428 research outputs found

    On the significance of radiative corrections on measurements of the EMC effect

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    Analyzing global data on the EMC effect, which denotes differences in parton distribution functions in nuclei compared to unbound nucleons, reveals tensions. Precise measurements at Jefferson Lab, studying both x and A dependence, show systematic discrepancies among experiments, making the extraction of the A dependence of the EMC effect sensitive to the selection of datasets. By comparing various methods and assumptions used to calculate radiative corrections, we have identified differences that, while not large, significantly impact the EMC ratios and show that using a consistent radiative correction procedure resolves this discrepancy, leading to a more coherent global picture, and allowing for a more robust extraction of the EMC effect for infinite nuclear matter.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    A Few-Degree Calorimeter for the future Electron-Ion Collider

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    Measuring the region 0.1<Q2<1.00.1 < Q^{2} < 1.0 GeV2^{2} is essential to support searches for gluon saturation at the future Electron-Ion Collider. Recent studies have revealed that covering this region at the highest beam energies is not feasible with current detector designs, resulting in the so-called Q2Q^{2} gap. In this work, we present a design for the Few-Degree Calorimeter (FDC), which addresses this issue. The FDC uses SiPM-on-tile technology with tungsten absorber and covers the range of 4.6<η<3.6-4.6 < \eta < -3.6. It offers fine transverse and longitudinal granularity, along with excellent time resolution, enabling standalone electron tagging. Our design represents the first concrete solution to bridge the Q2Q^{2} gap at the EIC

    Assessment of Connections Between Knowledge- Based Economy Characteristics and Selected Macroeconomic Categories in the European Union's Countries by Means of Panel Models

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of knowledge-based economy variables on the selected macroeconomic categories - the share of total investments in GDP and the employment rate- in European Union's countries in the years 2000-2007, conducted with application of panel models.Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu zmiennych opisujących gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy na podstawowe kategorie makroekonomiczne - udział całkowitych inwestycji w PKB i stopę zatrudnienia - w krajach Unii Europejskiej (z podziałem na kraje UE-15 i nowe kraje członkowskie UE) w latach 2000-2007, przeprowadzona w oparciu o modele panelowe

    Measured Radiation and Background Levels During Transmission of Megawatt Electron Beams Through Millimeter Apertures

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    We report measurements of photon and neutron radiation levels observed while transmitting a 0.43 MW electron beam through millimeter-sized apertures and during beam-off, but accelerating gradient RF-on, operation. These measurements were conducted at the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) facility of the Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (JLab) using a 100 MeV electron beam from an energy-recovery linear accelerator. The beam was directed successively through 6 mm, 4 mm, and 2 mm diameter apertures of length 127 mm in aluminum at a maximum current of 4.3 mA (430 kW beam power). This study was conducted to characterize radiation levels for experiments that need to operate in this environment, such as the proposed DarkLight Experiment. We find that sustained transmission of a 430 kW continuous-wave (CW) beam through a 2 mm aperture is feasible with manageable beam-related backgrounds. We also find that during beam-off, RF-on operation, multipactoring inside the niobium cavities of the accelerator cryomodules is the primary source of ambient radiation when the machine is tuned for 130 MeV operation.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Transmission of High-Power Electron Beams Through Small Apertures

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    Tests were performed to pass a 100 MeV, 430 kWatt c.w. electron beam from the energy-recovery linac at the Jefferson Laboratory's FEL facility through a set of small apertures in a 127 mm long aluminum block. Beam transmission losses of 3 p.p.m. through a 2 mm diameter aperture were maintained during a 7 hour continuous run.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.019

    Developing a High Resolution ZDC for the EIC

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    The Electron Ion Collider offers the opportunity to make un-paralleled multidimen- sional measurements of the spin structure of the proton and nuclei, as well as a study of the onset of partonic saturation at small Bjorken-x [1]. An important requirement of the physics program is the tagging of spectator neutrons and the identification of forward photons. We propose to design and build a Zero Degree Calorimeter, or ZDC, to measure photons and neutrons with excellent energy & position resolution

    Measuring efficiency of innovation using combined Data Envelopment Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling:empirical study in EU regions

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    The main aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of patent applications, development level, employment level and degree of technological diversity on innovation efficiency. Innovation efficiency is derived by relating innovation inputs and innovation outputs. Expenditures in Research and Development and Human Capital stand for innovation inputs. Technological knowledge diffusion that comes from spatial and technological neighborhood stands for innovation output. We derive innovation efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis for 192 European regions for a 12-year period (1995–2006). We also examine the impact of patents production, development and employment level and the level of technological diversity on innovation efficiency using Structural Equation Modeling. This paper contributes a method of innovation efficiency estimation in terms of regional knowledge spillovers and causal relationship of efficiency measurement criteria. The study reveals that the regions presenting high innovation activities through patents production have higher innovation efficiency. Additionally, our findings show that the regions characterized by high levels of employment achieve innovation sources exploitation efficiently. Moreover, we find that the level of regional development has both a direct and indirect effect on innovation efficiency. More accurately, transition and less developed regions in terms of per capita GDP present high levels of efficiency if they innovate in specific and limited technological fields. On the other hand, the more developed regions can achieve high innovation efficiency if they follow a more decentralized innovation policy