11 research outputs found

    The cost of uncertainty in a production smoothing problem

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    v. Thffil (H), Boot (J.C.G).

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    Utree:t; Antwerpen; Marka; (1964). 8, 378 p., figg., tabb. (Marka-Boeken. 9) PVoorspellen en beslissen. Inleiding tot de kwantitatieve economie en operationele researchSeT-57

    The cost of uncertainty in a production smoothing problem

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    Saturation in linear optimization

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    In a solvable linear optimization problem, a constraint is saturated if it is binding at a certain optimal solution and it is weakly saturated if it is binding at a proper subset of the optimal set. Nonsaturation and weak saturation can be seen as redundancy phenomena in the sense that the elimination of a finite number of these constraints preserves the value of the given problem. We consider also the effect of sufficiently small perturbations of the cost coefficients in the classification of a given constraint as either saturated or nonsaturated.This work was supported by the MCYT of Spain and FEDER of UE, Grant BFM2002-04114-C02-01