11 research outputs found

    Heliolatitude and time variations of solar wind structure from in situ measurements and interplanetary scintillation observations

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    The 3D structure of solar wind and its evolution in time is needed for heliospheric modeling and interpretation of energetic neutral atoms observations. We present a model to retrieve the solar wind structure in heliolatitude and time using all available and complementary data sources. We determine the heliolatitude structure of solar wind speed on a yearly time grid over the past 1.5 solar cycles based on remote-sensing observations of interplanetary scintillations, in situ out-of-ecliptic measurements from Ulysses, and in situ in-ecliptic measurements from the OMNI-2 database. Since the in situ information on the solar wind density structure out of ecliptic is not available apart from the Ulysses data, we derive correlation formulae between solar wind speed and density and use the information on the solar wind speed from interplanetary scintillation observations to retrieve the 3D structure of solar wind density. With the variations of solar wind density and speed in time and heliolatitude available we calculate variations in solar wind flux, dynamic pressure and charge exchange rate in the approximation of stationary H atoms.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Client and therapist initial experience of using mindfulness in therapy

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    Literature has demonstrated the influence of mindfulness practice on both clients and therapists; however, no literature has considered the experience of mindfulness in therapy from both members of the therapeutic dyad. The present study interviewed five separate therapy dyads (n=10) regarding their experience of first using mindfulness in session. Participants, both clients and therapists, had little-to-no experience with mindfulness prior to the study. Interview transcripts were analyzed and common themes were derived. Results indicated that both clients and therapist felt that the practice of mindfulness had an impact on the therapeutic relationship. Furthermore, participants also suggested ways in which therapists may better utilize mindfulness in therapy

    Context-bound Islamic theodicies: The tsunami as supernatural retribution versus natural catastrophe in Southern Thailand

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    After the tsunami of 26 December 2004, local discourses in the prevalently Muslim Satun province in Southern Thailand were characterized by religious interpretations of the disaster. The range of Islamic interpretations varied, and was far from homogeneous. Statements are framed in plural theodicies and ultimately impute disasters to human responsibility, in apparent contrast to both scientific explanations and other Islamic tenets. The aim of this article is to present the range of theodicies associated with the event and to analyze their use in relation to the specific socio-historical and ethno-political context, in the words of people belonging to the Islamic and Buddhist religious élites. In these examples religious discourses leave behind the theological universalistic explanations of the existence of suffering and evil to become context bound commentaries on the state of morality of local communities, with the aim of defining social boundaries