10,953 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium Stationary States and Phase Transitions in Directed Ising Models

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    We study the nonequilibrium properties of directed Ising models with non conserved dynamics, in which each spin is influenced by only a subset of its nearest neighbours. We treat the following models: (i) the one-dimensional chain; (ii) the two-dimensional square lattice; (iii) the two-dimensional triangular lattice; (iv) the three-dimensional cubic lattice. We raise and answer the question: (a) Under what conditions is the stationary state described by the equilibrium Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution? We show that for models (i), (ii), and (iii), in which each spin "sees" only half of its neighbours, there is a unique set of transition rates, namely with exponential dependence in the local field, for which this is the case. For model (iv), we find that any rates satisfying the constraints required for the stationary measure to be Gibbsian should satisfy detailed balance, ruling out the possibility of directed dynamics. We finally show that directed models on lattices of coordination number z8z\ge8 with exponential rates cannot accommodate a Gibbsian stationary state. We conjecture that this property extends to any form of the rates. We are thus led to the conclusion that directed models with Gibbsian stationary states only exist in dimension one and two. We then raise the question: (b) Do directed Ising models, augmented by Glauber dynamics, exhibit a phase transition to a ferromagnetic state? For the models considered above, the answers are open problems, to the exception of the simple cases (i) and (ii). For Cayley trees, where each spin sees only the spins further from the root, we show that there is a phase transition provided the branching ratio, qq, satisfies q3q \ge 3

    On the backreaction of frame dragging

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    The backreaction on black holes due to dragging heavy, rather than test, objects is discussed. As a case study, a regular black Saturn system where the central black hole has vanishing intrinsic angular momentum, J^{BH}=0, is considered. It is shown that there is a correlation between the sign of two response functions. One is interpreted as a moment of inertia of the black ring in the black Saturn system. The other measures the variation of the black ring horizon angular velocity with the central black hole mass, for fixed ring mass and angular momentum. The two different phases defined by these response functions collapse, for small central black hole mass, to the thin and fat ring phases. In the fat phase, the zero area limit of the black Saturn ring has reduced spin j^2>1, which is related to the behaviour of the ring angular velocity. Using the `gravitomagnetic clock effect', for which a universality property is exhibited, it is shown that frame dragging measured by an asymptotic observer decreases, in both phases, when the central black hole mass increases, for fixed ring mass and angular momentum. A close parallelism between the results for the fat phase and those obtained recently for the double Kerr solution is drawn, considering also a regular black Saturn system with J^{BH}\neq 0.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Calculation of model Hamiltonian parameters for LaMnO_3 using maximally localized Wannier functions

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    Maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) based on Kohn-Sham band-structures provide a systematic way to construct realistic, materials specific tight-binding models for further theoretical analysis. Here, we construct MLWFs for the Mn e_g bands in LaMnO_3, and we monitor changes in the MLWF matrix elements induced by different magnetic configurations and structural distortions. From this we obtain values for the local Jahn-Teller and Hund's rule coupling strength, the hopping amplitudes between all nearest and further neighbors, and the corresponding reduction due to the GdFeO_3-type distortion. By comparing our results with commonly used model Hamiltonians for manganites, where electrons can hop between two "e_g-like" orbitals located on each Mn site, we find that the most crucial limitation of such models stems from neglecting changes in the underlying Mn(d)-O(p) hybridization.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    A comparative study of CO adsorption on flat, stepped and kinked Au surfaces using density functional theory

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    Our ab initio calculations of CO adsorption energies on low miller index (111), (100), stepped (211), and kinked (532) gold surfaces show a strong dependence on local coordination with a reduction in Au atom coordination leading to higher binding energies. We find trends in adsorption energies to be similar to those reported in experiments and calculations for other metal surfaces. The (532) surface provides insights into these trends because of the availability of a large number of kink sites which naturally have the lowest coordination (6). We also find that, for all surfaces, an increase in CO coverage triggers a decrease in the adsorption energy. Changes in the work-function upon CO adsorption, as well as the frequencies of the CO vibrational modes are calculated, and their coverage dependence is reported.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    A Chandra View of the Normal SO Galaxy NGC 1332: II: Solar Abundances in the Hot Gas and Implications for SN Enrichment

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    We present spectral analysis of the diffuse emission in the normal, isolated, moderate-Lx S0 NGC 1332, constraining both the temperature profile and the metal abundances in the ISM. The characteristics of the point source population and the gravitating matter are discussed in two companion papers. The diffuse emission comprises hot gas, with an ~isothermal temperature profile (~0.5 keV), and emission from unresolved point-sources. In contrast with the cool cores of many groups and clusters, we find a small central temperature peak. We obtain emission-weighted abundance contraints within 20 kpc for several key elements: Fe, O, Ne, Mg and Si. The measured iron abundance (Z_Fe=1.1 in solar units; >0.53 at 99% confidence) strongly excludes the very sub-solar values often historically reported for early-type galaxies but agrees with recent observations of brighter galaxies and groups. The abundance ratios, with respect to Fe, of the other elements were also found to be ~solar, although Z_o/Z_Fe was significantly lower (<0.4). Such a low O abundance is not predicted by simple models of ISM enrichment by Type Ia and Type II supernovae, and may indicate a significant contribution from primordial hypernovae. Revisiting Chandra observations of the moderate-Lx, isolated elliptical NGC 720, we obtain similar abundance constraints. Adopting standard SNIa and SNII metal yields, our abundance ratio constraints imply 73+/-5% and 85+/-6% of the Fe enrichment in NGC 1332 and NGC 720, respectively, arises from SNIa. Although these results are sensitive to the considerable systematic uncertainty in the SNe yields, they are in good agreement with observations of more massive systems. These two moderate-Lx early-type galaxies reveal a consistent pattern of metal enrichment from cluster scales to moderate Lx/Lb galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor changes to match published versio

    Confirming the Detection of an Intergalactic X-ray Absorber Toward PKS 2155-304

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    We present new observations on PKS 2155-304 with the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETG), using the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS). We confirm the detection of an absorption line plausibly identified as OVIII Ly-alpha from the warm-hot intergalactic medium associated with a small group of galaxies along the line of sight, as originally reported by Fang et al. 2002 (here after FANG02). Combining the previous observations in FANG02 and five new, long observations on the same target, we increase the total exposure time by a factor of three, and the total counts per resolution element by a factor of five. The measured line equivalent width is smaller than that observed in FANG02, but still consistent at 90% confidence. We also analyze the XMM-Newton observations on the same target, as well as observations using the Chandra LETG and the High Resolution Camera (HRC) combination. These observations have been used to challenge our reported detection. While no line is seen in either the XMM-Newton and the Chandra LETG+HRC data, we find that our result is consistent with the upper limits from both data sets. We attribute the non-detection to (1) higher quality of the Chandra LETG+ACIS spectrum, and (2) the rather extended wings of the line spread functions of both the XMM RGS and the Chandra LETG+HRC. We discuss the implication of our observation on the temperature and density of the absorber. We also confirm the detection of z ~ 0 OVII absorption and, comparing with previous Chandra analysis, we obtain much tighter constraints on the line properties.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Coronal X-ray Spectrum of the Multiple Weak-Lined T Tauri Star System HD 98800

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    We present high-resolution X-ray spectra of the multiple (hierarchical quadruple) weak-lined T Tauri star system HD 98800, obtained with the High Energy Transmission Gratings Spectrograph (HETGS) aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO). In the zeroth-order CXO/HETGS X-ray image, both principle binary components of HD 98800 (A and B, separation 0.8'') are detected; component A was observed to flare during the observation. The infrared excess (dust disk) component, HD 98800B, is a factor ~4 fainter in X-rays than the apparently ``diskless'' HD 98800A, in quiescence. The line ratios of He-like species (e.g., Ne IX, O VII) in the HD 98800A spectrum indicate that the X-ray-emitting plasma around HD 98800 is in a typical coronal density regime (log n <~ 11). We conclude that the dominant X-ray-emitting component(s) of HD 98800 is (are) coronally active. The sharp spectral differences between HD 98800 and the classical T Tauri star TW Hya demonstrate the potential utility of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy in providing diagnostics of pre-main sequence accretion processes.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters