9,731 research outputs found

    Oxidized (non)-regenerated cellulose affects fundamental cellular processes of wound healing.

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    In this study we investigated how hemostats such as oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC, TABOTAMP) and oxidized non-regenerated cellulose (ONRC, RESORBA CELL) influence local cellular behavior and contraction of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Human stromal fibroblasts were inoculated in vitro with ORC and ONRC. Cell proliferation was assayed over time, and migration was evaluated by Live Cell imaging microscopy. Fibroblasts grown in collagen-gels were treated with ORC or ONRC, and ECM contraction was measured utilizing a contraction assay. An absolute pH decline was observed with both ORC and ONRC after 1 hour. Mean daily cell proliferation, migration and matrix contraction were more strongly inhibited by ONRC when compared with ORC (p < 0.05). When control media was pH-lowered to match the lower pH values typically seen with ORC and ONRC, significant differences in cell proliferation and migration were still observed between ONRC and ORC (p < 0.05). However, in these pH conditions, inhibition of matrix contraction was only significant for ONRC (p < 0.05). We find that ORC and ONRC inhibit fibroblast proliferation, migration and matrix contraction, and stronger inhibition of these essential cellular processes of wound healing were observed for ONRC when compared with ORC. These results will require further validation in future in vivo experiments to clarify the clinical implications for hemostat use in post-surgical wound healing

    Non-Abelian Proca model based on the improved BFT formalism

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    We present the newly improved Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) Hamiltonian formalism and the generalization to the Lagrangian formulation, which provide the much more simple and transparent insight to the usual BFT method, with application to the non-Abelian Proca model which has been an difficult problem in the usual BFT method. The infinite terms of the effectively first class constraints can be made to be the regular power series forms by ingenious choice of XαβX_{\alpha \beta} and ωαβ\omega^{\alpha \beta}-matrices. In this new method, the first class Hamiltonian, which also needs infinite correction terms is obtained simply by replacing the original variables in the original Hamiltonian with the BFT physical variables. Remarkably all the infinite correction terms can be expressed in the compact exponential form. We also show that in our model the Poisson brackets of the BFT physical variables in the extended phase space are the same structure as the Dirac brackets of the original phase space variables. With the help of both our newly developed Lagrangian formulation and Hamilton's equations of motion, we obtain the desired classical Lagrangian corresponding to the first class Hamiltonian which can be reduced to the generalized St\"uckelberg Lagrangian which is non-trivial conjecture in our infinitely many terms involved in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian.Comment: Notable improvements in Sec. I

    BRST Quantization of the Proca Model based on the BFT and the BFV Formalism

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    The BRST quantization of the Abelian Proca model is performed using the Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin and the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky formalism. First, the BFT Hamiltonian method is applied in order to systematically convert a second class constraint system of the model into an effectively first class one by introducing new fields. In finding the involutive Hamiltonian we adopt a new approach which is more simpler than the usual one. We also show that in our model the Dirac brackets of the phase space variables in the original second class constraint system are exactly the same as the Poisson brackets of the corresponding modified fields in the extended phase space due to the linear character of the constraints comparing the Dirac or Faddeev-Jackiw formalisms. Then, according to the BFV formalism we obtain that the desired resulting Lagrangian preserving BRST symmetry in the standard local gauge fixing procedure naturally includes the St\"uckelberg scalar related to the explicit gauge symmetry breaking effect due to the presence of the mass term. We also analyze the nonstandard nonlocal gauge fixing procedure.Comment: 29 pages, plain Latex, To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Suppression of backward scattering of Dirac fermions in iron pnictides Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_xAs)2_2

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    We report electronic transport of Dirac cones when Fe is replaced by Ru, which has an isoelectronic electron configuration to Fe, using single crystals of Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_xAs)2_2. The electronic transport of parabolic bands is shown to be suppressed by scattering due to the crystal lattice distortion and the impurity effect of Ru, while that of the Dirac cone is not significantly reduced due to the intrinsic character of Dirac cones. It is clearly shown from magnetoresistance and Hall coefficient measurements that the inverse of average mobility, proportional to cyclotron effective mass, develops as the square root of the carrier number (n) of the Dirac cones. This is the unique character of the Dirac cone linear dispersion relationship. Scattering of Ru on the Dirac cones is discussed in terms of the estimated mean free path using experimental parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Structural study on hole-doped superconductors Pr1-xSrxFeAsO

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    The structural details in Pr1-xSrxFeAsO (1111) superconducting system are analyzed using data obtained from synchrotron X-ray diffraction and the structural parameters are carefully studied as the system is moving from non-superconducting to hole-doped superconducting with the Sr concentration. Superconductivity emerges when the Sr doping amount reaches 0.221. The linear increase of the lattice constants proves that Sr is successfully introduced into the system and its concentration can accurately be determined by the electron density analyses. The evolution of structural parameters with Sr concentration in Pr1-xSrxFeAsO and their comparison to other similar structural parameters of the related Fe-based superconductors suggest that the interlayer space between the conducting As-Fe-As layer and the insulating Pr-O-Pr layer is important for improving Tc in the hole-doped (1111) superconductors, which seems to be different from electron-doped systems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Disrupted Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Order Release Delay

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    With the popularity of the just-in-time system, more and more companies are operating with little or no inventories, which make them highly vulnerable to delays on supply. This paper discusses a situation when the supply of the commodity does not arrive at the depot on time, so that not enough of the commodity is available to be loaded on all vehicles at the start of the delivery period. New routing plans need to be developed in such a case to reduce the impact the delay of supply may have on the distribution company. The resulting vehicle routing problem is different from other types of vehicle routing problems as it involves waiting and multiple trips. Two approaches have been developed to solve the order release delay problem, both of which involve a Tabu Search algorithm. Computational results show the proposed approaches can largely reduce the disruption costs that are caused by the delayed supply and they are especially effective when the length of delay is long

    Pressure Effect on the superconducting properties of LaO_{1-x}F_{x}FeAs(x=0.11) superconductor

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    Diamagnetic susceptibility measurements under high hydrostatic pressure (up to 1.03 GPa) were carried out on the newly discovered Fe-based superconductor LaO_{1-x}F_{x}FeAs(x=0.11). The transition temperature T_c, defined as the point at the maximum slope of superconducting transition, was enhanced almost linearly by hydrostatic pressure, yielding a dT_c/dP of about 1.2 K/GPa. Differential diamagnetic susceptibility curves indicate that the underlying superconducting state is complicated. It is suggested that pressure plays an important role on pushing low T_c superconducting phase toward the main (optimal) superconducting phase.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Association of consciousness impairment and mortality in people with COVID-19

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate the association between impairment of consciousness and risk of death in people with COVID-19. METHODS: In this multicentre retrospective study, we enrolled people with confirmed COVID-19 from 44 hospitals in Wuhan and Sichuan, China, between 18 January and 30 March 2020. We extracted demographics, clinical, laboratory data and consciousness level (as measured by the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score) from medical records. We used Cox proportional hazards regression, structural equation modelling and survival time analysis to compare people with different progressions of impaired consciousness. RESULTS: We enrolled 1,143 people (average age 51.3 ± standard deviation 17.1-year-old; 50.3% males), of whom 76 died. Increased mortality risk was identified in people with GCS score between 9 and 14 (hazard ratio (HR) 46.76, p 2 days, p = .028) had shorter survival times. CONCLUSION: Altered consciousness and its progression had a direct link with death in COVID-19. Interactions with age, oxygen saturation level and pH suggest possible pathophysiology. Further work to confirm these findings explore prevention strategies and interventions to decrease mortality is warranted

    SHCal13 Southern Hemisphere calibration, 0–50,000 years cal BP

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    The Southern Hemisphere SHCal04 radiocarbon calibration curve has been updated with the addition of new data sets extending measurements to 2145 cal BP and including the ANSTO Younger Dryas Huon pine data set. Outside the range of measured data, the curve is based upon the Northern Hemisphere data sets as presented in IntCal13, with an interhemispheric offset averaging 43 ± 23 yr modeled by an autoregressive process to represent the short-term correlations in the offset