154 research outputs found

    Vector representation of resonators in eigencoupling state space and eigenloss state space of piezoelectric ceramics

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    The calculation of the vector representation of resonators in the coupling and loss eigenstate spaces is presented. The coupling and loss eigenstates are located in a Cartesian coordinate system, together with the vector representation of resonators. The convenience of this representation is illustrated by calculations of the coupling factor and the loss factor in an octant of space in which resonators are positioned

    Resonant diaphragm pressure measurement system with ZnO on Si excitation

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    The principle of measuring pressure by means of a resonant diaphragm has been studied. An oscillator consisting of an integrated amplifier with a piezoelectrically driven diaphragm in its feedback loop has been built. The oscillator frequency is accurately proportional to the square of the pressure in the range of 60 to 130 Torr.\ud The frequency range is 1324 to 1336 Hz (this range being limited by a spurious mode which could be suppressed by better processing) for a 25 mm diameter diaphragm made of a silicon wafer and with PZT ceramics as driver and receptor. We have made an integrated version (1 × 1 mm2) of a square resonant diaphragm pressure guage by selective etching of (1 0 0) planes with ethylenediamine. The piezoelectric driving materials was sputtered zinc oxide. A driver was deposited midway between the bending point and the point of greatest curvature.\ud A receptor was located at a symmetrical position to give a optimum transfer condition.\ud The integrated current amplifier had a low impedance differential input stage, two gain cells and a high impedance output stage. These electrical conditions ensured maximum elastic freedom of the diaphragm. A digital circuit in I2L technology has been designed and made with eight-bit parallel read out of the frequency. This circuit may be directly connected to a microprocessor. The whole system contains the sensor chip, the analog amplifier chip and the digital chip, all in compatible technology.\ud \u

    Not recognized enough: The effects and associations of trauma and intellectual disability in severely mentally ill outpatients

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    Item does not contain fulltextBackground: Little is known about the association between trauma and intellectual disability in SMI patients. Aim: To establish the prevalence of trauma and its association with intellectual functioning in SMI outpatients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two mental health trusts in the Netherlands. We used the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ) to screen for trauma and PTSD, and the Screener for Intelligence and Learning disabilities (SCIL) for suspected MID/BIF. Chi-square and t-tests were used to test differences in outcome over patient characteristics. Post-hoc analysis was used to investigate gender differences between patients with and without MID/BIF on trauma and sexual trauma. Results: Any trauma was found in 86% of 570 patients and 42% were suspected for PTSD. The SCIL suggested that 40% had Borderline Intellectual Functioning (BIF), half of whom were suspected of having Mild Intellectual Disability (MID). These patients had more traumatic experiences (1.89 in BIF, 1.75 in MID, against 1.41 in SCIL-negative patients). Female MID/BIF patients (61%) had experienced significantly more sexual abuse than male MID/BIF patients (23%). Conclusions: Significantly more SMI outpatients who screened positive for MID/BIF reported having experienced traumatic events than those who screened negative. Rates of all trauma categories were significantly higher in the screen-positive group, who were also more likely to have PTSD. Sexual abuse occurred more in all females but the SCIL positive women are even more often victim. Clinical practice has to pay more attention to all of these issues, especially when they occur together in a single patient.7 p

    Correlation and colocalization of HIF-1a and pimonidazole staining for hypoxia in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas:A digital, single-cell-based analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: Tumor hypoxia results in worse local control and patient survival. We performed a digital, single-cell-based analysis to compare two biomarkers for hypoxia (hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha [HIF-1α] and pimonidazole [PIMO]) and their effect on outcome in laryngeal cancer patients treated with accelerated radiotherapy with or without carbogen breathing and nicotinamide (AR versus ARCON). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Immunohistochemical staining was performed for HIF-1α and PIMO in consecutive sections of 44 laryngeal cancer patients randomized between AR and ARCON. HIF-1α expression and PIMO-binding were correlated using digital image analysis in QuPath. High-density areas for each biomarker were automatically annotated and staining overlap was analyzed. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses for local control, regional control and disease-free survival were performed to predict a response benefit of ARCON over AR alone for each biomarker. RESULTS: 106 Tissue fragments of 44 patients were analyzed. A weak, significant positive correlation was observed between HIF-1α and PIMO positivity on fragment level, but not on patient level. A moderate strength correlation (r = 0.705, p < 0.001) was observed between the number of high-density staining areas for both biomarkers. Staining overlap was poor. HIF-1α expression, PIMO-binding or a combination could not predict a response benefit of ARCON over AR. CONCLUSION: Digital image analysis to compare positive cell fractions and staining overlap between two hypoxia biomarkers using open-source software is feasible. Our results highlight that there are distinct differences between HIF-1α and PIMO as hypoxia biomarkers and therefore suggest co-existence of different forms of hypoxia within a single tumor

    The influence of preferred place of birth on the course of pregnancy and labor among healthy nulliparous women: a prospective cohort study

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    __Abstract__ BACKGROUND: Most studies on birth settings investigate the association between planned place of birth at the start of labor and birth outcomes and intervention rates. To optimize maternity care it also is important to pay attention to the entire process of pregnancy and childbirth. This study explores the association between the initial preferred place of birth and model of care, and the course of pregnancy and labor in low-risk nulliparous women in the Netherlands. METHODS: As part of a Dutch prospective cohort study (2007-2011), we compared medical indications during pregnancy and birth outcomes of 576 women who initially preferred a home birth (n = 226), a midwife-led hospital birth (n = 168) or an obstetrician-led hospital birth (n = 182). Data were obtained by a questionnaire before 20 weeks of gestation and by medical records. Analyses were performed according to the initial preferred place of birth. RESULTS: Low-risk nulliparous women who preferred a home birth with midwife-led care were less likely to be diagnosed with a medical indication during pregnancy compared to women who preferred a birth with obstetrician-led care (OR 0.41 95% CI 0.25-0.66). Preferring a birth with midwife-led care - both at home and in hospital - was associated with lower odds of induced labor (OR 0.51 95% CI 0.28-0.95 respectively OR 0.42 95% CI 0.21-0.85) and epidural analgesia (OR 0.32 95% CI 0.18-0.56 respectively OR 0.34 95% CI 0.19-0.62) compared to preferring a birth with obstetrician-led care. In addition, women who preferred a home birth were less likely to experience augmentation of labor (OR 0.54 95% CI 0.32-0.93) and narcotic analgesia (OR 0.41 95% CI 0.21-0.79) compared to women who preferred a birth with obstetrician-led care. We observed no significant association between preferred place of birth and mode of birth. CONCLUSIONS: Nulliparous women who initially preferred a home birth were less likely to be diagnosed with a medical indication during pregnancy. Women who initially preferred a birth with midwife-led care - both at home and in hospital - experienced lower rates of interventions during labor. Although some differences can be attributed to the model of care, we suggest that characteristics and attitudes of women themselves also play an important role

    Neonatal management and outcome in alloimmune hemolytic disease

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    Research into fetal development and medicin

    Prognostic imaging variables for recurrent laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma treated with primary chemoradiotherapy: A systematic and meta-analysis

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    Background: In this systematic review, we aim to identify prognostic imaging variables of recurrent laryngeal or hypopharyngeal carcinoma after chemoradiotherapy. Methods: A systematic search was performed in PubMed and EMBASE (1990–2020). The crude data and effect estimates were extracted for each imaging variable. The level of evidence of each variable was assessed and pooled risk ratios (RRs) were calculated. Results: Twenty-two articles were included in this review, 17 on computed tomography (CT) and 5 on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) variables. We found strong evidence for the prognostic value of tumor volume at various cut-off points (pooled RRs ranging from 2.09 to 3.03). Anterior commissure involvement (pooled RR 2.19), posterior commissure involvement (pooled RR 2.44), subglottic extension (pooled RR 2.25), and arytenoid cartilage extension (pooled RR 2.10) were also strong prognostic factors. Conclusion: Pretreatment tumor volume and involvement of several subsites are prognostic factors for recurrent laryngeal or hypopharyngeal carcinoma after chemoradiotherapy

    Werken aan bodemweerbaarheid

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    De land- en tuinbouw ontwikkelt zich in de richting van steeds intensievere en complexere bedrijfssystemen. Vanuit de sector groeit het besef dat de chemische benadering van ziekten en plagen haar grenzen begint te bereiken. Ook de consument verlangt van de producent dat de inzet van chemische middelen gereduceerd wordt en gezocht wordt naar andere, meer duurzame oplossingen. Een van de oplossingsrichtingen is het creëren van een gezonde, veerkrachtige en weerbare bodem. Op zulke bodems groeit een gezond gewas met een goede opbrengst die minder gevoelig is voor ziekten en plagen en efficiënter omgaat met nutriënten waardoor er minder verliezen optreden. Hierdoor hoeven telers minder gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en nutriënten te gebruiken en kunnen ze, met een beter inkomen, milieuvriendelijker telen. Aardbei is een voorbeeld van een zeer intensieve teelt, die erg gevoelig is voor ziekten en plagen. In de teelt worden relatief veel gewasbeschermingsmiddelen gebruikt, en er is een sterke behoefte aan kennis die de inzet van deze middelen kan beperken. Aardbei is ook een heel geschikt toetsgewas, omdat het sterk reageert op de bodemgezondheid van een perceel. Is deze goed dan ligt de aardbeienproductie veel hoger dan op percelen waarop de bodemgezondheid matig of slecht is. Opbrengstverschillen kunnen oplopen tot meer dan 50%. De verkregen resultaten bij aardbei kunnen ook vertaald worden naar andere vollegronds gewassen
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