406 research outputs found

    Peace journalism–critical discourse case study: media and the plan for Swedish and Norwegian defence cooperation

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    PURPOSE: To describe the occurrence of atypical, bilateral detachment of the macular neuroepithelium and Klinefelter syndrome in a young patient. METHODS: Case report. RESULTS: A 20-year-old male of Chinese origin with karyotype 47,XXY presented with bilateral central neurosensory retinal detachment. There was spontaneous improvement. CONCLUSIONS: An atypical form of detachment of the macular neuroepithelium was seen in a young patient with Klinefelter syndrome. The pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. The possibility of a hormonal imbalance is discussed. A differential diagnostic consideration is central serous chorioretinopathy and a mild form of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. This case is of interest because of the rarity of association between Klinefelter syndrome and chorioretinal abnormalities

    LOFAR: A new radio telescope for low frequency radio observations: Science and project status

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    LOFAR, the Low Frequency Array, is a large radio telescope consisting about 100 soccer field sized antenna stations spread over a region of 400 km in diameter. It will operate in the frequency range from ~10 to 240 MHz, with a resolution at 240 MHz of better than an arcsecond. Its superb sensitivity will allow for a broad range of astrophysical studies. In this contribution we first discuss four major areas of astrophysical research in which LOFAR will undoubtedly make important contributions: reionisation, distant galaxies and AGNs, transient radio sources and cosmic rays. Subsequently, we will discuss the technical concept of the instrument and the status of the LOFAR projectComment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the XXI Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics held on December 9--13 2002, in Florence, Ital

    Completeness in Photometric and Spectroscopic Searches for Clusters

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    We investigate, using simulated galaxy catalogues, the completeness of searches for massive clusters of galaxies in redshift surveys or imaging surveys with photometric redshift estimates, i.e. what fraction of clusters (M>10^14/h Msun) are found in such surveys. We demonstrate that the matched filter method provides an efficient and reliable means of identifying massive clusters even when the redshift estimates are crude. In true redshift surveys the method works extremely well. We demonstrate that it is possible to construct catalogues with high completeness, low contamination and both varying little with redshift.Comment: ApJ in press, 15 pages, 10 figure

    Large scale anisotropies on halo infall

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    We perform a statistical analysis of the peculiar velocity field around dark matter haloes in numerical simulations. We examine different properties of the infall of material onto haloes and its relation to central halo shapes and the shape of the large scale surrounding regions (LSSR). We find that the amplitude of the infall velocity field along the halo shape minor axis is larger than that along the major axis. This is consistent for general triaxial haloes, and for both prolate and oblate systems. We also report a strong anisotropy of the velocity field along the principal axes of the LSSR. The infall velocity field around dark matter haloes reaches a maximum value along the direction of the minor axis of the LSSR, whereas along the direction of its major axis, it exhibits the smallest velocities. We also analyse the dependence of the matter velocity field on the local environment. The amplitude of the infall velocity at high local density regions is larger than at low local density regions. The velocity field tends to be more laminar along the direction towards the minor axis of the LSSR, where the mean ratio between flow velocity and velocity dispersion is of order unity and nearly constant up to scales of 15 Mpc/h. We also detect anisotropies in the outflowing component of the velocity field, showing a maximum amplitude along the surrounding LSSR major axis.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Redshifts in the Southern Abell Redshift Survey Clusters. I. The Data

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    The Southern Abell Redshift Survey contains 39 clusters of galaxies with redshifts in the range 0.0 < z < 0.31 and a median redshift depth of z = 0.0845. SARS covers the region 0 21h (while avoiding the LMC and SMC) with b > 40. Cluster locations were chosen from the Abell and Abell-Corwin-Olowin catalogs while galaxy positions were selected from the Automatic Plate Measuring Facility galaxy catalog with extinction-corrected magnitudes in the range 15 <= b_j < 19. SARS utilized the Las Campanas 2.5 m duPont telescope, observing either 65 or 128 objects concurrently over a 1.5 sq deg field. New redshifts for 3440 galaxies are reported in the fields of these 39 clusters of galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, Table 2 can be downloaded in its entirety from http://trotsky.arc.nasa.gov/~mway/SARS1/sars1-table2.cs

    ROSAT PSPC Observations of the Richest (R≄2R \geq 2) ACO Clusters

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    We have compiled an X-ray catalog of optically selected rich clusters of galaxies observed by the PSPC during the pointed GO phase of the ROSAT mission. This paper contains a systematic X-ray analysis of 150 clusters with an optical richness classification of R≄2R \geq 2 from the ACO catalog (Abell, Corwin, and Olowin 1989). All clusters were observed within 45' of the optical axis of the telescope during pointed PSPC observations. For each cluster, we calculate: the net 0.5-2.0 keV PSPC count rate (or 4σ4 \sigma upper limit) in a 1 Mpc radius aperture, 0.5-2.0 keV flux and luminosity, bolometric luminosity, and X-ray centroid. The cluster sample is then used to examine correlations between the X-ray and optical properties of clusters, derive the X-ray luminosity function of clusters with different optical classifications, and obtain a quantitative estimate of contamination (i.e, the fraction of clusters with an optical richness significantly overestimated due to interloping galaxies) in the ACO catalog

    Reduced immune reaction prevents immunopathology after challenge with avian influenza virus: A transcriptomics analysis of adjuvanted vaccines

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    To gain more insight in underlying mechanisms correlating to protection against avian influenza virus (AIV) infection, we investigated correlates of protection after AIV H9N2 infection and studied the contribution of different adjuvants to a protective response at host transcriptional level. One-day-old chickens were immunised with inactivated H9N2 supplemented with w/o, Al(OH)3, CpG or without adjuvant. Two weeks later, birds were homologously challenged and at 1-4 days post challenge (d.p.c.) trachea and lung were collected. Birds immunised with H9N2+w/o or H9N2+Al(OH)3 were protected against challenge infection and had lower viral RNA expression, less immune related genes induced after challenge, a lower amplitude of change of gene expression and smaller cellular influxes compared to the higher and prolonged gene expression in unprotected birds. We show that a limited number of differentially expressed genes correlates with reduced immune activation and subsequently reduced immunopathology after challenge with AIV

    The Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey -- The Correlation Function

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    We present the first non-local (z>0.2) measurement of the cluster-cluster spatial correlation length, using data from the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey (LCDCS). We measure the angular correlation function for velocity-dispersion limited subsamples of the catalog at estimated redshifts of 0.35<z_{est}<0.575, and derive spatial correlation lengths for these clusters via the cosmological Limber equation. The correlation lengths that we measure for clusters in the LCDCS are consistent both with local results for the APM cluster catalog and with theoretical expectations based upon the Virgo Consortium Hubble Volume simulations and the analytic predictions. Despite samples containing over 100 clusters, our ability to discriminate between cosmological models is limited because of statistical uncertainty.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ (v571, May 20, 2002
