98 research outputs found


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    The ability of the teleost gut to absorb microparticulate material was examined following rectal intubation (3.5 g kg -1 ) of commercial grade cornstarch (≈21 mm diameter), or potato starch (≈43 mm diameter). Tissue samples were taken from the mid - and hind-gut of control and treated fish 18 h postintubation. Collected samples were processed using standard plastic and staining protocols and resultant photomicrographs examined by computer-assisted image analysis. Cornstarch particles (8-14 mm), were observed to pass from gut lumen to the lamina propria via a paracellular or persorptive route only. No evidence for the like passage of potato starch was found.Mogućnost probavnog sustava koštunjavičastih vrsta riba da apsorbiraju sitne čestice pojedinih tvari bila je istraživana s pomoću rektalne intubacije (3, 5 g kg -1 ) komercijalnoga škroba kukuruza (promjera ≈21 mm) i škroba krumpira (promjera ≈ 43 mm). Uzorci tkiva uzeti su iz srednjeg i stražnjeg dijela crijeva kontrolne i tretirane skupine riba, i to 18 sati nakon intubacije. Sakupljeni su uzorci spremljeni u standardne plastike i obojeni prema protokolu, te fotomikrografski snimljeni na računalu. Čestice škroba kukuruza (8-14 mm) zapažene su da iz lumena crijeva prolaze u laminu propriju samo paracelularnim ili persorptivnim putem. No, nije zapažen prolazak čestica škroba krumpira


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    The ability of the teleost gut to absorb microparticulate material was examined following rectal intubation (3.5 g kg -1 ) of commercial grade cornstarch (≈21 mm diameter), or potato starch (≈43 mm diameter). Tissue samples were taken from the mid - and hind-gut of control and treated fish 18 h postintubation. Collected samples were processed using standard plastic and staining protocols and resultant photomicrographs examined by computer-assisted image analysis. Cornstarch particles (8-14 mm), were observed to pass from gut lumen to the lamina propria via a paracellular or persorptive route only. No evidence for the like passage of potato starch was found.Mogućnost probavnog sustava koštunjavičastih vrsta riba da apsorbiraju sitne čestice pojedinih tvari bila je istraživana s pomoću rektalne intubacije (3, 5 g kg -1 ) komercijalnoga škroba kukuruza (promjera ≈21 mm) i škroba krumpira (promjera ≈ 43 mm). Uzorci tkiva uzeti su iz srednjeg i stražnjeg dijela crijeva kontrolne i tretirane skupine riba, i to 18 sati nakon intubacije. Sakupljeni su uzorci spremljeni u standardne plastike i obojeni prema protokolu, te fotomikrografski snimljeni na računalu. Čestice škroba kukuruza (8-14 mm) zapažene su da iz lumena crijeva prolaze u laminu propriju samo paracelularnim ili persorptivnim putem. No, nije zapažen prolazak čestica škroba krumpira

    Allelotype influence at glutathione S-transferase M1 locus on breast cancer susceptibility

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    The influence of polymorphisms of the glutathione S-transferase gene GSTM1 in breast cancer susceptibility has been assessed in this study. Previous studies correlated the absence of the GSTM1 protein with an increased risk of developing some cancers, especially lung or bladder cancers, in heavy smokers. In this study, we determined GSTM1 polymorphisms in a population of 437 female controls from the west of France and 361 community breast cancer patients. Three distinct alleles of this gene exist: GSTM1* A, GSTM1*B and GSTM1*0 (deleted allele). Null subjects (GSTM1 null) are homozygous for this deletion. The comparative analysis of GSTM1 allelotypes in our two populations did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference in distribution (P = 0.22), although the null genotype was more frequent in cancer patients. However, breast cancer risk was increased in null subjects ≥ 50 years of age compared with non-null subjects [odds ratio = 1.99 (1.19–3.32), P = 0.009], but not in null subjects < 50 years of age compared with non-null subjects (P = 0.86). Our results suggest that the GSTM1 null genotype may play a role in post-menopausal breast cancer development. They also point to a putative protective role of the A allele in the older female control group, especially in hemizygous subjects [odds ratio = 0.42 (0.23–0.77), P = 0.03]. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Relevance of Stress and Female Sex Hormones for Emotion and Cognition

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    There are clear sex differences in incidence and onset of stress-related and other psychiatric disorders in humans. Yet, rodent models for psychiatric disorders are predominantly based on male animals. The strongest argument for not using female rodents is their estrous cycle and the fluctuating sex hormones per phase which multiplies the number of animals to be tested. Here, we will discuss studies focused on sex differences in emotionality and cognitive abilities in experimental conditions with and without stress. First, female sex hormones such as estrogens and progesterone affect emotions and cognition, contributing to sex differences in behavior. Second, females respond differently to stress than males which might be related to the phase of the estrous cycle. For example, female rats and mice express less anxiety than males in a novel environment. Proestrus females are less anxious than females in the other estrous phases. Third, males perform in spatial tasks superior to females. However, while stress impairs spatial memory in males, females improve their spatial abilities, depending on the task and kind of stressor. We conclude that the differences in emotion, cognition and responses to stress between males and females over the different phases of the estrous cycle should be used in animal models for stress-related psychiatric disorders

    Contribution à l'étude de la reconnaissance des formes au radar

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    La modélisation des avions, en ce qui concerne la section efficace de rétrodiffusion, s'effectue couramment en remplaçant la carlingue de l'appareil par un certain nombre de "points brillants" convenablement disposés. Chaque point est défini, par sa position, son intensité maximale, la direction et l'ouverture du lobe correspondant supposé gaussien. Le travail que nous présentons a pour but d'établir le nombre minimal de points qu'il convient de retenir pour reconstruire le diagramme de diffraction à l'infini de la structure réelle ainsi modélisée. Après avoir discuté les raisons de ce choix, nous définissons comme critère de ressemblance la concordance des valeurs moyennes et des variances de courbes correspondant à des nombres variables de points brillants après ébasage éliminant les zones d'amplitude minimale, Nous donnons ensuite des résultats de reconstruction obtenus sur modèles aléatoires plans et sur modèles réalistes '(avion Constellation C 121). Dans une seconde partie, nous donnons deux exemples d'analyse spectrale des amplitudes d'échos pour des avions de ligne en vol rectiligne. Ces exemples permettent de préciser les éléments de signature contenus dans l'écho. Ces deux études doivent être reliées afin de permettre l'identification passive des avions

    Contribution au contrôle de la fluidisation des sédiments marins par ultrasons

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    The authors present an original method based on acoustic propagation of longitudinal waves to determine the state of fluidisation in marine sediments as a function of wave characteristics. Indeed, the pressure variations due to the wave in permeable marine sediments contributes to the desegregation of the inter granular structure. This approach have been tested in wave's channel before being experiment in sea environment.Après avoir présenté le phénomène de fluidisation des sédiments marins et sa modélisation simple, les auteurs étudient dans un canal à houle et expérimentent en mer une méthode, basée sur la propagation d'ondes ultrasonores longitudinales, permettant de détecter l'état de fluidisation du sédiment marin en fonction des caractéristiques de la houle. En effet, les variations de pression engendrées par la houle, dans les sédiments marins perméables, détruisent la liaison du " squelette " inter granulaire existant dans celui-ci quand il est consolidé. Il n'y a plus de contact grain à grain, mais un mince film d'eau sépare complètement ces derniers. On assiste alors à la fluidisation des sédiments près du fond. Cet état est détecté par moyens acoustiques