46 research outputs found

    Frecuencia de prolongación del intervalo QTc en adultos infectados con VIH de Paraguay en 2020

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    Introduction: the prolonged QTc interval predisposes to serious arrhythmias. Various medications, including antiretrovirals, can prolong it. The objectives were to determine the demographic, clinical characteristics and the frequency of the prolonged QTc interval in patients with HIV. Methods: we conducted a prospective, observational study with a control group. Men and women, over 18 years of age, with HIV infection, who attended the National Hospital (Itauguá, Paraguay) during 2020, were included. Medical students acted as a control group. All subjects who did not give their consent and those with arrhythmias were excluded. Demographic, clinical, laboratory variables and 12-channel electrocardiogram at rest were measured. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Privada del Este (Paraguay). Results: 39 HIV patients and 39 healthy controls entered the study. The mean age of the cases was 37 ± 11 years, being 59% male. The most frequent comorbidity in the cases was obesity (7.6%). The mean values ​​of urea, creatinine, K, Ca and Mg in the cases were in the normal range. Prolonged QTc was detected in 18% of the cases and in 0% of the controls. The subjects with the electrocardiographic alteration were all on antiretroviral and multiple antibiotic treatment known to be associated with prolonged Qtc. Conclusion: the frequency of prolonged QTc in HIV patients was 18% and in healthy controls it was 0%. Regular monitoring of the electrocardiogram is recommended in HIV patients receiving drugs that prolong the QT interval.Introducción: el intervalo QTc prolongado predispone a arritmias graves. Diversos medicamentos, entre ellos los antirretrovirales, pueden prolongarlo. Los objetivos fueron determinar las características demográficas, clínicas y la frecuencia del intervalo QTc prolongado en pacientes con VIH. Métodos: estudio observacional, prospectivo, con grupo control. Se incluyeron varones y mujeres, mayores de 18 años, portadores de infección por VIH, que acudieron al Hospital Nacional (Itauguá, Paraguay) durante 2020. Actuaron como grupo control los estudiantes de Medicina. Se excluyeron todos los sujetos que no dieron su consentimiento y los portadores de arritmias. Se midieron variables demográficas, clínicas, laboratoriales y electrocardiograma de 12 canales en reposo. El estudio contó con la aprobación del Comité de Ética de la Universidad Privada del Este (Paraguay). Resultados: ingresaron al estudio 39 pacientes con VIH y 39 controles sanos. La edad media de los casos fue 37 ± 11 años, siendo 59% del sexo masculino. La comorbilidad más frecuente en los casos fue la obesidad (7,6%). Los valores medios de urea, creatinina, K, Ca y Mg en los casos se hallaban en rango normal. Se detectó 18% de QTc prolongado en casos y 0% en los controles. Estos sujetos con alteración electrocardiográfica se hallaban todos en tratamiento antirretroviral y antibiótico múltiple de conocida asociación con QTc prolongado. Conclusión: la frecuencia de QTc prolongado en pacientes con VIH fue del 18% y en controles sanos fue del 0%. Se recomienda el control periódico del electrocardiograma en pacientes con VIH en tratamiento con fármacos que prolongan el intervalo QT

    Coevolution of Information Sharing and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices Among North American Tobacco Cessation Quitlines

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    Objectives. We examined the coevolution of information sharing and implementation of evidence-based practices among US and Canadian tobacco cessation quitlines within the North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC). Methods. Web-based surveys were used to collect data from key respondents representing each of 74 participating funders of NAQC quitlines during the summer and fall of 2009, 2010, and 2011. We used stochastic actor-based models to estimate changes in information sharing and practice implementation in the NAQC network. Results. Funders were more likely to share information within their own country and with funders that contracted with the same service provider. Funders contracting with larger service providers shared less information but implemented significantly more practices. Funders connected to larger numbers of tobacco control researchers more often received information from other funders. Intensity of ties to the NAQC network administrative organization did not influence funders’ decisions to share information or implement practices. Conclusions. Our findings show the importance of monitoring the NAQC network over time. We recommend increased cross-border information sharing and sharing of information between funders contracting with different and smaller service providers