123 research outputs found

    Kunstvlees voor vleesverlaters

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    Het nieuwste project van Johan Vereijken van Wageningen UR Food and Biobased Research gaat over insecteneiwit. ‘Strikt genomen is dat geen vleesvervanger’, bekent de biochemicus. ‘Maar insecten produceren eiwitten ongeveer twee keer zo efficiënt als kippen. Dus kijken we sinds november 2009 met collega’s van de leerstoelgroep Entomologie of we op basis van bijvoorbeeld meelwormen vervangende vleesproducten kunnen make

    Technologie voor het maken van een volgende generatie vleesvervangers: de shear cell technologie

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    De mondiale vraag naar vlees en vleesproducten zal ten opzichte van nu in 2050 verdubbeld zijn. Eén van de mogelijkheden om op een duurzame manier aan deze toenemende vraag te voldoen is de ontwikkeling van vleesvervangers, die beter dan de huidige vleesvervangers aansluiten bij de wensen van de consumenten met betrekking tot gelijkenis op vlees. Deze gelijkenis is van cruciaal belang omdat het, om een deel van de vleeseters te laten kiezen voor vleesvervangers, noodzakelijk is producten te ontwikkelen die zowel in bereiding, mondgevoel en complete beleving niet onder doen voor vlees. Met de gangbare technieken kunnen vleesvervangers gemaakt worden die de vezelachtigheid/ beet van kippenvlees benaderen. Recent zijn op labschaal een tweetal technologieën ontwikkeld die in potentie meer vezelachtige structuren genereren en derhalve aan de basis kunnen liggen van een nieuwe generatie vleesvervangers. Deze technologieën zijn elektrostatisch spinnen en een technologie die we hier aanduiden als de shear cell technologie. In dit rapport wordt alleen aandacht besteed aan deze laatste technologi

    Gezonde vis alternatieven literatuurstudie binnen het beleidsondersteunende project "Nieuwe marktgerichte duurzame eiwitconcepten"

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    Within the policy supporting project "New market-oriented sustainable protein concepts" (BO-08-018.03-002), a literature study is performed to healthy fish alternatives. The research question was: "What is the nutritional importance of fish consumption, what are alternatives to fish, are there technological and legal barriers, and what are the limits for enrichment with nutritional components?

    Cultivation, processing and nutritional aspects for pigs and poultry of European protein sources as alternatives for imported soybean products

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    In this study, the conditions are described for successfully cultivation, processing and applying alternative protein sources in (organic) pig and poultry diets under European climatic conditions, thereby taking sustainability characteristics, and legislative aspects into account

    Whole genome QTL mapping for growth, meat quality and breast meat yield traits in turkey

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    Background The turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is an important agricultural species and is the second largest contributor to the world's poultry meat production. Demand of turkey meat is increasing very rapidly. Genetic markers linked to genes affecting quantitative traits can increase the selection response of animal breeding programs. The use of these molecular markers for the identification of quantitative trait loci, and subsequently fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci regions, allows for pinpointing of genes that underlie such economically important traits. Results The quantitative trait loci analyses of the growth curve, body weight, breast yield and the meat quality traits showed putative quantitative trait loci on 21 of the 27 turkey chromosomes covered by the linkage map. Forty-five quantitative trait loci were detected across all traits and these were found in 29 different regions on 21 chromosomes. Out of the 45 quantitative trait loci, twelve showed significant (p <0.01) evidence of linkage while the remaining 33 showed suggestive evidence (p <0.05) of linkage with different growth, growth curve, meat quality and breast yield traits. Conclusion A large number of quantitative trait loci were detected across the turkey genome, which affected growth, breast yield and meat quality traits. Pleiotropic effects or close linkages between quantitative trait loci were suggested for several of the chromosomal regions. The comparative analysis regarding the location of quantitative trait loci on different turkey, and on the syntenic chicken chromosomes, along with their phenotypic associations, revealed signs of functional conservation between these specie

    Maternal sensitivity during mealtime and free play: differences and explanatory factors

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    Mealtime is a parent-toddler interaction that occurs multiple times a day. This study examined whether observed maternal sensitivity differed between a mealtime and free-play setting, aiming to explain differences between the two situations by studying moderating effects of children's eating behavior. The sample consisted of 103 first-time mothers and their 18-month-old children. Maternal sensitivity was assessed by coding videotaped interactions of free-play sessions and mealtimes, using the Ainsworth Sensitivity Scale (range 1-9). Additionally, child eating behavior during the meal was coded and also assessed through the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire-Toddlers. First, a small but significant amount of stability was found between sensitivity during mealtime and sensitivity during play (r = 0.24). Second, mothers were more sensitive during free play (mean = 7.11) than during mealtime (mean = 6.52). Third, observed child eating behavior was related to maternal sensitivity during mealtime, with more food enjoyment being associated with higher levels of sensitivity, and more challenging child behavior with lower levels of sensitivity. Finally, when children showed a high degree of challenging behavior during the meal, there was more discrepancy between sensitivity during mealtime and free play. Our results highlight the importance of taking context into account when observing parental sensitivity.Education and Child Studie

    Baby's first bites: association between observed maternal feeding behavior and infant vegetable intake and liking

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    Positive experiences with the introduction of solid food in infancy may lead to positive associations with feeding in both parent and infant. During this transitional period, parental feeding behavior and infant eating behavior might mutually reinforce each other. A feeding style that is found to be associated with positive child eating behavior, is sensitive feeding. In the present study we tested bidirectional prospective relations between mother and infant behavior in a cross-lagged model using observations of two feeds on two consecutive days on which the first bites of solid food were offered. The sample consisted of 246 first-time mothers and their infants, whose feeding interactions were videotaped during two home visits. Maternal sensitive feeding behavior (consisting of responsiveness to child feeding cues, general sensitivity and non-intrusiveness) and maternal positive and negative affect were coded. In addition, infant vegetable intake was weighed and vegetable liking was reported by mother. Results showed at least some stability of maternal feeding behavior and infant vegetable intake and liking from the first to the second feed. In addition, during the second feed maternal sensitive feeding and positive affect were associated with infant vegetable intake (r=.34 and r=.14) and liking (r=.33 and r=.39). These associations were mostly absent during the first feed. Finally, infant vegetable liking during the first feed positively predicted maternal sensitive feeding behavior during the second feed (β=.25), suggesting that the infant's first response might influence maternal behavior. Taken together, mother and infant seem more attuned during the second feed than during the first feed. Future studies might include multiple observations over a longer time period, or micro-coding. Such insights can inform prevention programs focusing on optimizing feeding experiences during the weaning period.Education and Child Studie

    Cultivation, processing and nutritional aspects for pigs and poultry of European protein sources as alternatives for imported soybean products

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    In this study, the conditions are described for successfully cultivation, processing and applying alternative protein sources in (organic) pig and poultry diets under European climatic conditions, thereby taking sustainability characteristics, and legislative aspects into account