15 research outputs found

    Modelado de la radiación solar global horaria sobre superficie inclinada mediante redes neuronales artificiales

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006

    Evaluation of two MM5-PBL parameterizations for solar radiation and temperature estimation in the South-Eastern area of the Iberian Peninsula

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    We study the relative performance of two different MM5-PBL parameterizations (Blackadar and MRF) simulating hourly values of solar irradiance and temperature in the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The evaluation was carried out throughout the different seasons of the year 2005 and for three different sky conditions: clear-sky, broken-clouds and overcast conditions. Two integrations, one per PBL parameterization, were carried out for every sky condition and season of the year and results were compared with observational data. Overall, the MM5 model, both using the Blackadar or MRF PBL parameterization, revealed to be a valid tool to estimate hourly values of solar radiation and temperature over the study area. The influence of the PBL parameterization on the model estimates was found to be more important for the solar radiation than for the temperature and highly dependent on the season and sky conditions. Particularly, a detailed analysis revealed that, during broken-clouds conditions, the ability of the model to reproduce hourly changes in the solar radiation strongly depends upon the selected PBL parameterization. Additionally, it was found that solar radiation RMSE values are about one order of magnitude higher during broken-clouds and overcast conditions compared to clear-sky conditions. For the temperature, the two PBL parameterizations provide very similar estimates. Only under overcast conditions and during the autumn, the MRF provides significantly better estimates

    Evaluación de los recursos solares utilizando entornos SIG: el problema de la resolución del Modelo Digital del Terreno

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006

    Evaluación de los recursos solares en el sur de la Península utilizando el modelo MM5

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006


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    On the use of Digital Elevation Model to estimate the solar radiation in areas o

    Influencia de la NAO en la variabilidad de la radiación solar en la región del Atlántico norte

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXVIII Jornadas Científicas de la AME y V Encuentro Hispano-Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Badajoz, del 11 al 13 de febrero de 2004.[ES]Hemos evaluado el impacto de la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte durante el invierno en el la variabilidad espacial y temporal de la radiación solar en la región del Atlántico Norte. Con este objeto hemos analizado datos de reanálisis del NCEP-NCAR CDAS-1, consistentes en radiación solar de onda corta en el periodo 1949-2002 y datos promedio mensuales de horas de sol procedentes del European Solar Radiation Atlas. La correlación entre el índice NAO y los datos de horas de sol muestran un patrón bipolar sobre la región del Atlántico Norte, con correlación máxima positiva sobre la Península Ibérica, de valor 0.75, y correlación máxima negativa sobre Noruega, con un valor -0.71. Los datos de reanálisis confirman estos resultados. Un análisis de componentes principales revela que el segundo modo de variabilidad de la radiación solar en Europa, que explica un 22.4% de la variabilidad, puede ser asociado con la NAO. Finalmente, un análisis de regresión indica, para el norte de Europa, anomalías negativas (-10% a -20%), asociadas a NAO>1, y anomalías positivas (10% a 20%) asociadas a NAO1 and positive anomalies (+20%) associated with NAO<-1 are found, while for southern Europe these anomalies are, respectively, +20% and -20%

    A Process of Creating Learning Objects from a Congress Platform

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    This paper presents the work carried out on recovering, manipulating, unificating, labeling and processing of documents developed within the congresses of TAEE (Technologies Applied to the Teaching of Electronics). The process developed consists of the creation of digital objects and documents arising from the extraction of metadata which define each digital object as a learning object. With the joint between a learning object and its metadata some information extrapolation is possible in multiple environments. Thus, these units of information permit the implementation of web environments, the study and analysis of their contents and the creation of file structures for their incorporation in repositories in a massive way