303 research outputs found

    New, efficient and robust, fiber-based quantum key distribution schemes

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    We present a new fiber based quantum key distribution (QKD) scheme which can be regarded as a modification of an idea proposed by Inoue, Waks and Yamamoto (IWY) [1]. The scheme described here uses a single phase modulator and two differential delay elements in series at the transmitter that form an interferometer when combined with a third differential delay element at the receiver. The protocol is characterized by a high efficiency, reduced exposure to an attack by an eavesdropper, and higher sensitivity to such an attack when compared to other QKD schemes. For example, the efficiency with which transmitted data contribute to the private key is 3/4 compared with 1/4 for BB84 [2]. Moreover, an eavesdropper can aquire a maximum of 1/3 of the key which leads to an error probability in the private key of 1/3. This can be compared to 1/2 and 1/4 for these same parameters in both BB84 and IWY. The combination of these considerations should lead to increased range and key distribution rate over present fiber-based QKD schemes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 equatio

    Equivalence between supersymmetric self-dual and Maxwell-Chern-Simons models coupled to a matter spinor superfield

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    We study the duality of the supersymmetric self-dual and Maxwell-Chern-Simons theories coupled to a fermionic matter superfield, using a master action. This approach evades the difficulties inherent to the quartic couplings that appear when matter is represented by a scalar superfield. The price is that the spinorial matter superfield represents a unusual supersymmetric multiplet, whose main physical properties we also discuss.Comment: v2, 16 pages, elsarticle.cls, accepted for publication in PL

    Unified Maxwell-Einstein and Yang-Mills-Einstein Supergravity Theories in Five Dimensions

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    Unified N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGTs) are supergravity theories in which all the vector fields, including the graviphoton, transform in an irreducible representation of a simple global symmetry group of the Lagrangian. As was established long time ago, in five dimensions there exist only four unified Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories whose target manifolds are symmetric spaces. These theories are defined by the four simple Euclidean Jordan algebras of degree three. In this paper, we show that, in addition to these four unified MESGTs with symmetric target spaces, there exist three infinite families of unified MESGTs as well as another exceptional one. These novel unified MESGTs are defined by non-compact (Minkowskian) Jordan algebras, and their target spaces are in general neither symmetric nor homogeneous. The members of one of these three infinite families can be gauged in such a way as to obtain an infinite family of unified N=2 Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories, in which all vector fields transform in the adjoint representation of a simple gauge group of the type SU(N,1). The corresponding gaugings in the other two infinite families lead to Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories coupled to tensor multiplets.Comment: Latex 2e, 28 pages. v2: reference added, footnote 14 enlarge

    Accelerating Universes in String Theory via Field Redefinition

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    We study cosmological solutions in the effective heterotic string theory with α\alpha'-correction terms in string frame. It is pointed out that the effective theory has an ambiguity via field redefinition and we analyze generalized effective theories due to this ambiguity. We restrict our analysis to the effective theories which give equations of motion of second order in the derivatives, just as "Galileon" field theory. This class of effective actions contains two free coupling constants. We find de Sitter solutions as well as the power-law expanding universes in our four-dimensional Einstein frame. The accelerated expanding universes are always the attractors in the present dynamical system.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, some additional formulae adde

    Cosmological Spacetimes from Negative Tension Brane Backgrounds

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    We identify a time-dependent class of metrics with potential applications to cosmology, which emerge from negative-tension branes. The cosmology is based on a general class of solutions to Einstein-dilaton-Maxwell theory, presented in {hep-th/0106120}. We argue that solutions with hyperbolic or planar symmetry describe the gravitational interactions of a pair of negative-tension qq-branes. These spacetimes are static near each brane, but become time-dependent and expanding at late epoch -- in some cases asymptotically approaching flat space. We interpret this expansion as being the spacetime's response to the branes' presence. The time-dependent regions provide explicit examples of cosmological spacetimes with past horizons and no past naked singularities. The past horizons can be interpreted as S-branes. We prove that the singularities in the static regions are repulsive to time-like geodesics, extract a cosmological `bounce' interpretation, compute the explicit charge and tension of the branes, analyse the classical stability of the solution (in particular of the horizons) and study particle production, deriving a general expression for Hawking's temperature as well as the associated entropy.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    The uses and abuses of power: teaching school leadership through children's literature

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    There are relatively few studies of how representations of teachers, schools and educational administrators in popular films and television might be, and are, used in leadership preparation. This paper seeks to add to this small body of work; it reports on an exploratory study of the representation of headteachers in contemporary children's fiction. Thirty-one texts are analysed to ascertain key themes and the major characterisations. The paper draws on children's literature scholars to argue that both the historical school story and its contemporary counterpart focus heavily on the power of the head to control the micro-world of the school. Because these fictional accounts deal with issues of power and justice more openly than many mainstream educational administration texts, this makes them particularly useful in the preparation of potential school leaders

    Superconformal N=2, D=5 matter with and without actions

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    We investigate N=2, D=5 supersymmetry and matter-coupled supergravity theories in a superconformal context. In a first stage we do not require the existence of a Lagrangian. Under this assumption, we already find at the level of rigid supersymmetry, i.e. before coupling to conformal supergravity, more general matter couplings than have been considered in the literature. For instance, we construct new vector-tensor multiplet couplings, theories with an odd number of tensor multiplets, and hypermultiplets whose scalar manifold geometry is not hyperkaehler. Next, we construct rigid superconformal Lagrangians. This requires some extra ingredients that are not available for all dynamical systems. However, for the generalizations with tensor multiplets mentioned above, we find corresponding new actions and scalar potentials. Finally, we extend the supersymmetry to local superconformal symmetry, making use of the Weyl multiplet. Throughout the paper, we will indicate the various geometrical concepts that arise, and as an application we compute the non-vanishing components of the Ricci tensor of hypercomplex group manifolds. Our results can be used as a starting point to obtain more general matter-couplings to Poincare supergravity.Comment: 67 pages; v2: title of reference changed and small editing corrections; v3: small typing errors corrected, version published in JHEP; v4: typos corrected; v5: additional term in (2.109) and (4.11); v6: change of order of indices in (2.89