456 research outputs found

    Combinatorics of Hard Particles on Planar Graphs

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    We revisit the problem of hard particles on planar random tetravalent graphs in view of recent combinatorial techniques relating planar diagrams to decorated trees. We show how to recover the two-matrix model solution to this problem in this purely combinatorial language.Comment: 35 pages, 20 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Distance statistics in large toroidal maps

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    We compute a number of distance-dependent universal scaling functions characterizing the distance statistics of large maps of genus one. In particular, we obtain explicitly the probability distribution for the length of the shortest non-contractible loop passing via a random point in the map, and that for the distance between two random points. Our results are derived in the context of bipartite toroidal quadrangulations, using their coding by well-labeled 1-trees, which are maps of genus one with a single face and appropriate integer vertex labels. Within this framework, the distributions above are simply obtained as scaling limits of appropriate generating functions for well-labeled 1-trees, all expressible in terms of a small number of basic scaling functions for well-labeled plane trees.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, minor corrections, new added reference

    Census of Planar Maps: From the One-Matrix Model Solution to a Combinatorial Proof

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    We consider the problem of enumeration of planar maps and revisit its one-matrix model solution in the light of recent combinatorial techniques involving conjugated trees. We adapt and generalize these techniques so as to give an alternative and purely combinatorial solution to the problem of counting arbitrary planar maps with prescribed vertex degrees.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Distance statistics in quadrangulations with a boundary, or with a self-avoiding loop

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    We consider quadrangulations with a boundary and derive explicit expressions for the generating functions of these maps with either a marked vertex at a prescribed distance from the boundary, or two boundary vertices at a prescribed mutual distance in the map. For large maps, this yields explicit formulas for the bulk-boundary and boundary-boundary correlators in the various encountered scaling regimes: a small boundary, a dense boundary and a critical boundary regime. The critical boundary regime is characterized by a one-parameter family of scaling functions interpolating between the Brownian map and the Brownian Continuum Random Tree. We discuss the cases of both generic and self-avoiding boundaries, which are shown to share the same universal scaling limit. We finally address the question of the bulk-loop distance statistics in the context of planar quadrangulations equipped with a self-avoiding loop. Here again, a new family of scaling functions describing critical loops is discovered.Comment: 55 pages, 14 figures, final version with minor correction

    Combinatorics of bicubic maps with hard particles

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    We present a purely combinatorial solution of the problem of enumerating planar bicubic maps with hard particles. This is done by use of a bijection with a particular class of blossom trees with particles, obtained by an appropriate cutting of the maps. Although these trees have no simple local characterization, we prove that their enumeration may be performed upon introducing a larger class of "admissible" trees with possibly doubly-occupied edges and summing them with appropriate signed weights. The proof relies on an extension of the cutting procedure allowing for the presence on the maps of special non-sectile edges. The admissible trees are characterized by simple local rules, allowing eventually for an exact enumeration of planar bicubic maps with hard particles. We also discuss generalizations for maps with particles subject to more general exclusion rules and show how to re-derive the enumeration of quartic maps with Ising spins in the present framework of admissible trees. We finally comment on a possible interpretation in terms of branching processes.Comment: 41 pages, 19 figures, tex, lanlmac, hyperbasics, epsf. Introduction and discussion/conclusion extended, minor corrections, references adde

    Geodesic Distance in Planar Graphs

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    We derive the exact generating function for planar maps (genus zero fatgraphs) with vertices of arbitrary even valence and with two marked points at a fixed geodesic distance. This is done in a purely combinatorial way based on a bijection with decorated trees, leading to a recursion relation on the geodesic distance. The latter is solved exactly in terms of discrete soliton-like expressions, suggesting an underlying integrable structure. We extract from this solution the fractal dimensions at the various (multi)-critical points, as well as the precise scaling forms of the continuum two-point functions and the probability distributions for the geodesic distance in (multi)-critical random surfaces. The two-point functions are shown to obey differential equations involving the residues of the KdV hierarchy.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Planar maps and continued fractions

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    We present an unexpected connection between two map enumeration problems. The first one consists in counting planar maps with a boundary of prescribed length. The second one consists in counting planar maps with two points at a prescribed distance. We show that, in the general class of maps with controlled face degrees, the solution for both problems is actually encoded into the same quantity, respectively via its power series expansion and its continued fraction expansion. We then use known techniques for tackling the first problem in order to solve the second. This novel viewpoint provides a constructive approach for computing the so-called distance-dependent two-point function of general planar maps. We prove and extend some previously predicted exact formulas, which we identify in terms of particular Schur functions.Comment: 47 pages, 17 figures, final version (very minor changes since v2

    Statistics of geodesics in large quadrangulations

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    We study the statistical properties of geodesics, i.e. paths of minimal length, in large random planar quadrangulations. We extend Schaeffer's well-labeled tree bijection to the case of quadrangulations with a marked geodesic, leading to the notion of "spine trees", amenable to a direct enumeration. We obtain the generating functions for quadrangulations with a marked geodesic of fixed length, as well as with a set of "confluent geodesics", i.e. a collection of non-intersecting minimal paths connecting two given points. In the limit of quadrangulations with a large area n, we find in particular an average number 3*2^i of geodesics between two fixed points at distance i>>1 from each other. We show that, for generic endpoints, two confluent geodesics remain close to each other and have an extensive number of contacts. This property fails for a few "exceptional" endpoints which can be linked by truly distinct geodesics. Results are presented both in the case of finite length i and in the scaling limit i ~ n^(1/4). In particular, we give the scaling distribution of the exceptional points.Comment: 37 pages, 18 color figures, improved version with several clarifications (mostly in sections 2.1 and 2.4) and one added section (3.1) on ensembles of random quadrangulation

    Unicyclic Components in Random Graphs

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    The distribution of unicyclic components in a random graph is obtained analytically. The number of unicyclic components of a given size approaches a self-similar form in the vicinity of the gelation transition. At the gelation point, this distribution decays algebraically, U_k ~ 1/(4k) for k>>1. As a result, the total number of unicyclic components grows logarithmically with the system size.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Uniform infinite planar triangulation and related time-reversed critical branching process

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    We establish a connection between the uniform infinite planar triangulation and some critical time-reversed branching process. This allows to find a scaling limit for the principal boundary component of a ball of radius R for large R (i.e. for a boundary component separating the ball from infinity). We show also that outside of R-ball a contour exists that has length linear in R.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, LaTe
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