48 research outputs found

    Requirement for Specific Proteases in Cancer Cell Intravasation as Revealed by a Novel Semiquantitative PCR-Based Assay

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    AbstractProteases are crucial for cancer metastasis, but due to lack of assays, their role in intravasation has not yet been tested. We have developed a human Alu sequence PCR-based assay to quantitate intravasated cells in an in vivo model. We demonstrated that metalloproteinases (MMPs), and most likely MMP-9, are required for intravasation by showing that marimastat, an inhibitor of MMPs, reduced intravasation by more than 90%, and that only tumor cell lines expressing MMP-9 intravasated. Cells with low surface urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and uPA receptor (uPAR) were also incapable of intravasation, despite the presence of high levels of MMP-9. We concluded that breaching of the vascular wall is a rate-limiting step for intravasation, and consequently for metastasis, and that cooperation between uPA/uPAR and MMP-9 is required to complete this step

    Resistance gene homologues in melon are linked to genetic loci conferring disease and pest resistance

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    Genomic and cDNA fragments with homology to known disease resistance genes (RGH fragments) were cloned from Cucumis melo using degenerate-primer PCR. Fifteen homologues of the NBS-LRR gene family have been isolated. The NBS-LRR homologues show high divergence and, based on the partial NBS-fragment sequences, appear to include members of the two major subfamilies that have been described in dicot plants, one that possesses a TIR-protein element and one that lacks such a domain. Genomic organization of these sequences was explored by DNA gel-blot analysis, and conservation among other Cucurbitaceae was assessed. Two mapping populations that segregate for several disease and pest resistance loci were used to map the RGH probes onto the melon genetic map. Several NBS-LRR related sequences mapped to the vicinity of genetic loci that control resistance to papaya ringspot virus, Fusarium oxysporum race 1, F. oxysporum race 2 and to the insect pest Aphis gossypii. The utility of such markers for breeding resistant melon cultivars and for cloning the respective R-genes is discussed. (Résumé d'auteur

    Linkage map of Cucumis melo including phenotypic traits and sequence-characterized genes

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    A new linkage map of Cucumis melo, derived from the F2 progeny of a cross between PI 414723 and C. melo 'TopMark' is presented. The map spans a total of 1421 cM and includes 179 points consisting of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs), simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The map also includes an aphid resistance trait (Vat) and the sex type gene, andromonoecious (a), the two of which are important in resistance breeding and the control of hybrid seed production, as well as a seed-color gene, Wt-2. Most RFLPs represent sequence-characterized cDNA probes from #C. melo# and #Cucumis sativus#. These include resistance gene homologues and genes involved in various aspects of plant development and metabolism. A sub-set of our SSR and RFLP markers were also mapped, as part of this study, on additional mapping populations that were published for this species. This provides important reference points ("anchors"), enabling us to identify several linkage groups with respect to other melon maps. (Résumé d'auteur