594 research outputs found

    Time resolved tracking of a sound scatterer in a turbulent flow: non-stationary signal analysis and applications

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    It is known that ultrasound techniques yield non-intrusive measurements of hydrodynamic flows. For example, the study of the echoes produced by a large number of particle insonified by pulsed wavetrains has led to a now standard velocimetry technique. In this paper, we propose to extend the method to the continuous tracking of one single particle embedded in a complex flow. This gives a Lagrangian measurement of the fluid motion, which is of importance in mixing and turbulence studies. The method relies on the ability to resolve in time the Doppler shift of the sound scattered by the continuously insonfied particle. For this signal processing problem two classes of approaches are used: time-frequency analysis and parametric high resolution methods. In the first class we consider the spectrogram and reassigned spectrogram, and we apply it to detect the motion of a small bead settling in a fluid at rest. In more non-stationary turbulent flows where methods in the second class are more robust, we have adapted an Approximated Maximum Likelihood technique coupled with a generalized Kalman filter.Comment: 16 pages 9 figure

    Intermittency and non-Gaussian fluctuations of the global energy transfer in fully developed turbulence

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    We address the experimentally observed non-Gaussian fluctuations for the energy injected into a closed turbulent flow at fixed Reynolds number. We propose that the power fluctuations mirror the internal kinetic energy fluctuations. Using a stochastic cascade model, we construct the excess kinetic energy as the sum over the energy transfers at different levels of the cascade. We find an asymmetric distribution that strongly resembles the experimental data. The asymmetry is an explicit consequence of intermittency and the global measure is dominated by small scale events correlated over the entire system. Our calculation is consistent with the statistical analogy recently made between a confined turbulent flow and a critical system of finite size.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Inhomogeneous turbulence in the vicinity of a large scale coherent vortex

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    We study the statistics of turbulent velocity fluctuations in the neighbourhood of a strong large scale vortex at very large Reynolds number. At each distance from the vortex core, we observe that the velocity spectrum has a power law ``inertial range'' of scales and that intermittency -- defined as the variation of the probability density function (PDF) of velocity increments as the length of the increment is varied -- is also present. We show that the spectrum scaling exponents and intermittency characteristics vary with the distance to the vortex. They are also influenced by the large scale dynamics of the vortex.Comment: submitted to europhys lett, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Lagrangian temperature, velocity and local heat flux measurement in Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    We have developed a small, neutrally buoyant, wireless temperature sensor. Using a camera for optical tracking, we obtain simultaneous measurements of position and temperature of the sensor as it is carried along by the flow in Rayleigh-B\'enard convection, at Ra∌1010Ra \sim 10^{10}. We report on statistics of temperature, velocity, and heat transport in turbulent thermal convection. The motion of the sensor particle exhibits dynamics close to that of Lagrangian tracers in hydrodynamic turbulence. We also quantify heat transport in plumes, revealing self-similarity and extreme variations from plume to plume.Comment: 4 page

    Numerical study of dynamo action at low magnetic Prandtl numbers

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    We present a three--pronged numerical approach to the dynamo problem at low magnetic Prandtl numbers PMP_M. The difficulty of resolving a large range of scales is circumvented by combining Direct Numerical Simulations, a Lagrangian-averaged model, and Large-Eddy Simulations (LES). The flow is generated by the Taylor-Green forcing; it combines a well defined structure at large scales and turbulent fluctuations at small scales. Our main findings are: (i) dynamos are observed from PM=1P_M=1 down to PM=10−2P_M=10^{-2}; (ii) the critical magnetic Reynolds number increases sharply with PM−1P_M^{-1} as turbulence sets in and then saturates; (iii) in the linear growth phase, the most unstable magnetic modes move to small scales as PMP_M is decreased and a Kazantsev k3/2k^{3/2} spectrum develops; then the dynamo grows at large scales and modifies the turbulent velocity fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental test of the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem in turbulent flows

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    We test the fluctuation theorem from measurements in turbulent flows. We study the time fluctuations of the force acting on an obstacle, and we consider two experimental situations: the case of a von K\'arm\'an swirling flow between counter-rotating disks (VK) and the case of a wind tunnel jet. We first study the symmetries implied by the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem (FT) on the probability density distributions of the force fluctuations; we then test the Sinai scaling. We observe that in both experiments the symmetries implied by the FT are well verified, whereas the Sinai scaling is established, as expected, only for long times
