1,072 research outputs found

    Impacts of improved grazing land management on sediment yields, Part 1: Hillslope processes.

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    Summary Poor land condition resulting from unsustainable grazing practices can reduce enterprise profitability and increase water, sediment and associated nutrient runoff from properties and catchments. This paper presents the results of a 6 year field study that used a series of hillslope flume experiments to evaluate the impact of improved grazing land management (GLM) on hillslope runoff and sediment yields. The study was carried out on a commercial grazing property in a catchment draining to the Burdekin River in northern Australia. During this study average ground cover on hillslopes increased from ~35% to ~75%, although average biomass and litter levels are still relatively low for this landscape type (~60 increasing to 1100 kg of dry matter per hectare). Pasture recovery was greatest on the upper and middle parts of hillslopes. Areas that did not respond to the improved grazing management had <10% cover and were on the lower slopes associated with the location of sodic soil and the initiation of gullies. Comparison of ground cover changes and soil conditions with adjacent properties suggest that grazing management, and not just improved rainfall conditions, were responsible for the improvements in ground cover in this study. The ground cover improvements resulted in progressively lower runoff coefficients for the first event in each wet season, however, runoff coefficients were not reduced at the annual time scale. The hillslope annual sediment yields declined by ~70% on two out of three hillslopes, although where bare patches (with <10% cover) were connected to gullies and streams, annual sediment yields increased in response to higher rainfall in latter years of the study. It appears that bare patches are the primary source areas for both runoff and erosion on these hillslopes. Achieving further reductions in runoff and erosion in these landscapes may require management practices that improve ground cover and biomass in bare areas, particularly when they are located adjacent to concentrated drainage lines

    Gravitational Waves in a Spatially Closed deSitter Spacetime

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    Perturbation of gravitational fields may be decomposed into scalar,vector and tensor components.In this paper we concern with the evolution of tensor mode perturbations in a spatially closed deSitter background of RW form. It may be thought as gravitional waves in a classical description. The chosen background has the advantage of to be maximally extended and symmetric. The spatially flat models commonly emerge from inflationary scenarios are not completely extended.We first derive the general weak field equations.Then the form of the field equations in two special cases, planar and spherical waves are obtained and their solutions are presented. We conclued with discussing the significance of the results and their implications.Comment: 16 pages,no figure

    Thermal Equilibration and Expansion in Nucleus-Nucleus Collision at the AGS

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    The rather complete data set of hadron yields from central Si + A collisions at the Brookhaven AGS is used to test whether the system at freeze-out is in thermal and hadro-chemical equilibrium. Rapidity and transverse momentum distributions are discussed with regards to the information they provide on hydrodynamic flow.Comment: 11 pages + 2 uuencoded figure

    Optimal coloured perceptrons

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    Ashkin-Teller type perceptron models are introduced. Their maximal capacity per number of couplings is calculated within a first-step replica-symmetry-breaking Gardner approach. The results are compared with extensive numerical simulations using several algorithms.Comment: 8 pages in Latex with 2 eps figures, RSB1 calculations has been adde

    Reduction of the Three Dimensional Schrodinger Equation for Multilayered Films

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    In this paper, we present a method for reducing the three dimensional Schrodinger equation to study confined metallic states, such as quantum well states, in a multilayer film geometry. While discussing some approximations that are employed when dealing with the three dimensionality of the problem, we derive a one dimensional equation suitable for studying such states using an envelope function approach. Some applications to the Cu/Co multilayer system with regard to spin tunneling/rotations and angle resolved photoemission are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Simulating Cosmic Microwave Background maps in multi-connected spaces

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    This article describes the computation of cosmic microwave background anisotropies in a universe with multi-connected spatial sections and focuses on the implementation of the topology in standard CMB computer codes. The key ingredient is the computation of the eigenmodes of the Laplacian with boundary conditions compatible with multi-connected space topology. The correlators of the coefficients of the decomposition of the temperature fluctuation in spherical harmonics are computed and examples are given for spatially flat spaces and one family of spherical spaces, namely the lens spaces. Under the hypothesis of Gaussian initial conditions, these correlators encode all the topological information of the CMB and suffice to simulate CMB maps.Comment: 33 pages, 55 figures, submitted to PRD. Higher resolution figures available on deman

    Gauss-Bonnet Black Holes in dS Spaces

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    We study the thermodynamic properties associated with black hole horizon and cosmological horizon for the Gauss-Bonnet solution in de Sitter space. When the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient is positive, a locally stable small black hole appears in the case of spacetime dimension d=5d=5, the stable small black hole disappears and the Gauss-Bonnet black hole is always unstable quantum mechanically when d6d \ge 6. On the other hand, the cosmological horizon is found always locally stable independent of the spacetime dimension. But the solution is not globally preferred, instead the pure de Sitter space is globally preferred. When the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient is negative, there is a constraint on the value of the coefficient, beyond which the gravity theory is not well defined. As a result, there is not only an upper bound on the size of black hole horizon radius at which the black hole horizon and cosmological horizon coincide with each other, but also a lower bound depending on the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient and spacetime dimension. Within the physical phase space, the black hole horizon is always thermodynamically unstable and the cosmological horizon is always stable, further, as the case of the positive coefficient, the pure de Sitter space is still globally preferred. This result is consistent with the argument that the pure de Sitter space corresponds to an UV fixed point of dual field theory.Comment: Rextex, 17 pages including 8 eps figures, v2: minor changes, to appear in PRD, v3: references adde

    Theta angle versus CP violation in the leptonic sector

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    Assuming that the axion mechanism of solving the strong CP problem does not exist and the vanishing of theta at tree level is achieved by some model-building means, we study the naturalness of having large CP-violating sources in the leptonic sector. We consider the radiative mechanisms which transfer a possibly large CP-violating phase in the leptonic sector to the theta parameter. It is found that large theta cannot be induced in the models with one Higgs doublet as at least three loops are required in this case. In the models with two or more Higgs doublets the dominant source of theta is the phases in the scalar potential, induced by CP violation in leptonic sector. Thus, in the MSSM framework the imaginary part of the trilinear soft-breaking parameter A_l generates the corrections to the theta angle already at one loop. These corrections are large, excluding the possibility of large phases, unless the universality in the slepton sector is strongly violated.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Large-scale magnetic fields from inflation in dilaton electromagnetism

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    The generation of large-scale magnetic fields is studied in dilaton electromagnetism in inflationary cosmology, taking into account the dilaton's evolution throughout inflation and reheating until it is stabilized with possible entropy production. It is shown that large-scale magnetic fields with observationally interesting strength at the present time could be generated if the conformal invariance of the Maxwell theory is broken through the coupling between the dilaton and electromagnetic fields in such a way that the resultant quantum fluctuations in the magnetic field has a nearly scale-invariant spectrum. If this condition is met, the amplitude of the generated magnetic field could be sufficiently large even in the case huge amount of entropy is produced with the dilution factor 1024\sim 10^{24} as the dilaton decays.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; some references are adde

    On the Background Field Method Beyond One Loop: A manifestly covariant derivative expansion in super Yang-Mills theories

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    There are currently many string inspired conjectures about the structure of the low-energy effective action for super Yang-Mills theories which require explicit multi-loop calculations. In this paper, we develop a manifestly covariant derivative expansion of superspace heat kernels and present a scheme to evaluate multi-loop contributions to the effective action in the framework of the background field method. The crucial ingredient of the construction is a detailed analysis of the properties of the parallel displacement propagators associated with Yang-Mills supermultiples in N-extended superspace.Comment: 32 pages, latex, 7 EPS figures. v2: references, comments added, typos corrected, incorrect `skeleton' conjecture in sect. 3 replaced by a more careful treatment. v3: typos corrected, final version published in JHE