4,096 research outputs found

    Photometric observations of selected, optically bright quasars for Space Interferometry Mission and other future celestial reference frames

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    Photometric observations of 235 extragalactic objects that are potential targets for the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) are presented. Mean B, V, R, I magnitudes at the 5% level are obtained at 1 - 4 epochs between 2005 and 2007 using the 1-m telescopes at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station. Of the 134 sources which have V magnitudes in the Veron & Veron-Cetty catalog a difference of over 1.0 mag is found for the observed-catalog magnitudes for about 36% of the common sources, and 10 sources show over 3 mag difference. Our first set of observations presented here form the basis of a long-term photometric variability study of the selected reference frame sources to assist in mission target selection and to support in general QSO multi-color photometric variability studies.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    Brorfelde Schmidt CCD Catalog (BSCC)

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    The Brorfelde Schmidt CCD Catalog (BSCC) contains about 13.7 million stars, north of +49 deg Declination with precise positions and V, R photometry. The catalog has been constructed from the reductions of 18,667 CCD frames observed with the Brorfelde Schmidt Telescope between 2000 and 2007. The Tycho-2 catalog was used for astrometric and photometric reference stars. Errors of individual positions are about 20 to 200 mas for stars in the R = 10 to 18 mag range. External comparisons with 2MASS and SDSS reveal possible small systematic errors in the BSCC of up to about 30 mas. The catalog is supplemented with J, H, and K_s magnitudes from the 2MASS catalog. The catalog data file (about 550 MB ASCII, compressed) will be made available at the Strasbourg Data Center (CDS).Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, 2 tables, accepted by A

    Attenuation of TeV γ\gamma-rays by the starlight photon field of the host galaxy

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    The absorption of TeV γ\gamma-ray photons produced in relativistic jets by surrounding soft photon fields is a long-standing problem of jet physics. In some cases the most likely emission site close to the central black hole is ruled out because of the high opacity caused by strong optical and infrared photon sources, such as the broad line region. Mostly neglected for jet modeling is the absorption of γ\gamma-rays in the starlight photon field of the host galaxy. Analyzing the absorption for arbitrary locations and observation angles of the γ\gamma-ray emission site within the host galaxy we find that the distance to the galaxy center, the observation angle, and the distribution of starlight in the galaxy are crucial for the amount of absorption. We derive the absorption value for a sample of 2020 TeV detected blazars with a redshift zr<0.2z_r<0.2. The absorption value of the γ\gamma-ray emission located in the galaxy center may be as high as 20%20\% with an average value of 6%6\%. This is important in order to determine the intrinsic blazar parameters. We see no significant trends in our sample between the degree of absorption and host properties, such as starlight emissivity, galactic size, half-light radius, and redshift. While the uncertainty of the spectral properties of the extragalactic background light exceeds the effect of absorption by stellar light from the host galaxy in distant objects, the latter is a dominant effect in nearby sources. It may also be revealed in a differential comparison of sources with similar redshifts.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Local Lagrangian Approximations for the Evolution of the Density Distribution Function in Large-Scale Structure

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    We examine local Lagrangian approximations for the gravitational evolution of the density distribution function. In these approximations, the final density at a Lagrangian point q at a time t is taken to be a function only of t and of the initial density at the same Lagrangian point. A general expression is given for the evolved density distribution function for such approximations, and we show that the vertex generating function for a local Lagrangian mapping applied to an initially Gaussian density field bears a simple relation to the mapping itself. Using this result, we design a local Lagrangian mapping which reproduces nearly exactly the hierarchical amplitudes given by perturbation theory for gravitational evolution. When extended to smoothed density fields and applied to Gaussian initial conditions, this mapping produces a final density distribution function in excellent agreement with full numerical simulations of gravitational clustering. We also examine the application of these local Lagrangian approximations to non-Gaussian initial conditions.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, and 11 postscript figure

    UCAC3 Proper Motion Survey. I. Discovery of New Proper Motion Stars in UCAC3 with 0.40 "/yr > mu >= 0.18 "/yr between Declinations -90 deg and -47 deg

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    Presented here are 442 new proper motion stellar systems in the southern sky between declinations -90\degr and -47\degr with 0\farcs40 yr−1^{-1} >> μ\mu ≥\ge 0\farcs18 yr−1^{-1}. These systems constitute a 25.3% increase in new systems for the same region of the sky covered by previous SuperCOSMOS RECONS (SCR) searches that used Schmidt plates as the primary source of discovery. Among the new systems are 25 multiples, plus an additional seven new common proper motion companions found to previously known primaries. All stars have been discovered using the third U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC3). A comparison of the UCAC3 proper motions to those from the Hipparcos, Tycho-2, Southern Proper Motion (SPM4), and SuperCOSMOS efforts is presented, and shows that UCAC3 provides similar values and precision to the first three surveys. The comparison between UCAC3 and SuperCOSMOS indicates that proper motions in RA are systematically shifted in the SuperCOSMOS data but are consistent in DEC data, while overall showing a significantly higher scatter. Distance estimates are derived for stars having SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey (SSS) BJB_J, R59FR_{59F}, and IIVNI_{IVN} plate magnitudes and Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) infrared photometry. We find 15 systems estimated to be within 25 pc, including UPM 1710-5300 our closest new discovery estimated at 13.5 pc. Such new discoveries suggest that more nearby stars are yet to be found in these slower proper motion regimes, indicating that more work is needed to develop a complete map of the solar neighborhood.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted to the Astronomical Journal July 07, 201

    Coronary artery grafting in infants

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    Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with cardiac vale repair is an uncommon surgery in infants. CABG is technically demanding in infants due to the small size not only of the coronary arteries but also the potential graft arteries. The short and long-term outcome of surgery is not known and thus has largely been avoided. This article reports the case histories of two infants in whom CABG was undertaken successfully as a life-saving measure.peer-reviewe

    A simple method for testing cointegration subject to regime changes

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    In this paper, we propose a simple method for testing cointegration in models that allow for multiple shifts in the long run relationship. The procedure consists of computing conventional residual-based tests with standardized residuals from Markov switching estimation. No new critical values are needed. An empirical application to the present value model of stock prices is presented, complemented by a small Monte Carlo experiment.Cointegration; Markov Switching; Standardized residuals.
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