10 research outputs found

    Effective treatment of a case of pregnancy toxemia in sheep - case report

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    ABSTRACT Pregnancy toxemia has a high mortality rate and few cases with effective treatment are reported, especially when associated with secondary diseases. Therefore, the present work reports the case of a sheep, which was referred to the veterinary hospital of UFMG, in the last month of pregnancy, presenting apathy, hyporexia and sternal recumbency. After the diagnosis of pregnancy toxemia, the fetuses were removed while still alive, but did not survive. Monitoring was started with blood gas analysis, blood glucose assessments and laboratory tests. The results were consistent with liver damage, which was justified by the condition of lipolysis. Treatment consisted of electrolyte replacement plus 50% glucose and potassium chloride, along with administration of antibiotics (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 days), flunixim meglumine (2.2mg/kg/SID/IM first day and 1.1mg/kg/SID/IM on the second and third days) and omeprazole (4mg/kg/SID/oral). The patient had secondarily clinical laminitis, which was treated with cryotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition to mastitis, using a single dose of intramammary antibiotics. The work demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment of pregnancy toxemia, when performed early and intensively, associated with daily clinical and laboratory monitoring of the animal

    Estimativas do Consumo e do Ganho de Peso de Bovinos, em Condições Brasileiras Estimates of the Intake and Weight Gain of Cattle at Brazilian Conditions

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    Avaliou-se a predição do consumo de matéria seca e do ganho de peso diário de bovinos feita pelo Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) para as condições brasileiras. Foram utilizadas, neste trabalho, como fonte de dados, algumas teses defendidas no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, que continham resultados referentes ao consumo e ganho de peso dos animais. Os dados disponíveis foram testados pelo CNCPS para comparar os consumos e os ganhos de peso observados e estimados. Os consumos observados variaram muito entre as categorias animais e foram sempre subestimados pelo CNCPS. As melhores predições de consumo foram para os novilhos abatidos aos 405 kg e 500 kg de peso vivo (PV), com maior porcentagem de concentrado na dieta. A equação de regressão Y OBS = 2,27107 + 0,96747 X CNCPS (r²=0,92; P<0,01) apresentou inclinação semelhante à da reta ideal (Y=X), podendo ser utilizada para estimar os consumos a partir de valores preditos pelo CNCPS. Os ganhos observados, quando comparados com os ganhos permitidos pelo CNCPS, apresentaram grandes variações, sendo as melhores predições de ganho de peso obtidas para novilhos abatidos com 450 e 500 kg de PV, alimentados com rações contendo volumoso e concentrado em proporções iguais, e para animais abatidos com 190 kg de PV. A equação de regressão Y OBS = 0,82032 + 0,11853 X CNCPS (r² = 0,08; P<0,05) não apresentou a mesma tendência da relação ideal, refletindo as variações nos ganhos observados e preditos. Conclui-se que o CNCPS apresentou boa predição do consumo de matéria seca, mas não foi adequado para predizer o ganho de peso.<br>The dry matter intake and daily weight gain prediction of cattle by Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) for Brazilian conditions were evaluated. Several published thesis from Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa were used as a data source for this work, which contain results referent to dry matter intake and daily weight gain of the animals. The available data were tested by CNCPS to compare the estimate and absorved dry matter intake and daily weight gain. The observed dry matter intake ranged among the animal categories and was always underestimated by CNCPS. The best dry matter intake were predicted for steers slaughtered at 405 and 500 kg LW with higher concentrate level in the diet. The regression equation Y OBS = 2.27107 + 0.96747 X CNCPS (r² = 0.92; P<0.01) showed the same tendency as the ideal relation line (Y=X) and could be used to estimate the dry matter intake from the CNCPS predicted values. The observed daily weight gain when compared to the CNCPS predicted values present high variations, and the best daily weight gain was predicted for steers slaughtered at 450 and 500 kg LW fed diets with forage to concentrate rations one by one and for animals slaughtered at 190 kg LW. The regression equation Y OBS = 0.82032 + 0.11853 X CNCPS (r² = 0.08; P<0.05) did not present the same tendency as for the ideal straight line and showed changes on observed daily weight gain. CNCPS presented a good dry matter intake prediction, but was not adequate to predict the daily weight gain