for a given avalanche width, the breakdown probability of In0.52Al0.48As SPADs increases faster with overbias than InP SPADs. When we compared their timing statistics, we observed that, for a given breakdown probability, InP requires a shorter time to reach breakdown and exhibits a smaller timing jitter than In0.52Al0.48As. However, due to the lower dark count probability and faster rise in breakdown probability with overbias, In0.52Al0.48As SPADs with avalanche widths <= 0.5 mu m are more suitable for single-photon detection at telecommunication wavelengths than InP SPADs. Moreover, we predict that, in InP SPADs with avalanche widths <= 0.3 mu m and In0.52Al0.48As SPADs with avalanche widths <= 0.2 mu m, the dark count probability is higher than the photon count probability for all applied biases

    Maximum Score Estimates of the Determinants of Residential Mobility: Implications for the Value of Residential Attachment and Neighborhood Amenities

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    This paper examines the determinants of the decision of low-income renters to move out of their current dwelling. Maximum score estimation is shown t be superior to ordinary discrete choice estimation techniques (probit, logit) for this problem, ad for similar discrete choices that require revering a previously optimal decision. The estimation reveals psychological costs of moving for typical low income renters of at least 8 percent of their income; these costs are even higher for older, longer tenure, or minority households. Policies that displace low income renters will have large social costs. In addition, the estimation results are used to calculate implicit household willingness to pay (WTP) for neighborhood amenities. This WTP based on mobility behavior is much greater than WTP estimates derived using hedonic methods, and is argued to be more accurate. This paper uses a semiparametric empirical technique to estimate the determinants of the decision of low-income renters to move out of their dwelling. These estimates show that low-income residents highly value remaining in their dwelling. In addition, these estimates are used to illustrate an alternative method to measure willingness to pay for neighborhood amenities. Moving decisions are usually examined with standard discrete choice models such as probit or logit (e.g., Venti and Wise (1984), or Weinberg, Friedman, and Mayo (1981). But the moving decision presents econometric difficulties for standard discrete choice models. As will be explained in section 1, because the household decision about moving is conditional on having previously preferred the original location, the disturbance term in mobility models is unlikely to follow the simple distributional forms required for probit or logit estimation. Maximum score estimation is an alternative estimation technique for discrete choice models that is robust to unusual distributions of the disturbance term. Although the theoretical properties of maximum score estimation have been well-explored (see Manski (1975,1985)), our paper presents one of the first empirical applications of maximum score techniques. Maximum score estimation of our residential mobility model yields similar parameter estimates to probit estimation, but much smaller standard errors. This advantage of greater precision may prove attractive to other researchers. We use our estimates of the residential mobility model to calculate the value to households of remaining at their current dwelling rather than being forced to move out. We use the household's mobility response to rent changes to infer a monetary value of remaining in the current dwelling. Our calculations indicate that the typical low-income renter household is willing to pay at least 8 percent of its annual income to avoid being forced out of its current dwelling. These "psychological moving costs" increase greatly for older or longer tenure households. Large "psychological moving costs" have important implications for public policy towards low-income neighborhoods. Neighborhood improvement policies or private market forces may displace low-income renters. If the losses suffered by low-income renters due to being forced out of their current dwelling unit are significant, as indicated in this paper, then it is important to include these losses in any evaluation of the net benefits of a neighborhood improvement program. In addition, policy makers might want to consider policies to prevent or compensate for privately-induced displacement. Estimates of the monetary value of low-income renters' psychological moving costs are important to determining the effects of these policies, and deciding appropriate compensation. Finally, this paper uses the residential mobility estimates to infer the willingness t pay (WTP) of low-income renters for neighborhood amenities such as the physical condition of the neighborhood, neighborhood school quality, and the safety of the neighborhood from crime. The relative responsiveness of household mobility to changes in these neighborhood amenities, versus changes in rents, implicitly reveals households' monetary valuations of these amenities. The more common approach to measuring household WTP for neighborhood amenities is the hedonic price approach, which relies n the equilibrium relationship between housing prices and amenities. The calculations in this paper suggest that mobility-based WTP estimates for amenities may often be greater than hedonic based estimates of WTP. We consider which approach is more accurate. Section 1 of the paper presents our econometrics, specification, and data. Section 2 presents the results. Section 3 is the conclusion.residential, mobility, determinants, Bartik, low-income, renters

    Excess noise measurement in In0.53Ga0.47As

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    The excess noise due to impact ionization has been measured explicitly for the first time in In/sub 0.53/Ga/sub 0.47/As. By using a phase sensitive detection technique, the noise due to avalanche current was determined even in the presence of high tunneling currents. The excess noise due to pure electron injection measured on a series of thick In/sub 0.53/Ga/sub 0.47/As p/sup +/-i-n/sup +/ diodes suggests large electron to hole ionization coefficient ratio between 3.7 at electric field of 310 kV/spl middot/cm/sup -1/ to 5.3 at 260 kV/spl middot/cm/sup -1/. Excess noise was also measured at fields as low as 155 kV/spl middot/cm/sup -1/ suggesting that significant impact ionization occurs at these low fields. The multiplication and excess noise calculated using published ionization coefficients and ignoring dead space effects, gave good agreement with the experimental data for mixed and pure electron injection

    Field dependence of impact ionization coefficients in In0.53Ga0.47As

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    Electron and hole ionization coefficients in In/sub 0.53/Ga/sub 0.47/As are deduced from mixed carrier avalanche photomultiplication measurements on a series of p-i-n diode layers, eliminating other effects that can lead to an increase in photocurrent with reverse bias. Low field ionization is observed for electrons but not for holes, resulting in a larger ratio of ionization coefficients, even at moderately high electric fields than previously reported. The measured ionization coefficients are marginally lower than those of GaAs for fields above 250 kVcm/sup -1/, supporting reports of slightly higher avalanche breakdown voltages in In/sub 0.53/Ga/sub 0.47/As than in GaAs p-i-n diodes

    An InGaAs/AlAsSb Avalanche Photodiode With a Small Temperature Coefficient of Breakdown

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    Dark current and avalanche gain M on AlAs0.56Sb0.44 (hereafter referred to as AlAsSb) separate absorption multiplication (SAM) avalanche photodiodes (APDs) were measured at temperatures ranging from 77 K to 300 K. To avoid possible ambiguity in breakdown voltage due to edge breakdown and tunneling current, a phase-sensitive detection method with a tightly focused light spot in the center of the device was employed to measure M accurately. An extrapolation of 1/M to zero was used to deduce the breakdown voltage, from which the temperature coefficient of breakdown voltage Cbd was derived. The value of Cbd 1/4 8 mV/K, obtained for AlAsSb SAM APDs, is much smaller than that for commercial Si and InGaAs/InP APDs, as well as other SAM APDs in the literature, demonstrating the potential of AlAsSb avalanche regions in improving the thermal stability of APDs

    GaAs/Al 0.8 Ga 0.2 As avalanche photodiodes for soft X-ray spectroscopy

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    The soft X-ray spectroscopic performance of a GaAs/Al 0.8 Ga 0.2 As Separate Absorption and Multiplication (SAM) APD was assessed at room temperature using a 55 Fe source. An energy resolution of 1.08 keV (FWHM) was achieved for the 5.9 keV X-rays, at an avalanche gain of 3.5. The avalanche gain also improved the minimum detectable energy from 4.8 keV at unity gain to about 1.5 keV at a gain of 5. Through avalanche statistics analyses, we confirmed that (i) the APD’s FWHM was degraded by X-ray photon absorption within the avalanche region, and (ii) photon absorption in/near the n-cladding layer contributed to an undesirable secondary peak in the spectrum

    Avalanche breakdown characteristics of Al1-xGaxAs0.56Sb0.44 quaternary alloys

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    Avalanche breakdown characteristics are essential for designing avalanche photodiodes. In this work, we investigated the effects of adding Ga to Al1-xGaxAs0.56Sb0.44 quaternary alloys. Using p-i-n diodes with a 100 nm i –region and alloy composition ranging from x = 0 to 0.15, we found that the bandgap energy of Al1-xGaxAs0.56Sb0.44 reduces from 1.64 to 1.56 eV. The corresponding avalanche breakdown voltage decreases from 13.02 to 12.05 V, giving a reduction of 64.7 mV for every percent addition of Ga. The surface leakage current was also found to be significantly lower in the diodes with x = 0.10 and 0.15 suggesting that Ga can be added to reduce the surface leakage current while still preserving the lattice match to InP substrate

    Investigation of temperature and temporal stability of AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiodes

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    Since avalanche gain and breakdown voltage in most semiconductor materials change with temperature, instruments utilizing Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) for their avalanche gains need to incorporate either temperature stabilization or voltage adjustment in the APD operation circuits. In this work we evaluated the temperature and temporal stability of avalanche gain in Al 0.85 Ga 0.15 As 0.56 Sb 0.44 , a wide bandgap semiconductor lattice-matched to InP substrates. We investigated the temperature and temporal stability of the gain and breakdown voltage at temperatures of 24 °C (room temperature) to 80 °C. The breakdown voltage varies linearly with temperature with a temperature coefficient of 1.60 mV/K. The avalanche gain reduces from 10 to 8.5, a reduction of 15%, when the temperature increases from 24 to 80°C. The temporal stability of gain was recorded when the APD was biased to achieve an avalanche gain of 10. Fluctuations are within ± 0.7% at 24°C, increasing to ± 1.33% at 80°C. The temperature and temporal stability of avalanche gain indicates the potential of using Al 0.85 Ga 0.15 As 0.56 Sb 0.44 APDs grown on InP substrates to achieve high tolerance to temperature fluctuation