57 research outputs found

    Original dataset on urban infrastructure related displacements in Nigeria: Insights from national and sub-national levels

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    The data presented here is related to the research article titled "Evicting the poor in the 'overriding public interest': Crisis of rights and interests, and contestations in Nigerian cities" [1]. This data brief presents relevant national and sub-national data on patterns, trends, and impacts of reported urban infrastructure-related displacements in Nigeria between 2010 and 2016. The data of reported cases of displacements in Nigeria are presented in tabular matrix. On the horizontal side are nested rows designated as the six geopolitical zones (South East, South South, South West, North Central, North East, and North West), 36 States of the country, and Abuja Federal Capital Territory. It was also necessary to identify particular local government areas where displacements occurred or were imminent (case locations). On the vertical side, 14 columns itemized diverse variables such as type of infrastructure project, as well as the mode/type, status, and mechanisms of displacement. Other columns include reasons given for displacement, project funder/initiator, number of project affected persons (PAPs), reported social characteristics of PAPs, response of PAPs, actions/outcomes, information sources and link, date(s) of reported displacement in addition to a section for notes. Besides chronicling urban infrastructure-related displacement cases in the period under review, this brief might equally serve as a benchmark for a prospective national displacement register. It will also function as a useful information resource not only for facilitating advocacy and research in built environment disciplines and civil rights campaigns, but also serve to conscientize policy makers and development practitioners on the cumulative cost implications of displacement. Further interpretive insights could be achieved through data mining and cross-tabulation

    Ascaris lumbricoides: The risk factors and effects on growth of schoolchildren within Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria

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    Intestinal helminthiasis affects children’s health and physical growth. Finding the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides, risk factors and effects on growth of children in Samaru, Zaria were the foci of this study. Fresh faecal samples were collected from 203 consented children in seven selected schools. Weight and height data were measured and body mass index was calculated for each child. Samples were processed by formol-ether concentration technique and examined for ova of Ascaris lumbricoides with light microscope. Data were analyzed by statistical tools. Overall prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 2.0%. The infection was absent in children from private schools, but those from public schools were significantly infected (P=0.042, OR >1). Male children were more infected (2.1%) than females (1.9%). Children below 10 years old had no ascariasis, while children of 10-11 and 12-13 years old had 2.5% and 2.9% infections respectively. Children who eat raw vegetables (OR =1.021) or work on farms (OR =2.636) were more at risk of ascariasis. No sign/symptom was associated with ascariasis. Ascaris lumbricoides was present only in children whose body weights were ≤38.0kg with significantly low body mass index of <18.50 (OR >1). Ascariasis is preventable given proper environmental sanitation, safe water and adequate sanitary facilities

    Urbanisation-induced displacements in peri-urban areas: Clashes between customary tenure and statutory practices in Ugbo-Okonkwo Community in Enugu, Nigeria

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    Rapid urbanisation is precipitating wide-ranging and often irreversible changes in cities and at the shifting peri-urban areas around the world. As a significant factor of change in the 21st Century, urbanisation is irreversibly transforming everything on its path―air, land, water, and ecology, including institutions, customs, and lifestyles. The subject scope of urbanisation research is therefore quite wide and diverse. Yet, urbanisation-induced attritions and substitutions of customary tenure practices, coupled with the associated politics and resistances, remain utterly overlooked. Using a mixed method approach (involving desktop research, remote sensing data and stakeholder interviews), this paper examines the clashes between customary tenure regime and statutory practices dictated by urban laws, and how different stakeholders are appropriating them both to promote and resist displacement or eviction. Amidst growing encroachment pressures on peri-urban communities in Nigerian cities, a new imperative for enhanced tenure security and integrated planning approach are proposed

    Postmaturity and Fetal Macrosomia in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: One of the risk factors of post term pregnancy is fetal macrosomia. The excessively large infant presents a recurring and potentially serious obstetric problem. Methods:This was a retrospective study of all consecutive births in the maternity unit, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria, between January 1998 and December 2001. The case records of all mothers of babies born with weight of 4000g and above were retrieved and data collated and analyzed for total deliveries, maternal and fetal characteristics, complications and outcome of pregnancy. Results:Macrosomic infants (4000g and above) were 286 cases representing 2.9% of all deliveries. Ten (3.5%) of the infants with macrosomia were preterm, 90.9% were term, and 5.6% were post-term. The mean age and parity of the mothers with pregnancies at term was 29.2 years, and 3.2 respectively. The post term mothers had a mean age and parity of 32.7 years and 3.8 respectively. Maternal morbidity included increased caesarean delivery, and vaginal trauma (episiotomies, tears and bruises) in both groups. Caesarean section was the mode of delivery in 31.3% of post term and 27.6% term infants, while the indication for caesarean section was cephalopelvic disproportion in 80% and 87.3% for post term and term infants respectively. Fetal complications were birth asphyxia and stillbirth. There were no gross fetal abnormalities recorded in the series. Still birth rate was 8.1% and 12.5% in term and post term infants respectively. Conclusion: Post term pregnancies account for macrosomic babies in our facility, posing an increased risk to the mother and fetus. Early diagnosis, intrapartum fetal monitoring and recourse to operative delivery may improve the fetal outcome of these infants. A correction to this article has been issued in Annals of African Medicine, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2005, pp. 141. Please see the full text HTML document for further details.Introduction :- L'un des facteurs de risque de la postmaturit\ue9 de la grossesse est la macrosomie foetale. Un enfant qui est excessivement grand provoque un probl\ue8me obst\ue9trique qui est r\ue9current et potentiellement grave. M\ue9thodes : Il s'agit d'une \ue9tude r\ue9trospective de toutes des naissances cons\ue9cutives dans le service d'obst\ue9trique, centre hospitalier universitaire de Jos, Jos, Nig\ue9ria, entre janvier 1998 et d\ue9cembre 2001. Les dossiers m\ue9dicaux de toutes les m\ue8res des enfants n\ue9s avec 4000g poids et de plus ont \ue9t\ue9 tir\ue9s et les donn\ue9es rassembl\ue9es et analys\ue9es pour accouchement total, des caract\ue9ristiques materneles et foetales, complications et le r\ue9sultat de la grossesse. R\ue9sultats : Enfants macrosomiques (4000g et lus) \ue9taient 286 soit 2,9% de tous accouchements. Dix soit 3,5% des enfants avec macrosomie \ue9taient pr\ue9terme, 90,9% \ue9taient terme. Et 5,6% \ue9taient post terme. L'\ue2ge moyen et la parit\ue9 des m\ue8res avec des grossesses \ue0 terme \ue9taient 29,2 ans, et 3,2 respectivement. Des m\ue8res post termes avaient un \ue2ge moyen et une parit\ue9 de 32,7 ans et 3,8 respectivement. Morbidit\ue9 maternelle comprend augmentation d'accouchement c\ue9sarien, et traumatisme vaginal. (\uc9pisiotomies, d\ue9chirures et des blessures l\ue9g\ue8res) dans les deux groupes. La c\ue9sarienne \ue9tait la m\ue9thode d'accouchement en 31.3% des post termes et 27,6% des enfants \ue0 terme, tandis que l'indication pour la c\ue9sarienne \ue9tait c\ue9phatopelvien dispropotionel en 80% et 87,3% pour des enfants post termes et \ue0 terme respectivement. Complications foetales \ue9taient la naissance asphyxie et mort \ue0 la naissance. Il n'y avait aucune abnormalit\ue9 foetale grave not\ue9e dans la s\ue9rie. Taux de mort \ue0 terme et enfants n\ue9s \ue0 post terme respectivement. Conclusion : Grossesses post termes constituent des b\ue9b\ue9es macrosomique dans notre centre. Ceci provoque une augmentation de risque pour des m\ue8res et foetus. Un diagnostique pr\ue9coce, surveillance d'intrapatum foetal et recours au accouchement \ue0 travers l'intervention chirurgicale pourrait am\ue9liorer le r\ue9sultat foetal chez ces enfants

    Risk factors and effects of hookworm infections on anthropometric indices of school children in Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria

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    Rural communities in Nigeria suffer a great deal of parasitic infections. The effect is severe on children. Parasitic infections affect the health of schoolchildren by causing malnutrition, anaemia, reduced cognitive ability and poor performance in school. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of hookworm infections, associated risk factors and their effects on anthropometric indices of schoolchildren in Samaru, Zaria. Children across public and private schools were enlightened about the disease. Fresh morning faecal samples were collected from each of 203 consented pupils. The samples were examined for hookworm eggs by formol-ether concentration technique. Prevalence of hookworms was 4.9%. Children in four out of seven schools were found with hookworm infections (P=0.000). Children from public schools were significantly more infected with hookworms (7.9%, P=0.050) than those in the private schools. Male schoolchildren had higher hookworm infections (5.8%) than the females (4.7%, P>0.05). The youngest children of age 6-7 years old were the most infected (9.1%); followed by those of 10-11 years old who had 5.8% infections. Children who walked barefooted (6.5%), consumed raw vegetables (5.1%) or engaged in farming (5.3%) were more infected with hookworms than those who did not, but the relationship was not significant (P>0.00). Only fever (3.0%) was found among infected children (P=0.582), other symptoms did not occur among those infected with the hookworms. Children with weight of 39-48kg had the highest infection of 8.0%. Weight, height and BMI were not statistically associated with hookworm infections among the children. However, most of the children (87.2%) had underweight BMI

    Trends and operators of instrumental vaginal deliveries in Jos, Nigeria: A 7‑year study (1997–2003)

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    Context: Instrumental vaginal delivery is one of the lifesaving functions of emergency obstetric care to reduce perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality.Objective: To determine the instrumental vaginal delivery rate, the trends, and the status of their operators in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria (JUTH) over a 7‑year period (1997–2003).Study Design: A 7‑year cross‑sectional study of obstetric service data from 1st January 1997 to 31st December 2003.Patients and Methods: A register was kept for all cases of instrumental deliveries at JUTH from 1st January 1997 to 31st December 2003. This register with the patient case notes and neonatal ward records was used to conduct this study.Results: During the study period, there were a total of 17,888 deliveries and 349 instrumental vaginal deliveries, giving a rate of 1.95%. Out of these, 238 (68.2%) were vacuum extraction and 111 (31.8%) were forceps delivery. There was a 67% decline in the use of these instruments from 84 (3.18%) in 1997 to 34 (1.05%) in 2003. Majority 313 (90%) of the procedures were performed by residents (Registrars 49%, Senior Registrars 41%). Consultants performed 10%, and all were in the first four years of the study. Forceps delivery rate 0.62% and vacuum delivery rate was 1.33%. There was a strong negative correlation with the performance of IVD in JUTH. At the current trend, no forceps delivery (R = −0.93008) will be performed in JUTH in 2005 while only 4 vacuum deliveries (R = −0.80015) will be conducted in in the same period.Discussion: There is a low instrumental vaginal delivery rate in JUTH with a strong negative correlation in the performance of these procedures. Most procedures are performed by residents, and vacuum is the preferred procedure.Conclusions: Instrumental vaginal delivery in JUTH is a dying art. Training and re‑training of resident doctors on this lifesaving function is recommended.Keywords: Instrumental vaginal delivery; Jos; Nigeri

    COHERENT Collaboration data release from the measurements of CsI[Na] response to nuclear recoils

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    Description of the data release 10.13139/OLCF/1969085 (https://doi.ccs.ornl.gov/ui/doi/426) from the measurements of the CsI[Na] response to low energy nuclear recoils by the COHERENT collaboration. The release corresponds to the results published in "D. Akimov et al 2022 JINST 17 P10034". We share the data in the form of raw ADC waveforms, provide benchmark values, and share plots to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of our results. This document describes the contents of the data release as well as guidance on the use of the data

    Monitoring the SNS basement neutron background with the MARS detector

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    We present the analysis and results of the first dataset collected with the MARS neutron detector deployed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) for the purpose of monitoring and characterizing the beam-related neutron (BRN) background for the COHERENT collaboration. MARS was positioned next to the COH-CsI coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering detector in the SNS basement corridor. This is the basement location of closest proximity to the SNS target and thus, of highest neutrino flux, but it is also well shielded from the BRN flux by infill concrete and gravel. These data show the detector registered roughly one BRN per day. Using MARS' measured detection efficiency, the incoming BRN flux is estimated to be 1.20 ± 0.56 neutrons/m2/MWh1.20~\pm~0.56~\text{neutrons}/\text{m}^2/\text{MWh} for neutron energies above 3.5\sim3.5~MeV and up to a few tens of MeV. We compare our results with previous BRN measurements in the SNS basement corridor reported by other neutron detectors.Comment: Submitted to JINS