20 research outputs found

    Maintenance or regression of the corpus luteum during multiple decisive periods of bovine pregnancy

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    In ruminants, there are specific times during the estrous cycle or pregnancy when the corpus luteum (CL) may undergo regression. This review has attempted to summarize the physiological and cellular mechanisms involved in CL regression or maintenance during four distinct periods. The first period is near day 7 when animals that are ovulating after a period of low circulating progesterone (P4), such as first pubertal ovulation or first postpartum ovulation, are at risk of having a premature increase in Prostaglandin F2α (PGF) secreted from the uterus resulting in early CL regression and a short estrous cycle. The second period is when normal luteolysis occurs at day 18-25 of the cycle or when the CL is rescued by interferon-tau secreted by the elongating embryo. The uterine mechanisms that determine the timing of this luteolysis or the prevention of luteolysis have been generally defined. Induction and activation of endometrial E2 receptors result in induction of endometrial oxytocin receptors that can now be activated by normal pulses of oxytocin. Of particular importance is the observation that the primary mechanisms are only activated through local (ipsilateral) and not a systemic route due to transfer of PGF from the uterine vein to the ovarian artery. In addition at the CL level, studies are providing definition to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that are activated in response to uterine PGF pulses or pregnancy. The third period that is discussed occurs in the second month of pregnancy (day 28-60) when undefined mechanisms result in CL maintenance of an ipsilateral CL but regression of a contralateral (opposite side from pregnancy) CL. The final period that is discussed is regression of the CL just prior to parturition. Although, cortisol from the fetus appears to be the primary initiator of luteolysis, PGF seems to be the final signal that causes regression of the CL. Thus, in all four periods, regression of the CL is likely to be caused by the direct actions of PGF that is secreted from the uterus. The uterine mechanisms that result in secretion of PGF seem to be normally inhibited during the early luteal phase, making short luteal phases not a normal event, and are altered during early pregnancy (day 18-25) resulting in prevention of luteolysis. During much of pregnancy, the mechanisms that cause PGF secretion from the uterus in response to oxytocin are intact but luteolysis does not normally occur, perhaps due to lack of efficient utero-ovarian transfer of PGF

    Role of kinin receptors in skin pigmentation

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    Previous studies have shown that all kinin system is constitutively expressed in the normal and inflamed skin, with a potential role in both physiological and pathological processes. However, the understanding regarding the involvement of the kinin system in skin pigmentation and pigmentation disorders remains incomplete. In this context, the present study was designed to determine the role of kinins in the Monobenzone (MBZ)-induced vitiligo-like model. Our findings showed that MBZ induces higher local skin depigmentation in kinin receptors knockout mice (KOB1R, KOB2R and KOB1B2R) than in wild type (WT). Remarkably, lower levels of melanin content and reduced ROS generation were detected in KOB1R and KOB2R mice treated with MBZ. In addition, both KOB1R and KOB2R show increased dermal cell infiltrate in vitiligo-like skin, when compared to WT-MBZ. Additionally, lack of B1R was associated with greater skin accumulation of IL-4, IL-6, and IL-17 by MBZ, while KOB1B2R presented lower levels of TNF and IL-1. Of note, the absence of both kinin B1 and B2 receptors demonstrates a protective effect by preventing the increase in polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell infiltrations, as well as inflammatory cytokine levels induced by MBZ. In addition, in vitro assays confirm that B1R and B2R agonists increase intracellular melanin synthesis, while bradykinin significantly enhanced extracellular melanin levels and proliferation of B16F10 cells. Our findings highlight that the lack of kinin receptors caused more severe depigmentation in the skin, as well as genetic deletion of both B1/B2 receptors seems to be linked with changes in levels of constitutive melanin levels, suggesting the involvement of kinin system in crucial skin pigmentation pathways

    Ação antiarrítmica do isofluorano em cães submetidos à arritmias ventriculares induzidas por cloreto de bário Antiarrhytmic action of isoflurane in dogs submitted to ventricular arrhytmia by barium chloride

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    Avaliou-se a ação antiarrítmica do isofluorano em cães submetidos a arritmias ventriculares pelo uso de cloreto de bário, utilizando-se de seis cães, machos e fêmeas, que receberam uma dose de 3mg/kg de peso IV de cloreto de bário a 2,5% (G1). O mesmo protocolo foi repetido, nos mesmos animais, sob anestesia geral com isofluorano (G2). Usou-se a eletrocardiografia computadorizada para avaliar o ritmo cardíaco, a duração e/ou amplitude das ondas e os intervalos eletrocardiográficos. Não se verificou alteração no ritmo cardíaco em G2, diferente de G1, que apresentou freqüentes arritmias ventriculares na forma de bigeminismo e taquicardia ventricular multifocal. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação à freqüência cardíaca nos minutos iniciais de observação, quando ocorreu aumento na freqüência cardíaca em G1. A utilização do isofluorano conferiu ação antiarrítmica em cães com arritmias induzidas pelo cloreto de bário, reforçando suas indicações a pacientes com risco considerável de desenvolvimento de arritmias ventriculares.<br>Antiarrhythmic action of isoflurane was evaluated in dogs submitted a ventricular arrhythmias by the use of barium chloride, using six dogs, males and females, that received 3mg/kgLW intravenous dose of barium chloride 2.5% solution (G1). The same protocol was repeated on the same animals, after general anesthesia with isoflurane (G2). Computerized electrocardiography was used to evaluate the cardiac rhythm, waves duration and/or amplitude and electrocardiographic intervals. No alteration on the cardiac rhythm in G2 animals was observed, different from G1 animals, that showed frequent ventricular arrhythmias in bigeminism form, as well as mutifocal ventricular tachycardia. Differences between groups in relation of cardiac frequency in the observed initial minutes were showed, occurring an increase in cardiac frequency in G1 animals. The utilization of isoflurane conferred antiarrhythmic action in dogs with arrhythmias barium chloride induced, reforcing its indication for patients with considerable risk of ventricular arrhythmias development