10 research outputs found

    Determinants of prices for cow-calf pairs

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    A study of price determinants for cow-calf pairs was undertaken at a local Kansas auction company during 1993. Cow breed, age, health, condition score, horns, frame size, and whether the cow h ad been bred back impacted cow-calf pair values, as well as calf weight, health, and frame score. Addition ally, pairs per pen significantly impacted prices. Young healthy cows with healthy large calves received the highest prices

    A comparison of risk and return for contract and independent hog finishing

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    Risks associated with independent hog finishing have prompted producers to seek alternative production and marketing methods. A means of reducing risk has developed through contract hog finishing. Research results indicate that risk-neutral producers require contract base payments ranging from 11.25to11.25 to 14.00 per head. Strongly risk-averse producers require contract base payments ranging from 4.75to4.75 to 7.75 per head. The lower ends of the ranges are for a contract with performance incentives. The upper ends of the ranges are for a flat contract without performance incentives. Calculated required base payments are similar to those payments currently received by contract hog finishers

    Trends in the swine industry: productivity measures

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    Productivity has been trending up in the swine industry over the last 15 years. Much of the increased productivity is due to increased pigs/litter and increased market weights. The efficiency of the breeding herd (litters/sow/year) has been trending up in the U.S. but has remained relatively constant in Kansas

    Determination of contract base payments to feeder-pig finishers

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    Risks associated with independent feeder-pig finishing have prompted finishers to seek alternative finishing and marketing methods. A means of reducing risk has developed through contract feeder-pig finishing. Research results indicated that slightly risk-averse finishers required contract base payments ranging from 11.00to11.00 to 30.00 per head. Strongly risk-averse finishers required contract base payments ranging from 8.50to8.50 to 19.00 per head. The lower end of the ranges is for a low-profit finisher. The upper end of the ranges is for a high-profit finisher

    Determination of contract base payments to feeder-pig producers

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    Risks associated with independent feeder-pig production have prompted producers to seek alternative production and marketing methods. A means of reducing risk has developed through contract feeder-pig producing. Research results indicate that slightly risk-averse producers required contract base payments ranging from 7.50to7.50 to 28.50 per head. Strongly risk-averse producers required contract base payments ranging from 2.50to2.50 to 17.75 per head. The lower end of the ranges is for a low-profit producer. The upper end of the ranges is for a high-profit producer

    Trends in the swine industry: operations and marketings

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    Trends in the size of swine operations in Kansas and the V. S. are toward fewer and larger operations. The number of operations in Kansas and the U.S. continues to decline; however, the number of hogs marketed has increased because of an increase in operation size. Kansas producers have increased operation size at a slower rate compared to U.S. producers. Kansas ranks tenth nationally in hogs marketed. A migration of swine production from eastern, central, and northern Kansas to southwest Kansas has occurred in the past 5 years

    Análise econômico-financeira do gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos em uma agroindústria de processamento mínimo de hortaliças.

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    As atividades agroindustriais geram grandes quantidades de resíduos sólidos orgânicos. Por essa razão, são responsáveis por estabelecer metas e estratégias de gerenciamento de seus resíduos, visando, sempre que possível, à reutilização, à reciclagem e ao tratamento. Realizou-se um estudo de caso em que foi avaliada a viabilidade econômico-financeira de diferentes cenários para o gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos provenientes do processamento mínimo de hortaliças em uma agroindústria localizada na cidade de Teresópolis, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Os cenários que avaliaram os custos com a disposição final dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos em aterros sanitários se apresentaram elevados. Já no cenário que considerou o tratamento dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos, por meio da técnica de compostagem, observou-se que este foi viável financeiramente e atrativo para investimento, pois apresentou uma rentabilidade na ordem de 19,28% a.a., rentabilidade esta superior às diferentes opções de aplicações financeiras disponíveis no mercado. Com o tratamento dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos e a comercialização do composto produzido, promove-se a geração de receita para a agroindústria e a destinação ambientalmente correta desses resíduos, pois o tratamento não só reduz os impactos ambientais e o volume de resíduos gerados, mas também permite a reinserção dos nutrientes no ciclo produtivo de novas culturas, gerando renda para a agroindústria. Para o tratamento dos resíduos faz-se necessário um investimento inicial de R$ 385.388,09, e estimou-se que o tempo necessário para a recuperação do capital financeiro foi de curto prazo, com quatro anos e dez meses