4,539 research outputs found

    The Transition State in a Noisy Environment

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    Transition State Theory overestimates reaction rates in solution because conventional dividing surfaces between reagents and products are crossed many times by the same reactive trajectory. We describe a recipe for constructing a time-dependent dividing surface free of such recrossings in the presence of noise. The no-recrossing limit of Transition State Theory thus becomes generally available for the description of reactions in a fluctuating environment

    The Structure Of The Accretion Disk In The ADC Source 4U 1822-371

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    The low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1822-371 has an accretion disk corona (ADC) that scatters X-ray photons from the inner disk and neutron star out of the line of sight. It has a high orbital inclination and the secondary star eclipses the disk and ADC. We have obtained new time-resolved UV spectrograms and V- and I-band photometry of 4U 1822-371. The large quadratic term in our new optical eclipse ephemeris confirms that the system has an extremely high rate of mass transfer and mass accretion. The C IV lambda lambda = 1548 - 1550 angstrom emission line has a half width of similar to 4400 km/s, indicating a strong, high velocity wind is being driven off the accretion disk. Near the disk the wind is optically thick in UV, V, and J and the eclipse analysis shows that in V and J the optically thick wind extends nearly to the outer edge of the disk. The ADC must also extend vertically to a height equal to approximately half the disk radius.Astronom

    Fast Photometry of Quiescent Soft X-ray Transients with the Gemini-South Acquisition Camera

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    We present a compilation of high time-resolution photometric observations of quiescent soft X-ray transients obtained with the acquisition camera of Gemini-South. A0620-00 was observed with a short cycle time and high precision. Superimposed on the ellipsoidal modulation we find several prominent flares together with weaker continual variability. The flares seen sample shorter timescale than those reported in previous observations, with rise times as low as 30s or less; most flares show unresolved peaks. The power density spectrum (PDS) of A0620-00 appears to exhibit band-limited noise closely resembling the X-ray PDS of black hole candidates in their low states, but with the low-frequency break at a lower frequency. X-ray Nova Mus 1991 shows much larger amplitude flares than A0620-00 and if a break is present it is at a lower frequency. X-ray Nova Vel 1993 shows very little flaring and is, like A0620-00, dominated by the ellipsoidal modulation. We discuss the possible origins for the flares. They are clearly associated with the accretion flow rather than an active companion, but whether they originate in the outer disc, or are driven by events in the inner region is not yet resolved. The similarities of the PDS to those of low/hard state sources would support the latter interpretation, and the low break frequency is as would be expected if this frequency approximately scales with the size of an inner evaporated region. We also report the discovery of a new variable star only 14arcsec from XN Mus 1991. This appears to be a W UMa star, with an orbital period of about 6hrs.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Langevin Equation for the Rayleigh model with finite-ranged interactions

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    Both linear and nonlinear Langevin equations are derived directly from the Liouville equation for an exactly solvable model consisting of a Brownian particle of mass MM interacting with ideal gas molecules of mass mm via a quadratic repulsive potential. Explicit microscopic expressions for all kinetic coefficients appearing in these equations are presented. It is shown that the range of applicability of the Langevin equation, as well as statistical properties of random force, may depend not only on the mass ratio m/Mm/M but also by the parameter Nm/MNm/M, involving the average number NN of molecules in the interaction zone around the particle. For the case of a short-ranged potential, when N1N\ll 1, analysis of the Langevin equations yields previously obtained results for a hard-wall potential in which only binary collisions are considered. For the finite-ranged potential, when multiple collisions are important (N1N\gg 1), the model describes nontrivial dynamics on time scales that are on the order of the collision time, a regime that is usually beyond the scope of more phenomenological models.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    ULTRACAM observations of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 in quiescence

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    We present high time-resolution multicolour observations of the quiescent soft X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 obtained with ULTRACAM. Superimposed on the double-humped continuum g' and i'-band lightcurves are rapid flare events which typically last a few minutes. The power density spectrum of the lightcurves can be described by a broken power-law model with a break frequency at ~2 mHz or a power-law model plus a broad quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) at ~2 mHz. In the context of the cellular-automaton we estimate the size of the quiescent advection-dominated flow (ADAF) region to be ~10^4 Schwarzschild radii, similar to that observed in other quiescent black hole X-ray transients, suggesting the same underlying physics. The similarites between the low/hard and quiescent state PDS suggest a similar origin for the optical and X-ray variability, most likely from regions at/near the ADAF.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    1/f spectrum and memory function analysis of solvation dynamics in a room-temperature ionic liquid

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    To understand the non-exponential relaxation associated with solvation dynamics in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, we study power spectra of the fluctuating Franck-Condon energy gap of a diatomic probe solute via molecular dynamics simulations. Results show 1/f dependence in a wide frequency range over 2 to 3 decades, indicating distributed relaxation times. We analyze the memory function and solvation time in the framework of the generalized Langevin equation using a simple model description for the power spectrum. It is found that the crossover frequency toward the white noise plateau is directly related to the time scale for the memory function and thus the solvation time. Specifically, the low crossover frequency observed in the ionic liquid leads to a slowly-decaying tail in its memory function and long solvation time. By contrast, acetonitrile characterized by a high crossover frequency and (near) absence of 1/f behavior in its power spectra shows fast relaxation of the memory function and single-exponential decay of solvation dynamics in the long-time regime.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    SS433:the microquasar link with ULXs?

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    SS433 is the prototype microquasar in the Galaxy and may even be analogous to the ULX sources if the jets' kinetic energy is taken into account. However, in spite of 20 years of study, our constraints on the nature of the binary system are extremely limited as a result of the difficulty of locating spectral features that can reveal the nature and motion of the mass donor. Newly acquired, high resolution blue spectra taken when the (precessing) disc is edge-on suggest that the binary is close to a common-envelope phase, and hence providing kinematic constraints is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, we do find evidence for a massive donor, as expected for the inferred very high mass transfer rate, and we compare SS433's properties with those of Cyg X-3.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in "Compact binaries in the Galaxy and beyond

    Multiwavelength Observations of Swift J1753.5-0127

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    We present contemporaneous X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared observations of the black hole binary system, Swift J1753.5-0127, acquired in 2012 October. The UV observations, obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, are the first UV spectra of this system. The dereddened UV spectrum is characterized by a smooth, blue continuum and broad emission lines of CIV and HeII. The system was stable in the UV to <10% during our observations. We estimated the interstellar reddening by fitting the 2175 A absorption feature and fit the interstellar absorption profile of Lyα\alpha to directly measure the neutral hydrogen column density along the line of sight. By comparing the UV continuum flux to steady-state thin accretion disk models, we determined upper limits on the distance to the system as a function of black hole mass. The continuum is well fit with disk models dominated by viscous heating rather than irradiation. The broadband spectral energy distribution shows the system has declined at all wavelengths since previous broadband observations in 2005 and 2007. If we assume that the UV emission is dominated by the accretion disk the inner radius of the disk must be truncated at radii above the ISCO to be consistent with the X-ray flux, requiring significant mass loss from outflows and/or energy loss via advection into the black hole to maintain energy balance.Comment: To appear in the Ap

    Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of V404 Cygni during its 2015 June outburst decay strengthen the case for an extremely energetic jet-base

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    We present results of multiband optical photometry of the black hole X-ray binary system V404 Cygni obtained using Wheaton College Observatory's 0.3m telescope, along with strictly simultaneous INTEGRAL and Swift observations during 2015 June 25.15--26.33 UT, and 2015 June 27.10--27.34 UT. These observations were made during the 2015 June outburst of the source when it was going through an epoch of violent activity in all wavelengths ranging from radio to γ\gamma-rays. The multiwavelength variability timescale favors a compact emission region, most likely originating in a jet outflow, for both observing epochs presented in this work. The simultaneous INTEGRAL/Imager on Board the Integral Satellite (IBIS) 20--40 keV light curve obtained during the June 27 observing run correlates very strongly with the optical light curve, with no detectable delay between the optical bands as well as between the optical and hard X-rays. The average slope of the dereddened spectral energy distribution was roughly flat between the ICI_C- and VV-bands during the June 27 run, even though the optical and X-ray flux varied by >>25×\times during the run, ruling out an irradiation origin for the optical and suggesting that the optically thick to optically thin jet synchrotron break during the observations was at a frequency larger than that of VV-band, which is quite extreme for X-ray binaries. These observations suggest that the optical emission originated very close to the base of the jet. A strong Hα\alpha emission line, probably originating in a quasi-spherical nebula around the source, also contributes significantly in the RCR_C-band. Our data, in conjunction with contemporaneous data at other wavelengths presented by other groups, strongly suggest that the jet-base was extremely compact and energetic during this phase of the outburst.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We discuss radio sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey region. By cross-matching the X-ray sources in this field with the NRAO VLA Sky Survey archival data, we find 12 candidate matches. We present a classification scheme for radio/X-ray matches in surveys taken in or near the Galactic plane, taking into account other multiwavelength data. We show that none of the matches found here is likely to be due to coronal activity from normal stars because the radio to X-ray flux ratios are systematically too high. We show that one of the source could be a radio pulsar, and that one could be a planetary nebula, but that the bulk of the sources are likely to be background active galactic nuclei (AGN), with many confirmed through a variety of approaches. Several of the AGN are bright enough in the near-infrared (and presumably in the optical) to use as probes of the interstellar medium in the inner Galaxy