450 research outputs found

    Field Redefinitions, T-duality and Solutions in Closed String Field Theories

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    We investigate classical solutions in closed bosonic string field theory and heterotic string field theory that are obtained order by order starting from solutions of the linearized equations of motion, and we discuss the ``field redefinitions'' which relate massless fields in the string field theory side and the low energy effective theory side. Massless components of the string field theory solutions are not corrected and from them we can infer corresponding solutions in the effective theory: the chiral null model and the pp-wave solution with B-field, which have been known to be alpha'-exact. These two sets of solutions in the two sides look slightly different because of the field redefinitions. It turns out that T-duality is a useful tool to determine them: We show that some part of the field redefinitions can be determined by using the correspondence between T-duality rules in the two sides, irrespective of the detail of the interaction terms and the integrating-out procedure. Applying the field redefinitions, we see that the solutions in the effective theory side are reproduced from the string field theory solutions.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages, no figure v2: minor corrections v3: minor correctio

    Chiral rings and GSO projection in Orbifolds

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    The GSO projection in the twisted sector of orbifold background is sometimes subtle and incompatible descriptions are found in literatures. Here, from the equivalence of partition functions in NSR and GS formalisms, we give a simple rule of GSO projection for the chiral rings of string theory in \C^r/\Z_n, r=1,2,3r=1,2,3. Necessary constructions of chiral rings are given by explicit mode analysis.Comment: 24 page

    (Twisted) Toroidal Compactification of pp-Waves

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    The maximally supersymmetric type IIB pp-wave is compactified on spatial circles, with and without an auxiliary rotational twist. All spatial circles of constant radius are identified. Without the twist, an S1^1 compactification can preserve 24, 20 or 16 supercharges. T2T^2 compactifications can preserve 20, 18 or 16 supercharges; T3T^3 compactifications can preserve 18 or 16 supercharges and higher compactifications preserve 16 supercharges. The worldsheet theory of this background is discussed. The T-dual and decompactified type IIA and M-theoretic solutions which preserve 24 supercharges are given. Some comments are made regarding the AdS parent and the CFT description.Comment: 22 pages REVTeX 4 and AMSLaTeX. v3: References and a paragraph on nine dimensional Killing spinors were added. v4: A few typos corrected and a footnote was modifie

    Classical and Quantum Strings in compactified pp-waves and Godel type Universes

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    We consider Neveu-Schwarz pp-waves with spacetime supersymmetry. Upon compactification of a spacelike direction, these backgrounds develop Closed Null Curves (CNCs) and Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs), and are U-dual to supersymmetric Godel type universes. We study classical and quantum strings in this background, with emphasis on the strings winding around the compact direction. We consider two types of strings: long strings stabilized by NS flux and rotating strings which are stabilized against collapse by angular momentum. Some of the latter strings wrap around CNCs and CTCs, and are thus a potential source of pathology. We analyze the partition function, and in particular discuss the effects of these string states. Although our results are not conclusive, the partition function seems to be dramatically altered due to the presence of CNCs and CTCs. We discuss some interpretations of our results, including a possible sign of unitary violation.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Closed String Tachyons and Semi-Classical Instabilities

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    We conjecture that the end point of bulk closed string tachyon decay at any non-zero coupling, is the annihilation of space time by Witten's bubble of nothing, resulting in a topological phase of the theory. In support of this we present a variety of situations in which there is a correspondence between the existence of perturbative tachyons in one regime and the semi-classical annihilation of space-time. Our discussion will include many recently investigated scenarios in string theory including Scherk-Schwarz compactifications, Melvin magnetic backgrounds, and noncompact orbifolds. We use this conjecture to investigate a possible web of dualities relating the eleven-dimensional Fabinger-Horava background with nonsupersymmetric string theories. Along the way we point out where our conjecture resolves some of the puzzles associated with bulk closed string tachyon condensation.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures 3 figures added, typos corrected and references added. Discussion of Type 0/Heterotic s-duality extended and some other points clarified Revision of discussion on Fabinger-Horava string descendents, section on Scherk-Schwarz compactification of Horava-Witten removed, some references adde

    Can free strings propagate across plane wave singularities?

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    We study free string propagation in families of plane wave geometries developing strong scale-invariant singularities in certain limits. We relate the singular limit of the evolution for all excited string modes to that of the center-of-mass motion (the latter existing for discrete values of the overall plane wave profile normalization). Requiring that the entire excitation energy of the string should be finite turns out to be quite restrictive and essentially excludes consistent propagation across the singularity, unless dimensionful scales are introduced at the singular locus (in an otherwise scale-invariant space-time).Comment: 24 pages; v.2: published version, minor clarifications adde

    Open Strings in Exactly Solvable Model of Curved Spacetime and PP-Wave Limit

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    In this paper we study the superstring version of the exactly solvable string model constructed by Russo and Tseytlin. This model represents superstring theory in a curved spacetime and can be seen as a generalization of the Melvin background. We investigate D-branes in this model as probes of the background geometry by constructing the boundary states. We find that spacetime singularities in the model become smooth at high energy from the viewpoint of open string. We show that there always exist bulk (movable) D-branes by the effect of electric flux. The model also includes Nappi-Witten model as the Penrose limit and supersymmetry is enhanced in the limit. We examine this phenomenon in the open string spectrum. We also find the similar enhancement of supersymmetry can be occurred in several coset models.Comment: Latex, 32 pages, typos corrected, references added, to appear in JHEP, eq.(2.22) correcte

    Spectra of PP-Wave Limits of M-/Superstring Theory on AdS_p x S^q Spaces

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    In this paper we show how one can obtain very simply the spectra of the PP-wave limits of M-theory over AdS_7(4) x S^4(7) spaces and IIB superstring theory over AdS_5 x S^5 from the oscillator construction of the Kaluza-Klein spectra of these theories over the corresponding spaces. The PP-wave symmetry superalgebras are obtained by taking the number P of ``colors'' of oscillators to be large (infinite). In this large P limit, the symmetry superalgebra osp(8*|4) of AdS_7 x S^4 and the symmetry superalgebra osp(8|4,R) of AdS_4 x S^7 lead to isomorphic PP-wave algebras, which is the semi-direct sum of su(4|2) with H^(18,16), while the symmetry superalgebra su(2,2|4) of AdS_5 x S^5 leads to the semi-direct sum of [psu(2|2) + psu(2|2) + u(1)] with H^(16,16) as its PP-wave algebra [H^(m,n) denoting a super-Heisenberg algebra with m bosonic and n fermionic generators]. The zero mode spectra of M-theory or IIB superstring theory in the PP-wave limit corresponds simply to the unitary positive energy representations of these algebras whose lowest weight vector is the Fock vacuum of all the oscillators. General positive energy supermultiplets including those corresponding to higher modes can similarly be constructed by the oscillator method.Comment: Typos corrected; references added; minor modifications to improve presentation; 37 pages, LaTeX fil

    AdS Bubbles, Entropy and Closed String Tachyons

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    We study the conjectured connection between AdS bubbles (AdS solitons) and closed string tachyon condensations. We confirm that the entanglement entropy, which measures the degree of freedom, decreases under the tachyon condensation. The entropies in supergravity and free Yang-Mills agree with each other remarkably. Next we consider the tachyon condensation on the AdS twisted circle and argue that its endpoint is given by the twisted AdS bubble, defined by the double Wick rotation of rotating black 3-brane solutions. We calculated the Casimir energy and entropy and checked the agreements between the gauge and gravity results. Finally we show an infinite boost of a null linear dilaton theory with a tachyon wall (or bubble), leads to a solvable time-dependent background with a bulk tachyon condensation. This is the simplest example of spacetimes with null boundaries in string theory.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figures, harvmac, eq.(2.16) corrected, references adde
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