771 research outputs found

    Gas-Rich Companions of Isolated Galaxies

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    We have used the VLA to search for gaseous remnants of the galaxy formation process around six extremely isolated galaxies. We found two distinct HI clouds around each of two galaxies in our sample (UGC 9762 & UGC 11124). These clouds are rotating and appear to have optical counterparts, strongly implying that they are typical dwarf galaxies. The companions are currently weakly interacting with the primary galaxy, but have short dynamical friction timescales (~1 Gyr) suggesting that these triple galaxy systems will shortly collapse into one massive galaxy. Given that the companions are consistent with being in circular rotation about the primary galaxy, and that they have small relative masses, the resulting merger will be a minor one. The companions do, however, contain enough gas that the merger will represent a significant infusion of fuel to drive future star formation, bar formation, or central activity, while building up the mass of the disk thus making these systems important pieces of the galaxy formation and evolution process.Comment: Corrected dynamical friction calculation error. Revised discussion & conclusions. 7 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures, to appear in May 1999 Astronomical Journa

    The minimum energy expenditure shortest path method

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    This article discusses the addition of an energy parameter to the shortest path execution process; namely, the energy expenditure by a character during execution of the path. Given a simple environment in which a character has the ability to perform actions related to locomotion, such as walking and stair stepping, current techniques execute the shortest path based on the length of the extracted root trajectory. However, actual humans acting in constrained environments do not plan only according to shortest path criterion, they conceptually measure the path that minimizes the amount of energy expenditure. On this basis, it seems that virtual characters should also execute their paths according to the minimization of actual energy expenditure as well. In this article, a simple method that uses a formula for computing vanadium dioxide (VO2VO_2) levels, which is a proxy for the energy expenditure by humans during various activities, is presented. The presented solution could be beneficial in any situation requiring a sophisticated perspective of the path-execution process. Moreover, it can be implemented in almost every path-planning method that has the ability to measure stepping actions or other actions of a virtual character

    Quantitative imaging:systematic review of perfusion/flow phantoms

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    Background: We aimed at reviewing design and realisation of perfusion/flow phantoms for validating quantitative perfusion imaging (PI) applications to encourage best practices. Methods: A systematic search was performed on the Scopus database for “perfusion”, “flow”, and “phantom”, limited to articles written in English published between January 1999 and December 2018. Information on phantom design, used PI and phantom applications was extracted. Results: Of 463 retrieved articles, 397 were rejected after abstract screening and 32 after full-text reading. The 37 accepted articles resulted to address PI simulation in brain (n = 11), myocardial (n = 8), liver (n = 2), tumour (n = 1), finger (n = 1), and non-specific tissue (n = 14), with diverse modalities: ultrasound (n = 11), computed tomography (n = 11), magnetic resonance imaging (n = 17), and positron emission tomography (n = 2). Three phantom designs were described: basic (n = 6), aligned capillary (n = 22), and tissue-filled (n = 12). Microvasculature and tissue perfusion were combined in one compartment (n = 23) or in two separated compartments (n = 17). With the only exception of one study, inter-compartmental fluid exchange could not be controlled. Nine studies compared phantom results with human or animal perfusion data. Only one commercially available perfusion phantom was identified. Conclusion: We provided insights into contemporary phantom approaches to PI, which can be used for ground truth evaluation of quantitative PI applications. Investigators are recommended to verify and validate whether assumptions underlying PI phantom modelling are justified for their intended phantom application

    HALOGAS observations of NGC 5023 and UGC 2082: Modeling of non-cylindrically symmetric gas distributions in edge-on galaxies

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    In recent years it has become clear that the vertical structure of disk galaxies is a key ingredient for understanding galaxy evolution. In particular, the presence and structure of extra-planar gas has been a focus of research. The Hydrogen Accretion in LOcal GAlaxieS (HALOGAS) survey aims to provide a census on the rate of cold neutral gas accretion in nearby galaxies as well as a statistically significant set of galaxies that can be investigated for their extra-planar gas properties. In order to better understand the the vertical structure of the neutral hydrogen in the two edge-on HALOGAS galaxies NGC 5023 and UGC 2082 we construct detailed tilted ring models. The addition of distortions resembling arcs or spiral arms significantly improves the fit of the models to these galaxies. In the case of UGC 2082 no vertical gradient in rotational velocity is required in either symmetric models nor non-symmetric models to match the observations. The best fitting model features two arcs of large vertical extent that may be due to accretion. In the case of NGC 5023 a vertical gradient is required in symmetric models (dV/dz =14.9±3.8-14.9\pm3.8 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1}) and its magnitude is significantly lowered when non-symmetric models are considered (dV/dz =9.4±3.8-9.4\pm3.8 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1}). Additionally it is shown that the underlying disk of NGC 5023 can be made symmetric, in all parameters except the warp, in non-symmetric models. In comparison to the "classical" modeling these models fit the data significantly better with a limited addition of free parameters.Comment: 27 Pages, 22 Figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    An Exploration of the Tully-Fisher Relation for Extreme Late-Type Spiral Galaxies

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    This paper explores the adherence of 47 extreme late-type galaxies to the B- and V-band Tully-Fisher relations defined by a sample of local calibrators. In both bands we find the mean luminosity at a given line width for extreme late-type spirals to lie below that predicted by standard Tully-Fisher relations. While many of the extreme late-type spirals do follow the Tully-Fisher relation to within our observational uncertainties, most of these galaxies lie below the normal, linear Tully-Fisher relation, and some are underluminous by more than 2 sigma (i.e. >1.16 magnitudes in V). This suggests a possible downward curvature of the Tully-Fisher relation for some of the smallest and faintest rotationally supported disk galaxies. This may be a consequence of the increasing prevalence of dark matter in these systems. We find the deviation from the Tully-Fisher relation to increase with decreasing luminosity and decreasing optical linear size in our sample, implying that the physically smallest and faintest spirals may be a structurally and kinematically distinct class of objects.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures; to appear in the November A

    New HErschel Multi-wavelength Extragalactic Survey of Edge-on Spirals (NHEMESES)

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    Edge-on spiral galaxies offer a unique perspective on the vertical structure of spiral disks, both stars and the iconic dark dustlanes. The thickness of these dustlanes can now be resolved for the first time with Herschel in far-infrared and sub-mm emission. We present NHEMESES, an ongoing project that targets 12 edge-on spiral galaxies with the PACS and SPIRE instruments on Herschel. These vertically resolved observations of edge-on spirals will impact on several current topics. First and foremost, these Herschel observations will settle whether or not there is a phase change in the vertical structure of the ISM with disk mass. Previously, a dramatic change in dustlane morphology was observed as in massive disks the dust collapses into a thin lane. If this is the case, the vertical balance between turbulence and gravity dictates the ISM structure and consequently star-formation and related phenomena (spiral arms, bars etc.). We specifically target lower mass nearby edge-ons to complement existing Herschel observations of high-mass edge-on spirals (the HEROES project). Secondly, the combined data-set, together with existing Spitzer observations, will drive a new generation of spiral disk Spectral Energy Distribution models. These model how dust reprocesses starlight to thermal emission but the dust geometry remains the critical unknown. And thirdly, the observations will provide an accurate and unbiased census of the cold dusty structures occasionally seen extending out of the plane of the disk, when backlit by the stellar disk. To illustrate the NHEMESES project, we present early results on NGC 4244 and NGC 891, two well studies examples of a low and high-mass edge-on spiral.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU 284, "The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies", (SED2011), 5-9 September 2011, Preston, UK, editors, R.J. Tuffs & C.C.Popescu (v2 updated metadata

    К проблеме демократизации правоохранительных структур

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    Данная статья посвящена вопросам демократизации и реорганизации правоохранительных структур. Автор статьи фокусирует внимание на актуальных проблемах правоохранительных органов, предлагает пути их эффективного разрешения.Ця стаття присвячена питанням демократизації та реорганізації правоохоронних структур. Автор статті фокусує увагу на актуальних проблемах правоохоронних органів, пропонує шляхи їх ефективного вирішення.This article is devoted to questions of democratization and reorganization of law-enforcement structures. Author of the article focuses attention on the actual problems of Law-enforcement bodies, offers ways of their solution