335 research outputs found

    Design and Realization of Multiplexing System for Fixed/Mobile Next-Generation Broadcasting Service in Network Free Environment

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    The Current broadcasting enviroment is constally evolving in order to meet the various needs of the viewer such as ColorTV, 3D, HD, UHD TV serivce.  And they want to broadcasting the same quality in the fixed and mobile enviroment for high definition braodcasting serive. In this paper, we presnet a design and implementation  of muilplexing  system for fixed/mobile next generation broadcasting service in network free enivorment. Network free means receive both the broadcasting channel and communication chennel for various TV service. We introduce method to provide next generation convergence broadcating servies based on european standard which can transmit UHD content in network free envieroment.  As a result to this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the recieved signal from the commerical receiver device

    6.EMEA International Symposium in Kanazawa, Japan

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    Korea Forest Research InstituteUniversity of SeoulProject Number 14404021, Peport of Research Project ; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)(2), from April 2002 to March 2006, Edited by Muramoto,Ken-ichiroKamata, NaotoKawanishi, TakuyaKubo, MamoruLiu, JiyuanLee, Kyu-Sung , 人工衛星データ活用のための東アジアの植生調査、課題番号14404021, 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書, 研究代表者:村本, 健一郎, 金沢大学自然科学研究科教

    Comparison of computed tomographic findings in pulmonary mucormycosis and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

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    AbstractBecause there are no available molecular markers for pulmonary mucormycosis (PM), which has low culture sensitivity, early diagnosis and treatment rely heavily on imaging modes such as computed tomography (CT). However, there are limited data comparing CT findings for PM with those for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). Adult patients who met the modified criteria for proven and probable PM (over an 11-year period) and IPA (over a 6-year period, owing to the availability of the galactomannan assay) according to the modified European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycosis Study Group definitions were retrospectively enrolled. IPA cases were selected at a 1 : 4 (PM/IPA) ratio. Thoracic CT scans were reviewed by two experienced radiologists blinded to the patients' demographics and clinical outcomes. A total of 24 patients with PM, including 20 (83%) with proven PM and four (17%) with probable PM, and 96 patients with IPA, including 12 (13%) with proven IPA and 84 (87%) with probable IPA, were eventually analysed. The reverse halo sign was more common in patients with PM (54%) than in those with IPA (6%, p < 0.001), whereas some airway-invasive features, such as clusters of centrilobular nodules, peribronchial consolidations, and bronchial wall thickening, were more common in patients with IPA (IPA 52% vs. PM 29%, p 0.04; IPA 49% vs. PM 21%, p 0.01; IPA 34% vs. PM 4%, p 0.003, respectively). The reverse halo sign was more common, and airway-invasive features were less common, in patients with PM than in those with IPA. These findings may help physicians to initiate Zygomycetes-active antifungal treatment earlier

    Beneficial immunostimulatory effect of short-term Chlorella supplementation: enhancement of natural Killer cell activity and early inflammatory response (Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial)

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    Background - In vitro and animal studies have demonstrated that Chlorella is a potent biological response modifier on immunity. However, there were no direct evidences for the effect of Chlorella supplementation on immune/inflammation response in healthy humans. Methods - This study was designed for an 8-week randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial: 5g of Chlorella (n=23) or Placebo (n=28) as form of tablets. Mainly, cytotoxic activities of Natural killer (NK) cells and serum concentrations of interferon-¿, interleukin-1ß and interleukin-12 were measured. Results - After the 8-week, serum concentrations of interferon-¿ (

    Monitoring the decline of Abies koreana forest in Mt. Halla

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    Korea Forest Research InstitutionUniversity of Seou2005 International Symposium on Environmental Mornitoring in East Asia -Remote Sensing and Forests-,Hosted The EMEA Project, Kanazawa University 21st=Century COE Program -Environmental Monitoring and Predicition of Long- and Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area- ,予稿集, EMEA 2005 in Kanazawa, 国際学術研究公開シンポジウム『東アジアの環境モニタリング』-リモートセンシングと森林-,年月日:200511月28日~29日, 場所:KKRホテル金沢, 金沢大学自然科学研究科, 主催:金沢大学EMEAプロジェクト, 共催:金沢大学21世紀COEプログラム「環日本海域の環境変動と長期・短期変動予測

    Electronic transport in films of colloidal CdSe nanocrystals

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    We present results for electronic transport measurements on large three-dimensional arrays of CdSe nanocrystals. In response to a step in the applied voltage, we observe a power-law decay of the current over five orders of magnitude in time. Furthermore, we observe no steady-state dark current for fields up to 10^6 V/cm and times as long as 2x10^4 seconds. Although the power-law form of the decay is quite general, there are quantitative variations with temperature, applied field, sample history, and the material parameters of the array. Despite evidence that the charge injected into the film during the measurement causes the decay of current, we find field-scaling of the current at all times. The observation of extremely long-lived current transients suggests the importance of long-range Coulomb interactions between charges on different nanocrystals.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Microstructural and electrochemical properties of impregnated La0.4Sr0.6Ti0.8Mn0.2O3±d into a partially removed Ni SOFC anode substrate

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    The microstructural and electrochemical properties of anodes obtained by impregnation of the La0.4Sr0.6Ti0.8Mn0.2O3±d (LSTM) oxide system into two types of anode substrates such as Ni/ 8YSZ substrate (Ni (E)/ 8YSZ) and partially Ni removed Ni/ 8YSZ substrate (Ni(R)/8YSZ) were investigated in order to apply them as anode material for solid oxide fuel cells. All of the samples with LSTM impregnated on Ni (R)/ 8YSZ show higher electrical conductivity values than those of unimpregnated Ni (E)/ 8YSZ under dry H2 condition. The highest electrical conductivity values of 2041.2, 1877.4, and 1764.3 S/cm at 700, 800 and 900 °C can be achieved by samples with 3 wt% impregnated LSTM on Ni (R)/ 8YSZ. From the XPS analysis, the existence of a Ti metal peak on the surface of LSTM was only measured for the LSTM (3 wt%)-Ni (R)/ 8YSZ sample, metallic titanium on the surface can improve the electrical catalytic reaction. LSTM (3 wt%)-Ni (R)/ 8YSZ showed higher electrical conductivity values then those of LSTM (3 wt%)-Ni (E)/ 8YSZ in all the temperature ranges measured in the case of dry CH4 supply. Finally, the electrical conductivity of LSTM (3 wt%)-Ni (R)/ 8YSZ was stably maintained even when exposed to dry CH4 condition at 900 °C for a long time (100 h). © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Local mean-field study of capillary condensation in silica aerogels

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    We apply local mean-field (i.e. density functional) theory to a lattice model of a fluid in contact with a dilute, disordered gel network. The gel structure is described by a diffusion-limited cluster aggregation model. We focus on the influence of porosity on both the hysteretic and the equilibrium behavior of the fluid as one varies the chemical potential at low temperature. We show that the shape of the hysteresis loop changes from smooth to rectangular as the porosity increases and that this change is associated to disorder-induced out-of-equilibrium phase transitions that differ on adsorption and on desorption. Our results provide insight in the behavior of 4^4He in silica aerogels.Comment: 19 figure

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of impregnated La0.4Sr0.6Ti0.8Mn0.2O3±d anode material for high temperature-operating solid oxide fuel cell

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    In this study, the chemical states of a powder type and an impregnated type of the La0.4Sr0.6Ti0.8Mn0.2O3±d (LSTM) oxide system were investigated along with its electrical conductivities in order to apply these materials as alternative anode materials for high temperature-operating Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (HT-SOFCs). The Ni/8YSZ samples with LSTM impregnated into the pores created by partially removing nickel, Ni/8YSZ (Ni (R)/8YSZ), showed much higher electrical conductivity values than those of unimpregnated Ni/8YSZ (Ni (E)/8YSZ) samples under dry H2 fuel condition. Reduction of Mn4+ to Mn3+ was observed when LSTM was reduced. Additional reduction properties of Mn2+ from Mn3+ and satellite peaks were found when impregnated LSTM was coated onto a Ni/8YSZ substrate. The reduction of the charge state of Ti contained in LSTM showed the same behavior as the reduction property of Mn. However, a satellite peak identified as metal Ti was only observed when impregnated LSTM was coated on a selectively Ni-removed Ni/8YSZ (Ni (R)/8YSZ) substrate

    Quasars and their host galaxies

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    This review attempts to describe developments in the fields of quasar and quasar host galaxies in the past five. In this time period, the Sloan and 2dF quasar surveys have added several tens of thousands of quasars, with Sloan quasars being found to z>6. Obscured, or partially obscured quasars have begun to be found in significant numbers. Black hole mass estimates for quasars, and our confidence in them, have improved significantly, allowing a start on relating quasar properties such as radio jet power to fundamental parameters of the quasar such as black hole mass and accretion rate. Quasar host galaxy studies have allowed us to find and characterize the host galaxies of quasars to z>2. Despite these developments, many questions remain unresolved, in particular the origin of the close relationship between black hole mass and galaxy bulge mass/velocity dispersion seen in local galaxies.Comment: Review article, to appear in Astrophysics Update