2,019 research outputs found

    Invariant expectations and vanishing of bounded cohomology for exact groups

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    We study exactness of groups and establish a characterization of exact groups in terms of the existence of a continuous linear operator, called an invariant expectation, whose properties make it a weak counterpart of an invariant mean on a group. We apply this operator to show that exactness of a finitely generated group GG implies the vanishing of the bounded cohomology of GG with coefficients in a new class of modules, which are defined using the Hopf algebra structure of 1(G)\ell_1(G).Comment: Final version, to appear in the Journal of Topology and Analysi

    Quantum State Tomography Using Successive Measurements

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    We describe a quantum state tomography scheme which is applicable to a system described in a Hilbert space of arbitrary finite dimensionality and is constructed from sequences of two measurements. The scheme consists of measuring the various pairs of projectors onto two bases --which have no mutually orthogonal vectors--, the two members of each pair being measured in succession. We show that this scheme implies measuring the joint quasi-probability of any pair of non-degenerate observables having the two bases as their respective eigenbases. The model Hamiltonian underlying the scheme makes use of two meters initially prepared in an arbitrary given quantum state, following the ideas that were introduced by von Neumann in his theory of measurement.Comment: 12 Page

    Wave Scattering through Classically Chaotic Cavities in the Presence of Absorption: An Information-Theoretic Model

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    We propose an information-theoretic model for the transport of waves through a chaotic cavity in the presence of absorption. The entropy of the S-matrix statistical distribution is maximized, with the constraint =αn =\alpha n: n is the dimensionality of S, and 0α1,α=0(1)0\leq \alpha \leq 1, \alpha =0(1) meaning complete (no) absorption. For strong absorption our result agrees with a number of analytical calculations already given in the literature. In that limit, the distribution of the individual (angular) transmission and reflection coefficients becomes exponential -Rayleigh statistics- even for n=1. For n1n\gg 1 Rayleigh statistics is attained even with no absorption; here we extend the study to α<1\alpha <1. The model is compared with random-matrix-theory numerical simulations: it describes the problem very well for strong absorption, but fails for moderate and weak absorptions. Thus, in the latter regime, some important physical constraint is missing in the construction of the model.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 3 ps figure

    Detecting Compton Reflection and a Broad Iron Line in MCG-5-23-16 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer

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    We report the detection with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer of a Compton reflection signature in the Seyfert galaxy MCG-5-23-16. RXTE also resolves the Fe K-alpha fluorescence line with FWHM ~48,000 km s^{-1}. This measurement provides the first independent confirmation of ASCA detections in Seyfert galaxies of broad Fe K-alpha lines that are thought to be the signature of emission from the inner regions of an accretion disk orbiting a black hole. Under the assumption that reflection arises from an isotropic source located above a neutral accretion disk, and using a theoretical model that accounts for the dependence of the reflected spectrum on inclination angle, we derive a 90% confidence range for the disk inclination of i = 50 to 81 degrees. The large inclination is consistent with that expected from the unified model for MCG-5-23-16 based on its Seyfert 1.9 classification. If we assume that the high-energy cutoff in the incident spectrum lies at energies larger than a few hundred keV, then the equivalent width of the Fe K-alpha line is much larger than predicted for the amount of reflection. This implies either an enhanced iron abundance, a covering factor of reflecting material > 0.5, or a cutoff in the incident spectrum at energies between ~60 and ~200 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, LaTeX. 14 pages including 3 figures, with 1 table as a separate postscript file. Typo corrected in abstrac

    Fundamental parameter accuracy of DA and DB white dwarfs in Gaia Data Release 2

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    We report on a comparison of spectroscopic analyses for hydrogen (DA) and helium atmosphere (DB) white dwarfs with Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) parallaxes and photometry. We assume a reddening law and a mass–radius relation to connect the effective temperatures (Teff) and surface gravities (log g) to masses and radii. This allows the comparison of two largely independent sets of fundamental parameters for 7039 DA and 521 DB stars with high-quality observations. This subset of the Gaia white dwarf sample is large enough to detect systematic trends in the derived parameters. We find that spectroscopic and photometric parameters generally agree within uncertainties when the expectation of a single star is verified. Gaia allows the identification of a small systematic offset in the temperature scale between the two techniques, as well as confirming a small residual high-mass bump in the DA mass distribution around 11 000–13 000 K. This assessment of the accuracy of white dwarf fundamental parameters derived from Gaia is a first step in understanding systematic effects in related astrophysical applications such as the derivation of the local stellar formation history, initial-to-final mass relation, and statistics of evolved planetary systems

    Mesoscopic Capacitors: A Statistical Analysis

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    The capacitance of mesoscopic samples depends on their geometry and physical properties, described in terms of characteristic times scales. The resulting ac admittance shows sample to sample fluctuations. Their distribution is studied here -through a random-matrix model- for a chaotic cavity capacitively coupled to a backgate: it is observed from the distribution of scattering time delays for the cavity, which is found analytically for the orthogonal, unitary, and symplectic universality classes, one mode in the lead connecting the cavity to the reservoir and no direct scattering. The results agree with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages (Revtex), 4 PS figures. Minor corrections. New e-mail address: [email protected] [email protected] e-mail address: [email protected]

    Identification of A-colored Stars and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from SDSS Commissioning Data

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    A sample of 4208 objects with magnitude 15 < g* < 22 and colors of main sequence A stars has been selected from 370 square degrees of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) commissioning observations. The data is from two long, narrow stripes, each with an opening angle of greater than 60 deg, at Galactic latitudes 36 < abs(b) < 63 on the celestial equator. An examination of the sample's distribution shows that these stars trace considerable substructure in the halo. Large overdensities of A-colored stars in the North at (l,b,R) = (350, 50, 46 kpc) and in the South at (157, -58, 33 kpc) and extending over tens of degrees are present in the halo of the Milky Way. Using photometry to separate the stars by surface gravity, both structures are shown to contain a sequence of low surface gravity stars consistent with identification as a blue horizontal branch (BHB). Both structures also contain a population of high surface gravity stars two magnitudes fainter than the BHB stars, consistent with their identification as blue stragglers (BSs). From the numbers of detected BHB stars, lower limits to the implied mass of the structures are 6x10^6 M_sun and 2x10^6 M_sun. The fact that two such large clumps have been detected in a survey of only 1% of the sky indicates that such structures are not uncommon in the halo. Simple spheroidal parameters are fit to a complete sample of the remaining unclumped BHB stars and yield (at r < 40 kpc) a fit to a halo distribution with flattening (c/a = 0.65+/-0.2) and a density falloff exponent of alpha = -3.2+/-0.3.Comment: AASTeX v5_0, 26 pages, 1 table, 20 figures, ApJ accepte

    Photometric redshifts from reconstructed QSO templates

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    From SDSS commissioning photometric and spectroscopic data, we investigate the utility of photometric redshift techniques to the task of estimating QSO redshifts. We consider empirical methods (e.g. nearest-neighbor searches and polynomial fitting), standard spectral template fitting and hybrid approaches (i.e. training spectral templates from spectroscopic and photometric observations of QSOs). We find that in all cases, due to the presence of strong emission-lines within the QSO spectra, the nearest-neighbor and template fitting methods are superior to the polynomial fitting approach. Applying a novel reconstruction technique, we can, from the SDSS multicolor photometry, reconstruct a statistical representation of the underlying SEDs of the SDSS QSOs. Although, the reconstructed templates are based on only broadband photometry the common emission lines present within the QSO spectra can be recovered in the resulting spectral energy distributions. The technique should be useful in searching for spectral differences among QSOs at a given redshift, in searching for spectral evolution of QSOs, in comparing photometric redshifts for objects beyond the SDSS spectroscopic sample with those in the well calibrated photometric redshifts for objects brighter than 20th magnitude and in searching for systematic and time variable effects in the SDSS broad band photometric and spectral photometric calibrations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX AASTeX, submitted to A