770 research outputs found

    Assessing care for patients with TB/HIV/STI infections in a rural district in KwaZulu-Natal

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    Setting. Despite the prioritisation of TB, HIV and STI programmes in South Africa, service targets are not achieved, have had little effect, and the magnitude of the epidemics continues to escalate.Objective. To report on a participatory quality improvement intervention designed to evaluate these priority programmes in primary health care  (PHC) clinics in a rural district in KwaZulu-Natal.Methods. A participatory quality improvement intervention with district  health managers, PHC supervisors and researchers was used to modify a TB/HIV/STI audit tool for use in a rural area, conduct a district-wide clinic audit, assess performance, set targets and develop plans to address the problems identified.Results. We highlight weaknesses in training and support of staff at PHC clinics, pharmaceutical and laboratory failures, and inadequate monitoring of patients as contributing to poor TB, HIV and STI service implementation. In the 25 facilities audited, 71% of the clinical staff had received no training in TB diagnosis and management, and 46% of the  facilities were visited monthly by a PHC supervisor. Eighty per cent of the facilities experienced non-availability of essential drugs and supplies; polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results were not documented for 54% of specimens assessed, and the mean length of time between eligibility for ART and starting treatment was 47 days.Conclusion. Through a participatory approach, a TB/HIV/STI audit tool was successfully adapted and implemented in a rural district. It yielded information enabling managers to identify obstacles to TB, HIV and STI service implementation and develop plans to address these. The audit can be used by the district to monitor priority services at a primary level.S Afr Med J 2011;101:887-890

    Light-cone gauge Hamiltonian for AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring

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    It is developed the phase-space formulation for the Type IIA superstring on the AdS_4 x CP^3 background in the kappa-symmetry light-cone gauge for which the light-like directions are taken from the D=3 Minkowski boundary of AdS_4. After fixing bosonic light-cone gauge the superstring Hamiltonian is expressed as a function of the transverse physical variables and in the quadratic approximation corresponds to the light-cone gauge-fixed IIA superstring in flat space.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX; v2 minor improvements of the text, misprints corrected, reference added; v3: missing terms in Eqs.(8),(53) and (56) adde

    Kaluza-Klein gauge and minimal integrable extension of OSp(4|6)/(SO(1,3) x U(3)) sigma-model

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    Basing upon experience from performing double-dimensional reduction of the D=11 supermembrane on AdS_4 x S^7 background to Type IIA superstring on AdS_4 x CP^3 we introduce Kaluza-Klein (partial) kappa-symmetry gauge as a vanishing condition of the contribution to the D=11 supervielbein components tangent to D=10 space-time proportional to the differential of the coordinate parametrizing compact 11-th space-time dimension, that is identified with the supermembrane world-volume compact dimension. For AdS_4 x S^7 supermembrane Kaluza-Klein gauge removes half Grassmann coordinates associated with 8 space-time supersymmetries, broken by the AdS_4 x CP^3 superbackground, by imposing D=3 (anti-)Majorana condition on them. The consideration relies on the realization of osp(4|8) isometry superalgebra of the AdS_4 x S^7 superbackground as D=3 N=8 superconformal algebra. Requiring further vanishing of the D=10 dilaton leaves in the sector of broken supersymmetries just two Grassmann coordinates organized into D=3 (anti-)Majorana spinor that defines minimal SL(2,R)-covariant extension of the OSp(4|6)/(SO(1,3)x U(3)) sigma-model. Among 4 possibilities of such a minimal extension we consider in detail one, that corresponds to picking out D=3 Majorana coordinate related to broken Poincare supersymmetry, and show that the AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring equations of motion in this partial kappa-symmetry gauge are integrable. Also the relation between the OSp(4|6)/(SO(1,3) x U(3)) sigma-model and the AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring is revisited.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages; v2: minor improvements in the text, typos corrected, references adde

    Two-loop Integrability of Planar N=6 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory

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    Bethe ansatz equations have been proposed for the asymptotic spectral problem of AdS_4/CFT_3. This proposal assumes integrability, but the previous verification of weak-coupling integrability covered only the su(4) sector of the ABJM gauge theory. Here we derive the complete planar two-loop dilatation generator of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory from osp(6|4) superconformal symmetry. For the osp(4|2) sector, we prove integrability through a Yangian construction. We argue that integrability extends to the full planar two-loop dilatation generator, confirming the applicability of the Bethe equations at weak coupling. Further confirmation follows from an analytic computation of the two-loop twist-one spectrum.Comment: 45 pages, v2: typos in (D.9) fixed, reference added, many small change

    D=3 N=6 superconformal symmetry of AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring

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    Invariance of the AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring under D=3 N=6 superconformal symmetry is discussed in the sector described by the OSp(4|6)/(SO(1,3) x U(3)) supercoset sigma-model action presented in the conformal basis for the osp(4|6)/(so(1,3) x u(3)) Cartan forms. Transformation rules under D=3 N=6 superconformal symmetry for the (10|24)-dimensional 'reduced' AdS_4 x CP^3 superspace coordinates are obtained and used to derive corresponding world-sheet currents.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages; v2: presentation refined, typos corrected, references adde

    Coordinate Bethe Ansatz for the String S-Matrix

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    We use the coordinate Bethe ansatz approach to derive the nested Bethe equations corresponding to the recently found S-matrix for strings in AdS5 x S5, compatible with centrally extended su(2|2) symmetry.Comment: 25 Pages, plain LaTeX, 4 Figures. Mostly added references, fixed typo

    Generalized cusp in AdS_4 x CP^3 and more one-loop results from semiclassical strings

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    We evaluate the exact one-loop partition function for fundamental strings whose world-surface ends on a cusp at the boundary of AdS_4 and has a "jump" in CP^3. This allows us to extract the stringy prediction for the ABJM generalized cusp anomalous dimension Gamma_{cusp}^{ABJM} (phi,theta) up to NLO in sigma-model perturbation theory. With a similar analysis, we present the exact partition functions for folded closed string solutions moving in the AdS_3 parts of AdS_4 x CP^3 and AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1 backgrounds. Results are obtained applying to the string solutions relevant for the AdS_4/CFT_3 and AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence the tools previously developed for their AdS_5 x S^5 counterparts.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, version 3, corrected misprints in formulas 2.12, B.86, C.33, added comment on verification of the light-like limi

    ABJM Dibaryon Spectroscopy

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    We extend the proposal for a detailed map between wrapped D-branes in Anti-de Sitter space and baryon-like operators in the associated dual conformal field theory provided in hep-th/0202150 to the recently formulated AdS_4 \times CP^3/ABJM correspondence. In this example, the role of the dibaryon operator of the 3-dimensional CFT is played by a D4-brane wrapping a CP^2 \subset CP^3. This topologically stable D-brane in the AdS_4 \times CP^3 is nothing but one-half of the maximal giant graviton on CP^3.Comment: 26 page

    Smart Cities: Towards a New Citizenship Regime? A Discourse Analysis of the British Smart City Standard

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    Growing practice interest in smart cities has led to calls for a less technology-oriented and more citizen-centric approach. In response, this articles investigates the citizenship mode promulgated by the smart city standard of the British Standards Institution. The analysis uses the concept of citizenship regime and a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods to discern key discursive frames defining the smart city and the particular citizenship dimensions brought into play. The results confirm an explicit citizenship rationale guiding the smart city (standard), although this displays some substantive shortcomings and contradictions. The article concludes with recommendations for both further theory and practice development

    A note on the universality of the Hagedorn behavior of pp-wave strings

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    Following on from recent studies of string theory on a one-parameter family of integrable deformations of AdS5×S5AdS_{5}\times S^{5} proposed by Lunin and Maldacena, we carry out a systematic analysis of the high temperature properties of type IIB strings on the associated pp-wave geometries. In particular, through the computation of the thermal partition function and free energy we find that not only does the theory exhibit a Hagedorn transition in both the (J,0,0)(J,0,0) and (J,J,J)(J,J,J) class of pp-waves, but that the Hagedorn temperature is insensitive to the deformation suggesting an interesting universality in the high temperature behaviour of the pp-wave string theory. We comment also on the implications of this universality on the confinement/deconfinement transition in the dual N=1\mathcal{N}=1 Leigh-Strassler deformation of N=4{\cal N}=4 Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 25 pages; fixed minor typo; added reference