1,356 research outputs found

    Stochastic emergence of inflaton fluctuations in a SdS primordial universe with large-scale repulsive gravity from a 5D vacuum

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    We develop a stochastic approach to study scalar field fluctuations of the inflaton field in an early inflationary universe with a black-hole (BH), which is described by an effective 4D SdS metric. Considering a 5D Ricci-flat SdS static metric, we implement a planar coordinate transformation, in order to obtain a 5D cosmological metric, from which the effective 4D SdS metric can be induced on a 4D hypersurface. We found that at the end of inflation, the squared fluctuations of the inflaton field are not exactly scale independent and becomes sensitive with the mass of the BH.Comment: version accepted in European Physical Journal Plu

    On the thin-shell limit of branes in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet interactions

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    In this paper we study thick-shell braneworld models in the presence of a Gauss-Bonnet term. We discuss the peculiarities of the attainment of the thin-shell limit in this case and compare them with the same situation in Einstein gravity. We describe the two simplest families of thick-brane models (parametrized by the shell thickness) one can think of. In the thin-shell limit, one family is characterized by the constancy of its internal density profile (a simple structure for the matter sector) and the other by the constancy of its internal curvature scalar (a simple structure for the geometric sector). We find that these two families are actually equivalent in Einstein gravity and that the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet term breaks this equivalence. In the second case, a shell will always keep some non-trivial internal structure, either on the matter or on the geometric sectors, even in the thin-shell limit.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX 4. Revised version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    "5 Days in August" – How London Local Authorities used Twitter during the 2011 riots

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    © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2012This study examines effects of microblogging communications during emergency events based on the case of the summer 2011 riots in London. During five days in August 2011, parts of London and other major cities in England suffered from extensive public disorders, violence and even loss of human lives. We collected and analysed the tweets posted by the official accounts maintained by 28 London local government authorities. Those authorities used Twitter for a variety of purposes such as preventing rumours, providing official information, promoting legal actions against offenders and organising post-riot community engagement activities. The study shows how the immediacy and communicative power of microblogging can have a significant effect at the response and recovery stages of emergency events

    Generalised Israel Junction Conditions for a Gauss-Bonnet Brane World

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    In spacetimes of dimension greater than four it is natural to consider higher order (in R) corrections to the Einstein equations. In this letter generalized Israel junction conditions for a membrane in such a theory are derived. This is achieved by generalising the Gibbons-Hawking boundary term. The junction conditions are applied to simple brane world models, and are compared to the many contradictory results in the literature.Comment: 4 page

    Measuring geometric phases of scattering states in nanoscale electronic devices

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    We show how a new quantum property, a geometric phase, associated with scattering states can be exhibited in nanoscale electronic devices. We propose an experiment to use interference to directly measure the effect of the new geometric phase. The setup involves a double path interferometer, adapted from that used to measure the phase evolution of electrons as they traverse a quantum dot (QD). Gate voltages on the QD could be varied cyclically and adiabatically, in a manner similar to that used to observe quantum adiabatic charge pumping. The interference due to the geometric phase results in oscillations in the current collected in the drain when a small bias across the device is applied. We illustrate the effect with examples of geometric phases resulting from both Abelian and non-Abelian gauge potentials.Comment: Six pages two figure

    Resumming the color-octet contribution to e+ e- -> J/psi + X

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    Recent observations of the spectrum of J/psi produced in e+ e- collisions at the Upsilon(4S) resonance are in conflict with fixed-order calculations using the Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD) effective field theory. One problem is that leading order color-octet mechanisms predict an enhancement of the cross section for J/psi with maximal energy that is not observed in the data. However, in this region of phase space large perturbative corrections (Sudakov logarithms) as well as enhanced nonperturbative effects are important. In this paper we use the newly developed Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) to systematically include these effects. We find that these corrections significantly broaden the color-octet contribution to the J/psi spectrum. Our calculation employs a one-stage renormalization group evolution rather than the two-stage evolution used in previous SCET calculations. We give a simple argument for why the two methods yield identical results to lowest order in the SCET power counting.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Scalar brane backgrounds in higher order curvature gravity

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    We investigate maximally symmetric brane world solutions with a scalar field. Five-dimensional bulk gravity is described by a general lagrangian which yields field equations containing no higher than second order derivatives. This includes the Gauss-Bonnet combination for the graviton. Stability and gravitational properties of such solutions are considered, and we particularily emphasise the modifications induced by the higher order terms. In particular it is shown that higher curvature corrections to Einstein theory can give rise to instabilities in brane world solutions. A method for analytically obtaining the general solution for such actions is outlined. Genericaly, the requirement of a finite volume element together with the absence of a naked singularity in the bulk imposes fine-tuning of the brane tension. A model with a moduli scalar field is analysed in detail and we address questions of instability and non-singular self-tuning solutions. In particular, we discuss a case with a normalisable zero mode but infinite volume element.Comment: published versio

    Brane cosmology with curvature corrections

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    We study the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. The combined effect of these curvature corrections to the action removes the infinite-density big bang singularity, although the curvature can still diverge for some parameter values. A radiation brane undergoes accelerated expansion near the minimal scale factor, for a range of parameters. This acceleration is driven by the geometric effects, without an inflaton field or negative pressures. At late times, conventional cosmology is recovered.Comment: RevTex4, 8 pages, no figures, minor change

    Brane Universes with Gauss-Bonnet-Induced-Gravity

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    The DGP brane world model allows us to get the observed late time acceleration via modified gravity, without the need for a ``dark energy'' field. This can then be generalised by the inclusion of high energy terms, in the form of a Gauss-Bonnet bulk. This is the basis of the Gauss-Bonnet-Induced-Gravity (GBIG) model explored here with both early and late time modifications to the cosmological evolution. Recently the simplest GBIG models (Minkowski bulk and no brane tension) have been analysed. Two of the three possible branches in these models start with a finite density ``Big-Bang'' and with late time acceleration. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of more general models where we include a bulk cosmological constant and brane tension. We show that by including these factors it is possible to have late time phantom behaviour.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures. Minor modifications to text, comments on phantom behaviour added. References added. As submitted to JCA

    Scalar cosmological perturbations from inflationary black holes

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    We study the correction to the scale invariant power spectrum of a scalar field on de Sitter space from small black holes that formed during a pre-inflationary matter dominated era. The formation probability of such black holes is estimated from primordial Gaussian density fluctuations. We determine the correction to the spectrum by first deriving the Keldysh propagator for a massless scalar field on Schwarzschild-de Sitter space. Our results suggest that the effect is strong enough to be tested -- and possibly even ruled out -- by observations.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures, published versio