1,600 research outputs found

    The Isgur-Wise function in a relativistic model for qQˉq\bar Q system

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    We use the Dirac equation with a ``(asymptotically free) Coulomb + (Lorentz scalar) linear '' potential to estimate the light quark wavefunction for qQˉ q\bar Q mesons in the limit mQm_Q\to \infty. We use these wavefunctions to calculate the Isgur-Wise function ξ(v.v)\xi (v.v^\prime ) for orbital and radial ground states in the phenomenologically interesting range 1v.v41\leq v.v^ \prime \leq 4. We find a simple expression for the zero-recoil slope, ξ(1)=1/2ϵ2/3\xi^ \prime (1) =-1/2- \epsilon^2 /3, where ϵ\epsilon is the energy eigenvalue of the light quark, which can be identified with the Λˉ\bar\Lambda parameter of the Heavy Quark Effective Theory. This result implies an upper bound of 1/2-1/2 for the slope ξ(1)\xi^\prime (1). Also, because for a very light quark q(q=u,d)q (q=u, d) the size \sqrt {} of the meson is determined mainly by the ``confining'' term in the potential (γσr)(\gamma_\circ \sigma r), the shape of ξu,d(v.v)\xi_{u,d}(v.v^\prime ) is seen to be mostly sensitive to the dimensionless ratio Λˉu,d2/σ\bar \Lambda_{u,d}^2/\sigma. We present results for the ranges of parameters 150MeV<Λˉu,d<600MeV150 MeV <\bar \Lambda_{u,d} <600 MeV (ΛˉsΛˉu,d+100MeV)(\bar\Lambda_s \approx \bar\Lambda_{u,d}+100 MeV), 0.14GeV2σ0.25GeV20.14 {GeV}^2 \leq \sigma \leq 0.25 {GeV}^2 and light quark masses mu,md0,ms=175MeVm_u, m_d \approx 0, m_s=175 MeV and compare to existing experimental data and other theoretical estimates. Fits to the data give: Λˉu,d2/σ=4.8±1.7{\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/\sigma =4.8\pm 1.7 , ξu,d(1)=2.4±0.7-\xi^\prime_{u,d}(1)=2.4\pm 0.7 and VcbτB1.48ps=0.050±0.008\vert V_{cb} \vert \sqrt {\frac {\tau_B}{1.48 ps}}=0.050\pm 0.008 [ARGUS '93]; Λˉu,d2/σ=3.4±1.8{\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/\sigma = 3.4\pm 1.8, ξu,d(1)=1.8±0.7-\xi^\prime_{u,d}(1)=1.8\pm 0.7 and VcbτB1.48ps=0.043±0.008\vert V_{cb} \vert \sqrt { \frac {\tau_B}{1.48 ps}}=0.043\pm 0.008 [CLEO '93]; ${\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 4 figures (not included) available by fax or via email upon reques

    Using Part-of-Speech N-grams for Sensitive-Text Classification

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    Freedom of Information legislations in many western democ- racies, including the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA), state that citizens have typically the right to access government documents. However, certain sensitive information is exempt from release into the pub- lic domain. For example, in the UK, FOIA Exemption 27 (International Relations) excludes the release of Informa- tion that might damage the interests of the UK abroad. Therefore, the process of reviewing government documents for sensitivity is essential to determine if a document must be redacted before it is archived, or closed until the infor- mation is no longer sensitive. With the increased volume of digital government documents in recent years, there is a need for new tools to assist the digital sensitivity review process. Therefore, in this paper we propose an automatic approach for identifying sensitive text in documents by measuring the amount of sensitivity in sequences of text. Using government documents reviewed by trained sensitivity reviewers, we fo- cus on an aspect of FOIA Exemption 27 which can have a major impact on international relations, namely information supplied in con�dence. We show that our approach leads to markedly increased recall of sensitive text, while achieving a very high level of precision, when compared to a baseline that has been shown to be e�ective at identifying sensitive text in other domains

    Changing Ionization Conditions in SDSS Galaxies with AGN as a Function of Environment from Pairs to Clusters

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    We study how AGN activity changes across environments from galaxy pairs to clusters using 143843143\, 843 galaxies with z<0.2z<0.2 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Using a refined technique, we apply a continuous measure of AGN activity, characteristic of the ionization state of the narrow-line emitting gas. Changes in key emission-line ratios ([NII]λ6548\lambda6548/Hα\alpha, [OIII]λ5007\lambda5007/Hβ\beta) between different samples allow us to disentangle different environmental effects while removing contamination. We confirm that galaxy interactions enhance AGN activity. However, conditions in the central regions of clusters are inhospitable for AGN activity even if galaxies are in pairs. These results can be explained through models of gas dynamics in which pair interactions stimulate the transfer of gas to the nucleus and clusters suppress gas availability for accretion onto the central black hole.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Recovering 3D structural properties of galaxies from SDSS-like photometry

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    Because of the 3D nature of galaxies, an algorithm for constructing spatial density distribution models of galaxies on the basis of galaxy images has many advantages over surface density distribution approximations. We present a method for deriving spatial structure and overall parameters of galaxies from images and estimate its accuracy and derived parameter degeneracies on a sample of idealised model galaxies. The test galaxies consist of a disc-like component and a spheroidal component with varying proportions and properties. Both components are assumed to be axially symmetric and coplanar. We simulate these test galaxies as if observed in the SDSS project through ugriz filters, thus gaining a set of realistically imperfect images of galaxies with known intrinsic properties. These artificial SDSS galaxies were thereafter remodelled by approximating the surface brightness distribution with a 2D projection of a bulge+disc spatial distribution model and the restored parameters were compared to the initial ones. Down to the r-band limiting magnitude 18, errors of the restored integral luminosities and colour indices remain within 0.05 mag and errors of the luminosities of individual components within 0.2 mag. Accuracy of the restored bulge-to-disc ratios (B/D) is within 40% in most cases, and becomes worse for galaxies with low B/D, but the general balance between bulges and discs is not shifted systematically. Assuming that the intrinsic disc axial ratio is < 0.3, the inclination angles can be estimated with errors < 5deg for most of the galaxies with B/D < 2 and with errors < 15deg up to B/D = 6. Errors of the recovered sizes of the galactic components are below 10% in most cases. In general, models of disc components are more accurate than models of spheroidal components for geometrical reasons.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in RA

    The KMOS^3D Survey: design, first results, and the evolution of galaxy kinematics from 0.7<z<2.7

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    We present the KMOS^3D survey, a new integral field survey of over 600 galaxies at 0.7<z<2.7 using KMOS at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The KMOS^3D survey utilizes synergies with multi-wavelength ground and space-based surveys to trace the evolution of spatially-resolved kinematics and star formation from a homogeneous sample over 5 Gyrs of cosmic history. Targets, drawn from a mass-selected parent sample from the 3D-HST survey, cover the star formation-stellar mass (MM_*) and rest-frame (UV)M(U-V)-M_* planes uniformly. We describe the selection of targets, the observations, and the data reduction. In the first year of data we detect Halpha emission in 191 M=3×1097×1011M_*=3\times10^{9}-7\times10^{11} Msun galaxies at z=0.7-1.1 and z=1.9-2.7. In the current sample 83% of the resolved galaxies are rotation-dominated, determined from a continuous velocity gradient and vrot/σ>1v_{rot}/\sigma>1, implying that the star-forming 'main sequence' (MS) is primarily composed of rotating galaxies at both redshift regimes. When considering additional stricter criteria, the Halpha kinematic maps indicate at least ~70% of the resolved galaxies are disk-like systems. Our high-quality KMOS data confirm the elevated velocity dispersions reported in previous IFS studies at z>0.7. For rotation-dominated disks, the average intrinsic velocity dispersion decreases by a factor of two from 50 km/s at z~2.3 to 25 km/s at z~0.9 while the rotational velocities at the two redshifts are comparable. Combined with existing results spanning z~0-3, disk velocity dispersions follow an approximate (1+z) evolution that is consistent with the dependence of velocity dispersion on gas fractions predicted by marginally-stable disk theory.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 1 Appendix; Accepted to ApJ November 2

    Quenched QCD at finite density

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    Simulations of quenched QCDQCD at relatively small but {\it nonzero} chemical potential μ\mu on 32×16332 \times 16^3 lattices indicate that the nucleon screening mass decreases linearly as μ\mu increases predicting a critical chemical potential of one third the nucleon mass, mN/3m_N/3, by extrapolation. The meson spectrum does not change as μ\mu increases over the same range, from zero to mπ/2m_\pi/2. Past studies of quenched lattice QCD have suggested that there is phase transition at μ=mπ/2\mu = m_\pi/2. We provide alternative explanations for these results, and find a number of technical reasons why standard lattice simulation techniques suffer from greatly enhanced fluctuations and finite size effects for μ\mu ranging from mπ/2m_\pi/2 to mN/3m_N/3. We find evidence for such problems in our simulations, and suggest that they can be surmounted by improved measurement techniques.Comment: 23 pages, Revte

    Compact to extended Lyman-α\alpha emitters in MAGPI: strong blue peak emission at z3z\gtrsim3

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    We report the discovery of three double-peaked Lyman-α\alpha emitters (LAEs) exhibiting strong blue peak emission at 2.9 z\lesssim z \lesssim 4.8, in the VLT/MUSE data obtained as part of the Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy (MAGPI) survey. These strong blue peak systems provide a unique window into the scattering of Lyman-α\alpha photons by neutral hydrogen (HI), suggesting gas inflows along the line-of-sight and low HI column density. Two of them at z=2.9z=2.9 and z=3.6z=3.6 are spatially extended halos with their core regions clearly exhibiting stronger blue peak emissions than the red peak. However, spatial variations in the peak ratio and peak separation are evident over 25×2625\times 26 kpc (z=2.9z=2.9) and 19×2819\times28 kpc (z=3.6z=3.6) regions in these extended halos. Notably, these systems do not fall in the regime of Lyman-α\alpha blobs or nebulae. To the best of our knowledge, such a Lyman-α\alpha halo with a dominant blue core has not been observed previously. In contrast, the LAE at z4.8z\sim4.8 is a compact system spanning a 9×99\times9 kpc region and stands as the highest-redshift strong blue peak emitter ever detected. The peak separation of the bright cores in these three systems ranges from Δpeak370\Delta_{\mathrm{peak}}\sim370 to 660660 km/s. The observed overall trend of decreasing peak separation with increasing radius is supposed to be controlled by HI column density and gas covering fraction. Based on various estimations, in contrast to the compact LAE, our halos are found to be good candidates for LyC leakers. These findings shed light on the complex interplay between Lyman-α\alpha emission, gas kinematics, and ionising radiation properties, offering valuable insights into the evolution and nature of high-redshift galaxies.Comment: 2 Figures, 1 Table, accepted for A&A Letter

    Nonlinear spectral calculus and super-expanders

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    Nonlinear spectral gaps with respect to uniformly convex normed spaces are shown to satisfy a spectral calculus inequality that establishes their decay along Cesaro averages. Nonlinear spectral gaps of graphs are also shown to behave sub-multiplicatively under zigzag products. These results yield a combinatorial construction of super-expanders, i.e., a sequence of 3-regular graphs that does not admit a coarse embedding into any uniformly convex normed space.Comment: Typos fixed based on referee comments. Some of the results of this paper were announced in arXiv:0910.2041. The corresponding parts of arXiv:0910.2041 are subsumed by the current pape

    What explains the uneven take-up of ISO 14001 at the global level?: a panel-data analysis

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    Since its release in the mid-1990s, close to 37 000 facilities have been certified to ISO 14001, the international voluntary standard for environmental management systems. Yet, despite claims that the standard can be readily adapted to very different corporate and geographic settings, its take-up has been highly geographically variable. This paper contributes to a growing body of work concerned with explaining the uneven diffusion of ISO 14001 at the global level. Drawing from the existing theoretical and empirical literature we develop a series of hypotheses about how various economic, market, and regulatory factors influence the national count of ISO 14001 certifications. These hypotheses are then tested using econometric estimation techniques with data for a panel of 142 developed and developing countries. We find that per capita ISO 14001 counts are positively correlated with income per capita, stock of foreign direct investment, exports of goods and services to Europe and Japan, and pressure from civil society. Conversely, productivity and levels of state intervention are negatively correlated. The paper finishes by offering a number of recommendations to policymakers concerned with accelerating the diffusion of voluntary environmental standards