73 research outputs found

    Morphometric characteristics of the neuro ns of the human subiculum proper

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    The human subiculum is a significant part of the hippocampal formation positioned between the hippocampus proper and the entorhinal and other cortices. It plays an important role in spatial navigation, memory processing and control of the response to stress. The aim of our study was identification of the morphometric characteristics of the neurons of the human subiculum proper: the maximum length and width of cell body and total dendritic length and volume of cell body. Comparing the measured parameters of different types of subicular neurons (bipolar, multipolar, pyramidal neurons with triangular-shaped soma and neurons with oval-shaped soma), we can conclude that bipolar neurons have the lowest values of the measured parameters: the maximum length of their cell body is 14.1 ± 0.2 μm, the maximum width is 13.9 ± 0.5 μm, and total dendritic length is 14597 ± 3.1 μm. The lowest volume value was observed in bipolar neurons; the polymorphic layer is 1152.99 ± 662.69 μm 3. The pyramidal neurons of the pyramidal layer have the highest value for the maximal length of the cell body (44.43 ± 7.94 μm), maximum width (23.64 ± 1.89 μm), total dendritic length (1830 ± 466.3 μm) and volume (11768.65±4004.9 μm 3) These characteristics of the pyramidal neurons indicate their importance, because the axons of these neurons make up the greatest part of the fornix, along with the axons of neurons of the CA1 hippocampal field

    Sex dimorphism of postural parameters of the human acetabulum

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    The aim of this investigation was to examine normal acetabular morphometry, its sex dimorphism and the acetabular dysplasia rate in Serbian adults. For each hip, the centre-edge angle of Wiberg, the acetabular angle of Sharp, acetabular depth and acetabular roof obliquity were measured. The center-edge angle of Wiberg correlated negatively with the acetabular angle of Sharp and acetabular roof obliquity, but positively correlated with acetabular depth. Our results suggest that the prevalence of acetabular dysplasia in the Serbian population is lower than in Western countries. We confirmed the existence of significant gender differences in acetabular morphology among the subjects of our study. These sex-related differences in acetabular morphology were the cause for more dysplastic female acetabula compared with male acetabula

    [Comparison of socio-demographic characteristics of patients with PTSD in the four countries of former Yugoslavia following the war].

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the socio-demographic characteristics of survivors who presented for treatment in therapeutic centers in the four Balkan countries involved in the study by summarizing the results of STOP study ("Treatment Seeking and Treatment Outcomes in People Suffering from PTSD Following the War and Migration in the Balkans"). STOP study was performed in the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (specialized center Sarajevo), Croatia (centers in Zagreb and Rijeka), Serbia and Montenegro (center in Belgrade), Germany (center in Dresden) and United Kingdom (center in London). METHODS: The authors applied a socio-demographic questionnaire in patients with PTSD who presented for treatment in the centers. RESULTS: The authors present the differences among the socio-demographic characteristics of survivors who presented for treatment in therapeutic centers in the four Balkan countries involved in the study according to: gender, status (refugee, war veterans, refugee and war veteran, civilian), ethnic background, employment status, marital status and household monthly net income. CONCLUSIONS: Comparative statistical analysis of data obtained through interviews in four countries shows significant differences across the centers concerning socio-economic characteristics of the patients

    Coping strategies in civilians during air attacks

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    Background Coping strategies may influence the psychological outcome after a stressful event, both as coping at the time of the event and as strategies of dealing with its consequences after the event. The aim of the study was to investigate coping strategies used by civilians during the air attacks in Yugoslavia in 1999, and their association with the level of exposure, gender and psychological symptoms 1 year later. Method The sample is a non-selective group of 139 medical students from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Open questions and content analysis were used to assess coping strategies. Symptoms of intrusion and avoidance were assessed, as well as general psychological symptoms. Results Content analysis of answers to open questions revealed nine categories of coping strategies (sport and walks, leisure activities, talking and gathering, humor, avoidance, philosophical approach, getting information, work, and substance abuse). A cluster analysis identified three groups of students with different styles of coping. Students that used dominantly 'talking and gathering' had the highest, and the ones that mostly used 'leisure activities' the lowest scores on intrusion. There were significant gender differences in how coping strategies were associated with intrusive symptoms. Conclusion The type of coping strategies used during the air attacks may contribute to the level of intrusive symptoms 1 year after the event. Different coping strategies might be effective in men and women to reduce intrusive symptoms. Longitudinal and prospective studies are needed to draw definite conclusions on causal relationships between coping strategies and levels of posttraumatic stress

    Sexual dimorphism of medium-sized neurons with spines in human nucleus accumbens

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    The nucleus accumbens is a limbic nucleus, representing part of the striatum body, and together with the caudate nucleus and putamen, it lies on the septum. The aim of this study was to examine morphological sexual dimorphism in spine density and also to undertake an immunohistochemical study of expression for estrogen and progesterone receptors in the medium-sized neurons in the nucleus accumbens. The research was conducted on twenty human brains of persons of both sexes, between the age of 20-75 years. The Golgi method was applied to determine the types and subtypes of neurons, morphologies of soma, dendrites and axons, as well as the relations between the cells and glial elements. The following were quantitatively examined: the maximum diameter of the neurons, the minimal diameter of the neurons, and the total length of the dendrites. The expression of receptors for estrogen and progesterone, their distribution and intensity were defined immunohistochemically. The parameters of the bodies of neurons in the shell and core of the nucleus accumbens were studied in both men and women. No statistically significant differences were found. Examination of the spine density showed statistical significance in terms of a higher density of spines in women. Immunohistochemically, in the female brain estrogen expression is diffusely spread in a large number of neurons; it is extra nuclear, of granular appearance and high intensity. In the male brain, expression of estrogen is visible and distributed over about one half of different types of neurons; it is extra nuclear, of granular appearance, mostly of middle and low staining intensity. Expression of progesterone in the female brain was very discreet and on a very small number of neurons; it was extra nuclear and with a weak staining intensity. Expression of progesterone in the male brain was distributed on a small number of neurons. It had a granular appearance, it was extra nuclear, with a very low staining intensity. Our results show differences in the morphology as well as expression of receptors for estrogen and progesterone on medium-sized neurons with spines in the nucleus accumbens of men and women

    Anthropometric study of the facial index in the population of Central Serbia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the craniofacial parameters in the population of the central part of Serbia. The research was conducted on 700 persons (360 males and 340 females), aged 18-65 years, selected randomly. The measured parameters were morphological facial height and breadth. The standard spreading caliper with scale was used for the measurement of facial parameters. There were significant differences in the facial parameters of male compared to female subjects in all observed parameters. The mean value of the morphological facial height in the study population was 116.8 mm ± 7.28, maximum facial breadth 124.12 mm ± 8.44, while the mean value of the total facial index was 93.68 ± 6.86. The total facial index was calculated according to the formula and the obtained results were analyzed statistically using the t-test. The dominant phenotype in the studied population was leptoprosopic. The data obtained in our study may be useful in anthropological research, forensics, genetic research, as well as in medical clinical practice

    Prison reform in Serbia: a case for mental health?

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    This article outlines the findings of the recent research in the field of prison mental health care in Serbia, in light of the recent developments in the Serbian criminal justice system and the development of community mental health care services. The article notes paucity of research in this area, which is a reflection of the unfavorable position of offender care on the Serbian prison agenda. The authors emphasize the need for dedicated mental health legislation as well as the development of mental health services in prisons, which would mirror the developments in the community. Other suggestions for the development of prison mental health care are discussed in the text

    MDCT: Angiography of anatomical variations of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery

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    The aim of this study was to detect and describe the existence and incidence of anatomical variations of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery. The study was conducted on 150 persons, who underwent abdominal Multi- Detector Computer Tomography (MDCT) angiography, from April 2010 until November 2012. CT images were obtained with a 64-row MDCT scanner in order to analyze the vascular anatomy and anatomical variations of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery. In our study, we found that 78% of patients have a classic anatomy of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery. The most frequent variation was the origin of the common hepatic artery from the superior mesenteric artery (10%). The next variation, according to frequency, was the origin of the left gastric artery direct from the abdominal aorta (4%). The arc of Buhler as an anastomosis between the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery, was detected in 3% of cases, as was the presence of a common trunk of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery (in 3% of cases). Separate origin of the splenic artery and the common hepatic artery was present in 2% of patients. The MDCT scanner gives us an insight into normal anatomy and variations of the abdominal blood vessels, which is very important in the planning of surgical interventions, especially transplantation, as well as in the prevention of complications due to ischemia

    When a Palearctic bacterium meets a Nearctic insect vector: Genetic and ecological insights into the emergence of the grapevine Flavescence dorée epidemics in Europe

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    Flavescence dorée (FD) is a European quarantine grapevine disease transmitted by the Deltocephalinae leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus. Whereas this vector had been introduced from North America, the possible European origin of FD phytoplasma needed to be challenged and correlated with ecological and genetic drivers of FD emergence. For that purpose, a survey of genetic diversity of these phytoplasmas in grapevines, S. titanus, black alders, alder leafhoppers and clematis were conducted in five European countries. Out of 132 map genotypes, only 11 were associated to FD outbreaks, three were detected in clematis, whereas 127 were detected in alder trees, alder leafhoppers or in grapevines out of FD outbreaks. Most of the alder trees were found infected, including 8% with FD genotypes M6, M38 and M50, also present in alders neighboring FD-free vineyards and vineyard-free areas. The Macropsinae Oncopsis alni could transmit genotypes unable to achieve transmission by S. titanus, while the Deltocephalinae Allygus spp. and Orientus ishidae transmitted M38 and M50 that proved to be compatible with S. titanus. Variability of vmpA and vmpB adhesin-like genes clearly discriminated 3 genetic clusters. Cluster Vmp-I grouped genotypes only transmitted by O. alni, while clusters Vmp-II and -III grouped genotypes transmitted by Deltocephalinae leafhoppers. Interestingly, adhesin repeated domains evolved independently in cluster Vmp-I, whereas in clusters Vmp-II and-III showed recent duplications. Latex beads coated with various ratio of VmpA of clusters II and I, showed that cluster II VmpA promoted enhanced adhesion to the Deltocephalinae Euscelidius variegatus epithelial cells and were better retained in both E. variegatus and S. titanus midguts. Our data demonstrate that most FD phytoplasmas are endemic to European alders. Their emergence as grapevine epidemic pathogens appeared restricted to some genetic variants pre-existing in alders, whose compatibility to S. titanus correlates with different vmp gene sequences and VmpA binding properties